Show y THE ENQUIRER published every Event Even lui sundays excepted B ENQUIRER COMPANY APRIL I 1 16 6 1892 DIRECTORS IL H president D join homr vice ammy J E boors J C im GEO IVIL SOi H SECRETARY AND TREA TREASURER I 1 J M JESSES JOUN JOHN t ij GRAHAM MANAGER entered in prow provo postoffice Post office as second class matter subscription RATES KATES 4 DAILY one year by mail 18 00 six months three months hs one month 90 one yeek week 26 semiweekly SEMI WEEKLY one acar in alvance a ad varce six mout lid 15 throe 71 tim r tiek will be delivered tt tl any part of the rity efty at 90 cents pei month i tr 25 rents cents per week if deli delivery verv is irregular please deaso make complaint at th the office M ce or tl through rough rele 1 t wione no 27 the doctors doctor aro are Q guilty grave mistakes kea are made by ceans in their treatment of heart disease day after liy day the roll ot sudden deaths is increasing and hundred b ba zu 1 0 o lh lil Z tt dit iff ferenee erenea of j in study studying inz this disease ofiel onela in four perso parsons ns has hag a diseased heart beart shortness of breath palpitation and fluttered 1 of flearl irregular Irre eular poise choking sensation asthmatic breathing hajn or tender in side shoulder 0 07 arra arm W beav eal or hun hansn ty spells theao are sim 83 of heart disease dr miles milea new heart cure is the tha only reliable ands anda testify to won wonderful darful burps by using A it books free sold by pyne mai ila ben 6 THE MORNING COCKTAIL taken before breakfast create a alsa balso injurious appetite A wineglass full 0 f dr henleys Hen Iden leys Eri english alish dandelion tonic taken before meals strengthens ens he be digestive organs and enables you to relish a hearty meat meal without injury to the stomach aeb ano small boy steals apples r A 4 66 A 1 U 9 U q j t nam I 1 q 9 1 I 1 q A ur how doss does he teal feel HL he fe feels els blue a deep dark unfading dyed in iii the wool eternal blue and he uial makes es everybody feel the same saine way august flower tho the remedy how does he feel he feels ff isa a hei headache dache generally dull and constant but sometimes excruciating august flower the remedy how does ho feel he feels a violent t hiccoughing coughing or jumping of he stomach after a meal raisin raising 9 bitter tasting matter or what he be has eaten or drunk august flower the remedy how does ho he foel feel he fees feels 11 the gradual decay of vital power 1 ac e feels mi miserable melancholy iio and longs for death and peace august flower the remedy how does ho he f oel el he feels so S 0 full after eating a meal that he can hardly walk august flower the re remedy medy 0 G 0 GREEN sole manufacturer woodbury Wood bury bugi U S A J k I 1 they thay are green eroen apples and tilen then he has colic cramps cramm anil and and thinka lies hes going to dia and vr wont ont ever ever steal again the careful ea ear reful etal mother always bays a bottlo of 1 ha i lers pain and the tha boy ligaj to do so BO 11 some more inora for sale by smoot drug dros co d e A 1 I j laa as ant i s being ez ni used or oc ete m filers ri rt lers in viniss the f anel 1 is sea of at the re sid nura of petrol f ria rea rei r Geries p ries everybody be interested inte ested in preserving thu tho fore forests left to us for they help to maint i taj tbs prosperity ity of the ahral la country FAIR tk 7 OMEN kal 11 briget beautiful and fascinating women are made more charming by the thet artistic use 0 lr wisdoms famous robertine it enlivens the most ren lar beancy by adding add ing freshness pv pu I 1 ity t y and bralliar ev cven in the complexion through slee sleepers pon via va it G W ry ey effective cenit ath h R G W tra train i n no 2 vi which 11 ich leaves arrovo aroyo for the east cast at 1140 a in will carry daily a through class palace sleeper from 0 Og denta dento chicago via E R G W colorado midland and A AT T S F rys this is a areat convenience for provo people and s shoo hould id be appreciated hy by the traveling tn public SEALED PROPOSALS will ua oe received by the