Show city and county jottings cottings Jot tings BUILDINGS will be dut up on easy eirv terms by G IV mickel call anti and sei eee him t five per cent paid quarterly on sav inza deposits at provo commercial savings bank f FROM 1 up received on 01 sayings savings de I 1 t J R cashier KRA vors HEADACHE CAPSULES war ranted for sale by smoot drua co ABSTRACTS of title promptly jarniac ed by the county recorder for all city county and mining property situated n utah county APPLY to G IV mickel for in forma tion if vou desire to make cash loans THE tae finest line of legal blanks at the he provo book and stationery store etore BEE keepers will do well to consult geo W mickel provo before purchasing their supplies for 1893 MASKS of all kinds binds for the forth comi com inz grand masquerade ball can be ba obtained on reasonable terms at the provo book anil and SWi stationery onery store KRAc sEa HEADACHE CAPSULES warranted for sale bale by smoot drug co atthe orand grand masquerade ball at the opera house on the dinst unmasking will take place at 1030 0 PROCEEDS of the grand masquerade ball to be ba held feb are for the benefit of the opera boera house tile THE decorations of the ope a house for the coming ball will be something attractive t will be prizes given to tho the best personated persona ted lady and gentleman charac at the masquerade f tile the best boring medicina is a dose of two of st patricks Fa tricka pills they not only physic but bat cleanse the whole system purify the blood for bale bycy maiben Druze Druz zieta ieta f RANGE co photographers union blockland Bloc kand K X str ah aih and ath provo are first class work large crayon picture with frame only 5 Bats action go to N 0 Ramus sens the west end butcher Butch pr for tender lender steaks the od folks friend t nose hue but the choicest steers and fat ca calves vea bought by the west end butcher t f hanny boshard will hereafter run the boyden boy den jab wago nand will attend to orders for scavenger work Orders left at grocery will willbe be promptly attend ed cd to HAVE you seon seen the goods that S S jones are offering in their grand bargain ealo eale t AN elegant assortment of spring dross dresa goods all new esades and weaves selling right along with the bargain sala ale at S 8 co t tue THE latest books magazines etc at the tha provo book stationery store GET your mass masks for the great masquerade quer afo ball at t the te provo book and sta store ro FOR tho the columbia celebration at spanish frk tho tha best line is tho the union pacific trains leave at 9 40 a m and G 40 p in no ko change of cars care tun only revised and reliable le legal al blanka in utah approved by the best beat legal authority extant ask aek co for free samples provo prove utah f t welby has announced a boty rate from ogden and from salt lake for the telegraphers ball feb at Spring springville ville miss misa roberts roberta will sing tho the same solo eolo she aha san sang in ia the salt L lake ke tabernacle Tabera aclo last october at the BYA BY A choral society festival next saturday evenin evening 9 THE fourth ward glee club will present that ever popular charming tion that leaches the hearts of au an audience anti and makes thorn them feel a lon ing tor for home family kindred and 11 about them the vacant bacan ob jb at the tha B Y A festival it ha that the boys sing ans selection boen i t remarked ion equally as well as aa abo aba invocation to harmony which was r considered to be ba the best beat male mala chorus singing lone done in utah ever PARLEY hindmarsh Hind marah has received from fram the insurance companies 1800 hi loss by fire the building will lio be repaired and ana he ha will resume bousi ness in a few days daya birthday will be celebrated on wednesday at the 13 Y academy an excellent program pro gramme of will bo be carried out in the forenoon JOSEPH bull ball fol foi many years with the deseret news but now naw with the salt like lake herald was wag a caller at our aana tum saturday baor B delivered an in te resting lecture friday evening on hawaii before the Polo society ti TICKETS tor for the 13 Y A festival may bs be had at tha provo book stationer store and at skelton co a THE following are the committees appo antel for the charity ball at the meeting on friday evening chairman AV X N dusenberry finance committee J L davia davi S E E dudley A L booth and T J green reception recaption IV N dusenberry Dasen berry J D jones J R Tw elTes 11 R 11 II dodd clara do dusenbery henbery ida jones jonas lizzle lizzie dark clark and ettie out floor managers C A glazier 11 IL martin reed and pro greenlee Os O s sunday next at 2 p m davi babii i tatum of chicago iiii will le anre at the provo meeting Al eating house on the subject I 1 liquor and License four our nations peril the home hame ana saloon Maloon and bo how R toSa to save the boys 11 mr tatum is a minister of the gospel it in the friends church quakers an interesting address may bs ba expected all are cordially invited to attend five tramps were lodged at the city jail last night they were allowed to 10 depart this morning on promising to clear out of town in double quick time provo prove teachers tsa chera went to alpine on Satur saturday dai to attend the meets ineat inz ing of the the teachers of tho the northern barof aba county A most interesting session session wai wag held and in the evening a S dell delightful fitful ball was given ie ans K R G IV depot nt at payson was wall broken into on saturday night and seven sacks of flour and five callona q of oil stolen etolen the bur burglars gars could find no anoney but in their search for lucre a number of were wera pried open and their contents ec altered about |