Show SUMMONS before joltki K R at a c an wanner w if sup em chiri of lith lit h territory f utah stahl ts 0 of bah I 1 B T i i yle risen pa itiC a 1 vs J demand 9 rp rs del le J wl I 1 e iun iu n gr greetin petin youarn you ar h eb lo in but ba nul ap berb ibro rue ine tw lit rained at na m office in pray invert art cluce U aft aunt Cu nt atari utari territory t r ac d ag agn am ion OU t deev bet el by aid with fly civo da dav t ly iv of the day it ir ill ih a a in niu mu Is ser ean on ioa athin provo precinct within ati bin tbell balts on yan outside 0 sal fro precinct but xi t hii t tue lie u bunty u ats cm utah and ionin iwema days it served elsewhere b bo gatt t i recover from yon t fi ho u rn of t n ilan tred and aft y ae x ru an 1 ys 96 iia io 0 aar rover aril r 1 abre 11 h gal set oil el edua i ii birou a carratt vii tor work 0 o r k in I 1 I 1 bur pr britni data at a stated price t to it V r I 1 lar p da fa from out 16 up it fiand and including andl far Is fa i torn i ej and eapen es paid a 8 owl ilin re fuld par p in tu tue complot now n n fil lu this ahr ourt abitu aal you are eb e cereby b abat it if vou f tat fl l to so av pear ans and answer vi s above pla titita stitt wll will lake judgment yoi ferth and fity sevel and ja W lou U D wars and coits boits of suit ae maude in the complaint to ta the ibe sheriff or any con constable table of said county greeting make slake legal service and due dna return rt taro beron given rny haud baud this sah say day 61 0 january ji AD A 1892 JoHNE E Hina commissioner ot of the supreme Su prenie court for utah territory rv warner kenward attorneys attorn eyB tor for pla nir tae abiva ham Is hereby or ordered derd V t be publia published A in THE E idaet dall news per published at 11 pro 0 o city utah at a F aper once a week for and curing burins the ru I 1 betm of 0 one be month said cation to com coin mence december ad 1832 1891 1 E HILLS halls ti I S commissioner utah county utah ulah |