Show AN UNLUCKY MAIL CAR no Is I 1 a veritable terror to the erie railway mon alan railroad men as a rule are lamfrom far lar from being superstitious but there is a tain mail car on the erie railroad which trainmen always dread to have on their train this car which is regarded with such a superstitious dread is is rna mail car no on account of the aversion avercio to it this car is kept at the shops except when it is absolutely needed on the line this car according to the chicago tribune has a r record e cord which perhaps no other cai car in existence can equal not this car alone but all its predecessors bearing the same number have met with disaster in the great disaster at tioga center thirteen years ago mail car no was wrecked and burned anew A new no was soon after built at the jersey city shops after being in a number of minor wrecks it went down the steep bank at shohola a few years ago in one of the worst wrecks the road has ever experienced the remains of this ill fated car were burned and a new one bearing the same number was built at the buffalo car shops for a short time the bright new car ran from one end of the road to the other in safety id and the trainmen began to lose their fear of it when it was in their train its luc luck kWas was short lived however and it has been in nearly every serious serious wreck the road has had since A little over a week ago train tra inNo no T 12 ran off the track at a switch As was expected this car was on the train recently there was a wreck near Lack waxen A railroad man at that t lin i oa 01 the day of the wreck in talking in to ome lome passengers said 1111 ill bet was in the train when the train lip lifted d been put on the track and pulled slowly into the station the railroad man said there I 1 told you so sure enough there was the mail car with the unlucky in big figures on its sides these three figures are a terror to every man on the road and un until til the car is laid up for good the railroad men say sav frequent wrecks may be looked for |