Show office hours honra ato 9 to 12 a m 2 to 4 p m A me he curtain citi Cur ta fain bt H MD 19 7 IN ANU SURGEON 1 office ia ce cc mom Re residence 1 block a sou u frat F rat ward mi catreet Ke Ka treet no 45 office no 28 29 PROVO UTAH drs ff J richards Richard 9 AND F W taylor I 1 phy physicians sic ii I 1 I 1 9 anil surgeons at their residence the former residence of dr pike it 11 ak A A GRAH 29 A M 0 street between lih mid esth i UTAH F F r TIRED 1 F REED BRO dentists lave flave all modern instruments for the practice of operative ana prosthetic DENTISTRY Y artificial CROWNS AND ND BRIDGE WORK A SPECIALTY crall all work guaran guaranteed teco Ren 11 10 bank buildings Buil Build dins inz provo dr J I 1 dentist electric gas gaa administered when do de alred aired teeth extracted by kiy it without pain 1 in all kinds of dental D antal work in the ce best at and latest stylea all work from his date will be guaranteed according to agreement aRte ement or the money will be refunded rooms kooms no 2 and 4 bank Buil building dig provo city utah ulan 1 I 1 1 ai ara balyer BAy 12 2 YER i 1 office in ia national bank of comerce Cona erce idrovo PROVO UTAH J W N NJ Whit gotton U aa AT LA W 11 imd and 12 first na build tok ing PROVO PR VO CITY UTAH aw DON C JOHNSON attorney AT LAW office at city hall PRING Vf UE UTAH fl U KING 0 U D HOUTZ hontz r attorney sat law ROOMS 5 and 7 firs fira national bauk building PROVO CITY UTAH UTA ll 11 1 K P booth 13 A lV ilson A labooth BOOTH WILSON A 17 IV V and land office agnata Ag Ago nta ints 0 2 23 3 N J street e R OVO CITY UTAH ID 1 AL ATTORNEYS I 1 AT LAW bank building Buil diug PROVO CITY UTAH ei ebe ei DUDLEY DUDLE N T attorney at law room 9 bauk bank building PROVO CITY UTAH AG sutherland attorney at law office in gatea snow block opposite court house I 1 i PROVO CITY UTAH I 1 t I 1 t A E atrol NEY AT LAW criminal law 1 11 specialty bloom bitoon 3 union billock provo city utah R G WATKINS ai architect chided and superintendent bisca no nol 1 union block provo 1 1 SAM JEPPERSON wm CAz abib 1 sias mul mm PROVO UTAH aitor ff artil aid kli streets AID 1 I W pa iff 10 IS Ws we aro are prepared to receive orders tr nr make contracts acta for buildings ot of all descriptions estimates furnished en application we lye have the facilities for turing the best beat and most durable qualities tida tirs of BRIM in wy any rn irel I 1 ana quantities 1 l fill Lildia nl co PROVO UTAH U 0 K T honest hes He BUlte aie 0 K X many of ane pioneers ot oregon and washington have cheerfully testified to the wonderful curative a properties of the celebrated oregon kidney tea purely vegetable voge table and pleasant to the taste and can call i be taken by the youngest child or most moat delicate woman 0 K T is a never failing remedy for pains in the back and loma loins non retention of urine scalding or burning sensation while urinating orina ting discharges and all ki kidney alney trouble of either sex sei 1 at all druga eta HER FACE hett HER FORTUNE s commonly said of i tan n bean beauties tiep bhe he who uses with artistic taste wis vis doms doma famous robertine has haa fortune in the tha possession of a comple complexion xian to which nothing but the tha blush of the rose or of the fre freshness of the lily illy can be ba com pred this thia preparation is just what it s claimed to b bathe the most de delightful delights lightf III toilet article and only perfect beautifier known read tha testimonials from amoul artists cherniski chemist sti i and prominent bure care lor filas itching are known by like perspiration causing intense etcil ins ing when warm this form as aa well as 1 benj 1 bleeding and protruding yield at once to dr pile remedy which acts acta directly on an alo i 1 ats effected absorbs tumors allara aitchi itching ng and effects a perma e r noat car cnn dr druggists or mail cears free dr bosanko Boa anko 2 23 3 arch st SL pa sold by pney kaiban A 8 sound ind liver m mates kes k es a yell well man are you bilious constipated or troubled