Show HEARTS 40 SEEDS IN CUPIDS DOMAIN 4 WAL S OF OVE rove r tord TOLD N or OP PROMISE CA CASES SES 5 t t some celebrated rated cages which prove that a woman iTo reet the arcle cia e of the asking queer baue er love ja re statch la S THE ESSEN ESEN bial pointon Pointy point of a breach of promise P caad ase is the fitak tab lish in meat et e t b bv the tha plain plaintiff ti of 1 tvs fact of a of y marriage it fol f lows iowa naturally that the court leeor is of of the proceedings proceeding 3 in a suits contain abundant literature on the aubee st of popping the question this literature Is both interesting inter eiting to the general derand roa reader and t to 0 the young lover and in the following digest of the testimony given in some recent I 1 breach of promise cases concerning c this important question thera abere is much good reading matten miss anna roul keul of newark lc N J who brought adam wagner into court to make him keep his vows seems to have had tle experience of rebecca at the well we had a party in our YOU KOU KNOW MY MT cosett X AND D SAD BAD BEAST house in august she testified on account of its being fathers birthada birthday Y I 1 went out to the pump to get a drink and he be follows me and asked me if afi I 1 could love him enough to be his wife I 1 eald yeo lea and ancl ho kissed me devana and vana 31 1 then we went back to the house hoase to td ethera ethe rJ fc f c in tha habbard fra ar y case at a beakey pa the fak fait plaintiff testified that the r in wl 1 1 precipitated by a earna of checkers we played two or three games of checkers she he a said and mr air fry askea m me 0 why h I 1 never got marr married Led I 1 sai said d I 1 il are fot anyone and would not marry unless I 1 loved he wanted ta to know what I 1 thought of him I 1 tried to play checkers to keep his mind off the subject but he finally pushed the checkers away and took my hand from brom that time on he never addressed me except by the word dear clear and jagd every other term of endearment As we sat on the sofa he said dear you know my lonely and sad heart 3 have hava been among fine women and when I 1 you dear you may depend on it I 1 never hatt had a thought for any till I 1 met you 11 he told me mea a wealthy lady had bad propose proposed 4 to him and sent him pitta gifts but he ha had bad returned them finally ho he stood up and took both my hands and aad said with his face close to mine vou ton will take ms some time dr dear to live with you always wont you and I 1 said 1 I expect so ur mr kneedler of philadelphia told mrs margaret shelter very flatly so she testified that if she did not marry him h would commit suicide bu icide she sh a consulted with her daughter about ii 1 and the daughter suld slama mamma why don dont t you marry him he is ia a very I 1 nice and kind kina old ld man and you might be happy wit with him so she abe consented T B burr biej it was as alleged pressed hla bla suit on nellie danielsson Dani Daul ellson swedish domestic in brooklyn who could not speak english by pointing out to her in a swedish phrase book such sentences as 1 I hove love you kitty mccoy and john sampson of brooklyn went to a funeral together one pleasant afternoon and the proposal was BY BT MOONLIGHT made ade while they were returning borne bome I 1 E R T thomas showed sarai sarah wilson of brooklyn his divorce paper when he biej el her to he be his and r renewed his promise ot of marriage ever week for a long time albert falkenheim haimof of chicago told blue eyed alerc lec unger linger the first time he be met her that thai he be would mary marty her if she would wait wai until his salary had been raised to SS 3 a week reek mr arbuckle testified in the famous baby bunting suit that he promised to marry miss campbell because slue s ie asked him to aass bauer baner testified that she invited will am beck ert to supper and that the feast put him in stich rich good humor that lie be albed her to marry him susan T henra glenry re le belve apollo costellano atje re of affection while ahil 10 4 ait en n the stoop of her har retAe oc 0 wio we evening isabella brady related la in her har suit cult against thomas miskell that while walking by I 1 moonlight under the troas tra in one ona If hundred undred and twenty seventh street new york he ha whis whispered perea words of love and she surrendered her maiden heart to his keeping Abra abraham kain collard popped the question to mrs daniola in a roia romantic antic spot on the road between atlanta and marietta under some beautiful shade trees when mrs minnie perris told in a new york court the story of peter duffas ceralle eions she swore that duffy had asked her to marry him so many times that she could not enumerate them iier her heart remained untouched until on one e sunday night when mr duffy called to renew his suit we went into the parlor said tho the lady ile ha had asked me to go out and I 1 went with him but we took only a short walk when we came back he put his bis arm around ray my waist and said S IN loved me very much mich and wanted m MC to marry him I 1 did not say anything at first finally he took me ane on his lap and asked me to give him a kiss a I 1 hesitated at first but finally kissed him he asked me again to marry and I 1 said I 1 would one ot at the bluntest proposals recorded was that which jeff bryant made to lottie summers a bourbon county ky ey beauty they were out driving itt in a buggy and JAH said lottie would woud you narry marry me it if you had a chance 2 lottle lottie sala 1 I W donld and the engagement eLga gement was made then and there sometimes it is ungallantly alleged by the defendant that the plaintiff did the proposing as in the arbuckle case cited above and in iii the muller cam case where the suit was against a rich delpham delp 11 1 I did low her mr muller mailer testified but she ita t began t and I 1 fell into it max Anse anselevitch Ansele lavitch told the court teat that annie singer who was suing him asked him to marry her ue ho ro re plied that he was engaged to a girl in enisia and intended to re remain ma in true to her sf annie agule then agreed to wait wai and frand he ha promised to marry her if his russian sweetheart ever jilted him A proposal introduced as evidence in a kansas city suit was put down in black and white as follows 3 T deveney party of the first parts part cou contractor tractor an ana builder and miss eva moore party 0 ol 01 the second part both of jackson county state of missouri to witness that the sald p vj ot of the dij firt pt herna agmes anit ana promises enat on the ad day clay of october the same being thursday he be will be and become the lawfully wedded husband of the cartr and the said party of the second part hereby agrees aud aad promises that on the ad day of october 1689 the abe same being thursday she will became the lawfully awfully wedded wife of vie fie said first party I 1 it is duly signed by the high contracting tr parties and a green seal in the lower left corner is further evidence of the fact f a et that the woman in the casa ras ws was of cf a strictly business tard A mind |