Show EMINENT SUICIDES clive and ad killed Then itel res and napoleon attempted to the history of suicides present a long aray of eminent victims the suicides of antiquity are not hot zon awn si dered for men were educato iii ic those days to embrace ils lit when all was lost we do not find fina many conspicuous instances of suicide in the middle ages outdoor activity and an intensely practical life was the rule with the men of sensibility outside of convent walls the suicide was not common until the eighteenth century when men of sedentary lives began to multiply the no nineteenth century is conspicuous for suicides idea compared with the eighteenth and the most studious nation in the world germany furnishes the largest list of suicides next to germany france furnis furnishes bas the largest list of suicides among civilized people the english are ace not to suicide their love of outdoor sports keeps them free from dyspepsia and disorder of tho the liver and their native courage and endurance prompts them to cling to life even when life is but one long ceaseless round of pain three eminent englishmen have committed suicide a clave ve vas the er of En glands indian empire em sir samuel romilly Eo milly a great jurist and philanthropist and lord castlereagh Castle Cast lerea reagh gh a famous statesman state 5 En glands representative in the congress of vienna after the fall of napoleon clive was a hypochondriac from youth and used opium in his last year s romilly was despondent over the death of his wife and bitterly re dented his act with his dying breath the self destruction of castlereagh Castle reagh was never clearly explained napoleon nap attempted suicide frederick the great prepared for it by carrying jarr ying poison in his clothes during his dreadful fight for his crown iao no eminent american has ever committed suicide although suicide is more common in america than iu in england owing doubtless to the intensity of our 0 u r I 1 gle for wealth and fame insane men frequently suicide but I 1 it can hardly be said that all suicides aro are insane the paralysis of the instinct of self preservation may result from rom severo severe mental bodily suffering and the deliberation and seeming sanity of the suicides preparation for death the calmness of his last wor words d would of often ten seem see in to forbid the theory ry of insanity the hopeless consumptive the victim of cancer not seldom commits suicide to secure that ahat su sudden d stop to suffering that we call humanity when extended to a wretched brute suicide is rare among savage tribes probably because they are so BO occupied with purely material matters that they have no time for Epi spiritual ritual agony or bevere mental strain or a costly round of various vices |