with jaundice sick headache had taste in the mouth foul breath coated tongue dyspepsia In indigestion digestions I 1 lot dry skin pain in tho the back and be iween tha shoulders chilla and feyer fever ac if you havo have anhof any of aliese yourl your liver veris ia out of order and your blood is slowly heini heilig poisons d because your liver does doer nut act properly INE will cure aay disorder of the liver Sloin ach or bowels lo Io wea wels it ling has no ito equito as a liver faver medicine price 75 cents bow bold by smoot brur co I 1 I 1 nc arnica salve the 13 pt salve in the world for unta cuts sores ulcers salt sal t rheum flyer feyer sores tetter ch chapped ap pod fland hancq chilblains corns and all skin kin eruptions and positively curee cares piles or pay required it is guaranteed to sly iv perfect satisfaction or money refunded refund cil price 25 cants por par box for kil by pyne kaiban THE MORNING baken raken fak en before breakfast 1 crests cheats a fal 1 a nj injurious urious appetite A wineglass wi neaga fat fal of dr henleys Hen leys bralish dandelion Dande Sion tome taken ta ken before meals strengthens the digestive organs and enables you t relish a hearty meal without to nanh undisputed authority the united states saya bays that onions are a stimulant diuretic and expectorant they increase the appetite and promote digestion the juice j made into syrup has a specific action on the tha throat lungs and air paa passages gages it not only cures coughs colds croup and co consumption but its ts stimulating effect strengthens and builds up the system afterward As a tonic and restorative it has no equal vye ve solicit a trial in the most chronic and stubborn cases price 50 cents sold by pyne Ma maiben ilien liver complaint the chief symptoms ot this disease are depression of foul coated tongue bad tasting mf aih disagreeable breath dry skin with clothes and eruptions sallow comp lection and yellow eyes tired aching shoulders dull pain in right side pido faintness dizziness and irregular bowels this complaint in all or of its forms forma can be readily cured by taking dr gunna improved liver pills pille as directed and a liefering lin fering spell apell of sickness will often be warded off by their use sold at 25 cents a box by evne maihen FAIK WOMEN all Leau anti and facin fascinating ati A women are made more charming by the the taa artistic use of bif danils famous famosa robertine Ro hertine it enlivens enliven B the most reec fregm tar lar beauty by adding freshness freB buess poritz sad and brill lancy to the complexion 0 sana clara S dalr dalk nov NOT 25 91 NORMAS bornia des B io DEAR SIR itne in denver a at t fau fal I 1 bought bonghi ii 4 x of Krau krauel ea s cleaf le Cap capsule hule which lil lid ri ni I 1 i nii ch 1 1 I I 1 lui 1 subject t bi ijuin l i is d ches I 1 1 I fin I 1 rolli ji ta 1 rr air here wit f will you SPI sat d 1 ii i P t a f ii t tow oz for ir yours I 1 r ri 2 y J tl 11 for sale bv C emo m o druz dm co mr albert favorite of Ar arkansas kaness oily city kan wishes to give our readers the benefit beneat of his bia experience with colds ile he says bays 1 I contracted a cold early last sprino that settled on my lungs and tad I 1 hardly 1 11 r dl y recovered from it when I 1 caught cau elit another a n 0 which hung hu rg on en all summer anil and left mo me with a hacking hack iniz cough which I 1 thought I 1 never would ezet rid of if I 1 hail bad used chamberlains Chain ber aina cough E kempny te fu ady some fourteen tour teen years ago with ith nuch much and concluded c to try arv it acain whan I 1 had got through aith ith one bottle mv cough conch had left nic me and I 1 have cave not sull suffered ered with a cough or cold since since I 1 have recommended it to others andall and ail speak well of it 50 cent bottles for salo eale by pyne maiben miles nerve and liver pills fills act on a new princ principle ipie regulating the livor liver stomach arid and bowels through the nerves anew A new dit discovery covery dr miles