Show mm COUN ta 7 AF F AlPi WS revision I 1 y compilation I 1 I 1 OF CITY ordinances thomas gets judgment against corporation corpo po ration for 2420 the representatives of cities of utah con county nty met this morning morn inc in the city council chamber pursuant to adjournment to consider the matter of corn com ailina aud pre reis irig the respective city ordinances there were present mayor W N dusenberry berry councilors councillors Counci lors barney and faller of councilor T J mclellan Ile Lellan oi 01 payson mayor able J evans oi of lehi clyor M byor aaroon aaraon and attorney creez creer of span spanish i sh fork mayor thorn of pleasant grove grov 2 mr lir barney chairman of the committee ailtee a appointed p p 5 anted at the last meeting me etine reports reported d t that t the matter of revising compiling and publishing had daen been considered and approximate figures had been obtained the tha esti estimate mate tor for re revising and compiling com outside of law services for a hook book of pages was W as law services not to exceed 1 printing 1280 copies magazine covers to giving a gross across cost of 1 1850 at the outside and probably the cst c bt would be a great deal lees the bin binding ling would not exceed 23 25 cents for cloth binding and ba cents for law sheep binding mayor dusenberry another member of the committee cr urged the necessity of a liberal supply of books for each city many books might be ba sold H he 13 big suggested d S K R thurman as a safe con fier yative alive man to attend to toe legal part of the work the report of the committee commit teo was accepted considerable inci incidental dantal discussion enaud as to mode of proceed proc ure in tho work mr barney moved that the tha cities represented operate cooperate co in the revising ra compiling moiling co and printing odthe of the respective city ordinances a aid aad ad that each city bear its proportionate expense according to the number of rages pages in its book the number of books wanted etc estimates of cost to be made on a basis of a total cumber of 1200 copies to be printed and that a commission commit sion one in member ember from each city be appointed to carry out this work and iland apportion the cost among the respective cities |