territorial insane asylum up to the day of april 1892 fo for r fumi furnishing shing the asylum with su fer the six eis months ending october 31 1892 tons coal 1000 beeh els ela wheat pounds fresh meat pounds dried fruit coal oil gro cies clothing blankets medicine medic ins cutlery and crockery ware further particulars will be furnished by jams dunn dann steward eward et at the asylum sy all bids must be healed and marked bids for sui supplies plies the directors reserve the ri right ht to reject tall all bids bi da not considered by cheur to ba advant agena to lo pie territory W R PIKE w d 2 9 w a W aled bupt f s 1 1 I 1 I 1 ruma iff I 1 M awo I 1 hl W a IN in I 1 IM M I 1 NERM I 1 raa I 1 E 1 F M E W A IS I 1 C I 1 I 1 A ja furni IL ve GO i IV will ill open out in a afsa I 1 sw days with the newest fewest and latest in furniture I 1 dont buy until you u have baye examined 0 or large stock and low prices n in I 1 the gates 1 snow i building buildt will be located L in g I 1 i now try this it will cost you nothing and will su surely rely do you good it you yoa have a cough cold or any trouble with throat chest cheat or lungs dr kings new discovery for consumption coughs and colds is guaranteed to give relief or money will be ba paid back sufferers from la grippe found it just the thing and under its use luse had a speedy and perfect recovery try a sample bottle at our oar expense and learn for yourself just how bow good a thing it is trial bottles free at smoot drug co large size and 3 A traveling man chanced to be in the store of E V wood at mckees rocks pa says while he be waiting to see mi wood a little girl came in with an emp empty y bottle labeled chamber lains lain I 1 s pain P ain balm and said mamma wants another bottle of that medicine she says it is the best medi medicine cine for rheumatism she cair used 50 cent bottles for sale by pyne maiben druggists ralf uIrl ikla moot M making AND F I 1 1 q 1 I 71 W centre street I 1 I 1 south side half a block west I 1 meeting house all work adoo doi at the factory factory in the best beat manne manna I 1 and of the beat est materials or 0 I 1 prices are within wi thin the reach of al 1 so dont wear shabby boots lc I 1 us repair them at once wee we ca often malce make them better aili an t stronger than when rhe new W tz V 3 0 guarantee entire satisfaction every customer favoring 0 us wi i orders for new boots and shoes I 1 JW IV HIN YATES FATES afar mgr 0 da sw 1 ja I 1 15 A 0 1 S a A BARGAU BARGAIN I 1 I 1 first class business stand floated near U P depot pleasing Pleas Plea sint tnt grove suitable for most sly siy kind of business lt it is now aral aupied as an agricultural impe e ment depot I 1 12 rods frontage and 8 rods dep frame building feet feel ath basement same bame size size and sheds enclosed with good fence excellent Excel fent laut flowing well good water and auf af chent for steam power I 1 for terms and other particulars call on or w e to J I 1 E GAMETT pleasant grote PROVO SHAMBLE arm 0 0 D butyn 1 g K t oj OA i krastof bast I 1 OF POST postoffice OFFICE IOE gash cash paid for fat calves WARD STORE f carries a full stock of fan fancy ey and staple GROCERIES I 1 cash paid for fat calves WALTER WALTE R IC COX OX PROP HOLDAWAY BLOCK 8 PROVO THE PRESS NEW YORK VOIR EOR ISO 10 b has a larger daily circulation than any other republican publican Ee newspaper in america DAY DAILY ml HAMY WEEM WEEKLY b V rho ibe aggressive ag r dessive republican journal of the metropolis A NEWSPAPER FOR THE MASSES BASSES I 1 founded december 1 1887 avor NUN DAAL DAILY Y the press is the organ of no fee faction pulls no wires has hai no ties to avenge the most remarkable I 1 success in effew york yora THE RESS IS 13 I A cheap news vulgar sensations and trash find mo ao place iu in the columns of the press the press has hag tho tha brightest editorial bagein now new york it sparkles with points the press sunday edition is a splendid 20 page r covering every current topic of interest the press weekly edition contains all the good things of the daily and n d sunday editions