Show aley of f the rio bio grande western has gone to tg Chi chicago esgo we remember dr huff going back east and at torney deleth but of course mr aley is on other business J A todd relief a kent agent of cf tho th road is located here bere during mr aleys absence THE decorations of the opera house for the coming ball will be something attractive turre will be prizes oven eiven to thebert personated persona ted lady and gentleman clarae at the masquerade THE provo lH milling illing co are now turning out a first class grade of graham flour it corresponds with the b cited flour in excellence and ana should be tested by all who use graham THE pol cal society of the B Y r wil hold bold its regular session on friday evening next when alee ture on the hawaiian H PI n islands will be delivered by prof R cluff A couple of hawaiian Haws iian natives will be present There will also be ba an e given consisting of songs and instrumental music IT might occur to some borne that a whole evenings entertainment devoted to q quaint ubi at witty and humorous sayings and d recitations dialect recitations etc no matter of how high an order of artistic merit would possibly become becom e somewhat monotonous to avoid this mr A P burbank who is associated with bill wye nye and whose genius genins in poetic and dri dramatic matic recitation has never huen been excelled in this countr given give it a liberal place on the pro gramme the of two such noted artists rj it ucb widely different type furnishes ma ment nt et at the opera house this evening ir IF you yon have never seen been or heard bill nye you ym have wasted the beet beat portion f your life if you have beard him I 1 you cannot retain from bearing him achain at the opera house honse this evening and A P are tho greatest and most attraction on the road ro ad they aro are playing to standing room only nearly every night in the week they furnish a whole weeks laugh in abne one evenings entertainment mr burbank in b hia 13 special line is on ona of the area greatest test artists artista on t the be american america n plage at the opera house this even eve nin ins |