pills pilla spee dilly cure billious ness bad late torpid liver piles constipation Ur eQualed tm or men women children smallest mildest surest I 1 50 doses 25 cents centa aam adles fregat evne ane kaiban joseph V dry diry of 0 warsaw ill was troubled with rheumatism and tried a number of different remedies hut but says saya none of them seemed to do dd him any good but finally he got bold 0 of f one that speedily cured him ile he was much pleased with it and felt sure that olbers similarly afflicted would like to know i what the remedy was that cured him bim ile he states for the benefit of the public that it is called chamberlains pain PM balm for sale iv hy pirtle ane maiben Maib cn jj 9 0 I 1 I 1 im 11 efm I 1 I 1 I 1 1 tfx 3 LA warie A new dew ana co complete u piete tre agui en t con capsules capsule a also la in box and pills pi ils a positive cure to for external internal blind or ding Itch lne litz chronic Chron fe rec recent nt or hereditary pile piles and many other diseases sud and f female amate weaknesses it Is always a great benefit to the general beneral he dealta altri rho first discovery oro mell cal cure an operation with the knife un no bei ealter tills remedy has never dever deen been known lo 10 all if cl per box 6 inac lor 5 sent b aymil why suffer from this terrible terri bli dis guarantee la Is positively elven withe with 6 bosca to refund the money it it not cot courtat N stamp lor for free sample guar autee Issue dby A 0 C co whole ale a and nd retail sta tole eole ligi lilor utah balt late lake city ds w b II 11 1 I 1 1 M 4 I 1 I 1 I 1 D 11 I 1 yn Y y I 1 I 1 I 1 j I 1 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 Q you car ria iiii through i ti h paper pap irom the first column of the t tirel arsi parre page I 1 to the last column of the last and you can search scar cli for the hand so offers that ever found the their ir way into print but J i aull have a c hard tune time matching matellian 1 our line ol of furnishing ra sNot ions li linens ne if i H hobery 0 scry and lluu novelties also in matching 0 conr prices nobody can blame yo you ll 11 for being C a suspicious when you conic come across tho the word bargain in in in an advertisement charity covers a multitude of sins and bargains a are re more than apt to cover a multitude of frauds but these M goods we ive are arc offering C are bar bargains gains ju just st the same a genuine cr enuine legitimate c out and out bargain of the most unquestionable kind run kun through 0 the papers then come and see our golds and prices and you will finif 3 ou can not equal them yoiiro for trade irdale ei ajac aca 0 As DH oki AR m ir luzr I 1 r centre centra street provo with a f full 1111 supply of FRESH SMOKED AND SALT MEATS SAUSAGE AND LARD free delivery to all parts of the city cit Y THE CASH MARKET first olam class it in every respect Cash paid for beef mutton pork and calves philip prop SZ ST PROVO MEN MESONS INS FRENCH FEM FEMALE ALE PILLS C containing cotton roof bool ana ad amias tte sti tait mi at ti reliable tamale bitely la 12 the wall Neen deeming Me eming tins french fe I 1 1 anale pills havo bato been ir sold tor for over t twenty enty J sands bands ot of badiea who h li have biren degive I 1 t that they are d RS a specific ia 10 monthly medicine fo for r immediate relief relict of painful and in irregular e 1 a r feu anale t it etc to prim inco aioo a box with lull full directions dire cUong tim so grma nars on OB ruiTA Trova 11 mcay CO mica for sale by smoot draa co scientific amed an I 1 for agency y I 1 al 41 I 1 1 if 0 o 7 21 t U lo 10 ae 1 it e 3 CATS kac T BADE ADZ R MARKS i ai E N PATENTS PATENT S aee copyrights 0 P Y R 1 C H T e etca te C forina for M atina and free fr 1 handbook u dt 0 0 k write to 0 MU AILIN A CO ofil 1 BROADU AY NEW YORE oldest bureau for lor secund patents in america loert Y patent taken out b IT v us is s brought beare the g by alonea BIT e en irea ire e ot of ch charge 0 in the 5 denfip i ae lamest ct bation rc of any oci e in the world