Show all aa FICI fickling ling scene sceal washington april 27 there was an exciting scene yesterday in the room where the raum investigation WAS pro beeding ce eding representative enloe on one 0 the members of the committed comm ittes called C commissioner joni missioner blaum bauma a liar and attempt ed to make a personal assault upon him tho the troi trouble able be began an with an inquiry by enloe aa M to whether or not commission j on baum ra 1 in had bad not tarnished turnis tied special I 1 examiner greenwalt with 15 to la ba used for the purpose of en trapping an attorney of kalamazoo michigan suspected s of ef buying information pension cases the commissioner eail he be bad not given ven Grei greenwalt lawalt the tha money enlo gd that on a previous hearing raum haum admitted be did the corn coma missioner replied he be had bad not enloe repeated the query several times until finally rauni raum t turned 11 arned around and sharply asked if he ha wanted another denial enloe hotly exclaimed youre a liar you did bay so and rose ta t his feet grasped a glass shiong e cup art on the he table ird and started for the commissioner other of the committee omit tee rose hastily an and d forcibly pre vented enloe from proceed proceeding ink fur further her as lie sti u ailed to free bim himself self commissioner Raum said 1 I want no co dif faculty with you or anyone else LU bu the tha man dont live that I 1 deac ear 11 tho i n to abod avo d further trouble he took up his bis bat and marched arched in out of abe room chairman wheeler called to him and said thre thara was no need tt it leata as aa he be was amply protected whereupon congressman payson re marked the witness had a to leave when he had been zo to treated to enloe chairman wheeler expressed regret it the scene but enloe insist insisted cd he be haj had treated the witness fairly bi lie he thought rauma manner was vert veri offe miye payson asked in Q what rt re soest adding the commissioner commission er hai bai said he ha make the state slate jaent raen tand and enloe kept on insisting inai sting cl cf it enloe retorted the commissioner commissio c manner was very finally SE at i the best way out oi of ilia difficulty abt tb omia ittes littee adjourned |