Show marshals sale Pais to an order of court to me di lecleir elect lect d hy by the fira judicial district court of the lite territory of utah I 1 hall cipis at public saie ale at the front d door r of if tho the coulty court house bonse in the be city of provo proto county of 0 utah territory ol of utah on the 2nd and clay of vay tay 1 A AU 1893 nt the be bout u t of if 11 isaack a adall babl I 1 L ahe a right title eligi and interest or i be rita HUH Fo foaner andr j 6 ML ma hine cOm company ParlY ut of in and icil to I 1 itie lie following lu real situate ay iy i n X an od being in utah county connly ai ased bed as a follows allows to wit at the out braU corar or of ill block 13 plat A proto city urray survey of build ing lot iole west went a rodt rods thence north I 1 11 rods rod then thence e 6 east 8 rods rod thence 12 22 rods rod to totne plaes s of if beginning begin nine together with all water power machinery and buildings thereon 11 mated eliud in ut butth courtr utah territory Tarr llory to bo be sold cold as the proper y of f ban foundry machine tompat ut st ina suit of altoe I 1 U Hol holdaway Hold dawa avay Y r ilam rale dated D aw broyo city april loth loeri 1893 1393 I 1 IRVING A BENTOW U 14 marshal rr by J T chartz 1 depoty opu t attorneys for ri aln I 1 ir thurin a sul sutherland har |