illustrated d so no intelli man iho should tild tie be Without it weekly a vear fl mo six in mouths th audre audres s jiunn I 1 CO V 3 abl G I 1 broad F xe Y york k lity TO we W I 1 have been studying the time tables dea I 1 I 1 A and I 1 find the only proper way to get to chicago is 13 via the rio eio grande and colorado W I 1 midland we can leave provo monday I 1 I 1 I 1 at am arrive at denyer denver buei lay at aw e ri a m and chicago wednesday 15 p m Z I 1 jr aa I 1 just think of it only two night might on the road I 1 1 ait 91 I 1 A with all the scenery thrown in in 11 I 1 I 1 through cool mountain canyons no duat 1 I 1 1 no heat pullman sleepers sleeper empting I 1 pt 1 I 1 meals and polite employees now be careful cartful 47 4 7 45 eee chrt red rio grande 1 and co colorado lorado midland mid land call oa braley M albey k I 1 I 1 WV 4 ticket agent for the R G W A I 1 I 1 MIK 1 L r a 1 Z LI 7 11 F AT A T II 11 1 II 11 4 4 z I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 g I 1 19 ii I 1 lf I 1 1 i Y t t Y I 1 1 4 I 1 re n L l 1 4 I 1 V 1 C 11 t J 1 1 i ak i C 1 I 1 J T k M 1 1 b L to A I 1 li 1 ai I 1 I 1 lw I 1 44 I 1 i p r i 1 g IV Z CZ 11 f 1 I Z III 1 1 t 1 I 1 i alls V J IYA A i 1 I 11 F ea I 1 L 1 Z L I 1 ia S I 1 I 1 I 1 ii 1 P r ili I 1 I 1 11 aj r i rJ URETTE t V A I 1 1 I 1 D 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 0 1 I I 1 T I 1 ta a T la ive arice r I 1 kj 17 CN 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 GO C li t V oh ou sh before 11 1 11 I 1 I 1 t t I 1 7 L I 1 N i lt cu 1 j 10 1 I st sf lou aa a a n 00 0 0 ei f 7 1 60 ANY A NY ani s c e sh aps cps if ic AD nad ath rs VO 3 manufacturers OF steam and horse power and well weil it driving machino machine III steam steam boilers sj 0 i 1 e ro engines A a 11 munds ir of brass and iron ca bastings A largest stock of pipes and fittings Fit tinga in fiovo gas water and steam plumbing promptly attended to estimates given riven on all kinds of iron work I 1 5 correspond d with us and got get figures CHAS W SMITH supt bupt I 1 11 WY D in compounding a solution a part aos aa en cn the band tu and on washing afterward launs f discovered thai the hair nas completely plemely removed N we V e tit nl on once put this wonderful art preparation anthe market and so areat baa bec been n tile the demand that we e we are now bikow introducing t it throughout the world under tle the name ol of 1 queens I a anti I 1 IT 13 PERFECTLY HARMLESS AND I 1 SO SIMPLE ANY CHILD CAN USE IT 0 za e f ray lay the hair over and nd apply the mixture for a few minutes an and tha h hair aall by magic out the pain or injury when ben applied or ever afterward it 11 unlike noille any other evex ever malike lor a like purpose Tho thousands mands of 0 vi with hair on thir their PA FA cl CE and jagst its merita ty I 1 vho aho do not beard or hair on T fand priceless boon la in queens anti anif does say away by ita future growth an utter price 0 of queens seal sealed from antl anti iraleine tl it per bottle benl sen in safety mallene boxes boies 1 postage paid by us Becore secure lr ir observation s t n send Bondi moncy noney or st snips b by 1 tier ith full add asa written plainly crr correspondence pon dence strictly e confidential 0 n thin advertisement Is honest and straight in every word it contains wua we ave invite yon tad to dal 1 with as mand and yon will find aveo thine fis ted lut this out stand and bend today to day Y adar address QUEEN CHEMICAL CO 17 fa street ac cincinnati 1 anted Wn CIN nata 0 you mu caa r later p wr your letter amshy at any post office to insure itale ita eale cali bellvi r y win w rw in pay 00 for any case cage ore or slightest test injury to an any purchaser kicey bottle guaranteed Q ro ladles a who latr Intro odara duee cen SPECK anti ann among their friends SO 25 netties of queens queen antl and W SL sla 1 we wm 11 vre t with a SILK DRESS 15 gardn b beat t silk extra laree bottle and ami sam ol of 11 ais lo 10 0 cleot ft irom sent ant witti chodar order 0 good r wm I 1 salary |