for those who cannat afford the D daily aily or are pro prevented vented by distance from early receiving 11 it the weekly is ia a splendid substitute MAN AS advertising I 1 the press frees has baa no superior in N Y g amr THE PIM I 1 within t aber h e r 1 0 S 4 ai 0 ens aca T 1 D 3 1 daily and Sunday one year 5 66 1 6 mont months hs I 1 li 9 one 45 daily only one year 11 9 four months sunday ono one year tear weekly press one year send for the Tho press circular samples free agents wanted everywhere ev ery liberal commissions address THE PRESS FEESS 38 park row eow N Y E FIRE MUT ureta I 1 DIALERS IN IB mutton PORK lm VEAL V i all MAI A 74 I 1 7 END d I 1 cwi wwi CRIA prompt delivery to all parta of the city COOK SO SD TT CO the undersigner undersigned under signed have in C connection with their business ocene opened d a first class feed asi ad VI allesi Sf AT I 1 UNION PACIFIC DEPOT LEHI and can furnish all kinds of conveyances vey ances night and day dav hoi horses hoies es and mares lor for sale at reasonable prices carriages C carrying passengers connect with all trains on the union pacific and rio eio grande western peoples r operative cooperative co f institution IN GENERAL ME jeli eu utah EXCELSIOR BAKERY FRESH BREAD CAKES PIES ETC A FINE LOT OF AT LIM H PRICES OUK ERY AND specialties in connection our bakery we wa have a nice cozy LUNCH AND DINING ROOM BOOM fresh oysters and porte how bouse always on hand band A FINE PLACE FOR LAM LADIE 9 opposite The theatre aLre provo citti H E oate loh prop I 1 TAR STAR Is MEAT MARKET I 1 J JE I 1 E R ai HR H t R baa opened a new aalop one door ebat of his hia old stand where he will keep constantly ON am BEST bat moa poa pak vill asi ad ulm 0 ANU PORK SAUSAGE vat pat calves and an d dressed hoys hogs wan free delivery to any part of the city ii J E cheever prop P A ak q gw m vaa 6 64 E ULM 4 M M 11 ian 6 igo CITO t ff lawm E M W ff ld 0 P H pa n R 9 UP IV U v U I 1 W ua 1 ae and an d arx rocksprings Rock springs and y 01 1 b Q cy aj C 0 V C tp p C pleasant valley r y f S U I 1 f 0 17 aco 1 I S V y 0 ca 41 11 14 17 0 y C Q 0 all I 1 b 0 C 4 11 C T 1 7 1 I 1 E LJONES secretary I 1 JAMES THOMSON president TODI TODD n mana Iia w 11 11 SMITH L HOLBROOK vice president M L ger treasurer I 1 I 1 WEST END JUST OPENED H ff bowman proprietor koep keep on hand a full all s lock of choice ssofi Us jutton mi hm N BOIZ rork pork ito elci ito be GIVE US A TRIAL free delivery to all parts of the city remember the place corner E and eth streets H H BOWMAN PROVO CITY UTAH utah county savings bank the attention n of those desiring to open savings accounts is called to le the utan bounty savings bank which allows interest on deposits at the rate at 5 per ent per annum compounded compound ed quarterly cony to loan on approved rea estate security CAPITAL I 1 SURPLUS DIRECTORS A 0 SMOOT pres B V pres I 1 C W 11 KING J GEORG ETAYLOR JOHN B MILNER w n BEnny cashier C CA A assistant cashier SPANISH FORK jaw 2 aff 1 al V 4 j 1 I DEALERS IN ge general merchandise mens boys clothing clothing furniture and produce manufacturers OF I 1 ENOS BOOTS E HOES OUT our mills 3 turns tarns out flour that is unsurpassed in the territory orders for Mem merchandise bandise flour or grain filled ou on short notice oar jar motto is to 11 please our customers CALL AP 41 SE aeu ME IP e US 11 e JOUN JONES SUPT U r 1 I L NE ff f I 1 f P ual 13 ai R 19 AR 6 it D 1 r I 1 1 1 C AL 1 PL irimia iSY and irria GC I 1 constantly on oil band at deal molds coal yard leave orders at or telephone to the prow prove I 1 oal forcial and saving bank provo J T FABBER city agent W K IFFORD AFro Rp Mal ballage lage 1 prevo city baning I 1 mills 0 building material doof boora 3 aal aad 1 af fluda vames mould mg bracket nar york sawing S basli a sh 11 and doors dom g and ana ALL WORK WORE 1 Y ri FIRST GLASS and done on short E J ward sons props P PO 0 box I 1 ta 10 0 I 1 I 1 T H J E el P U B c b L 31 ij 3 having severed my connection with the provo city lumber luu ber co as its su superintendent P erin I 1 have accepted a similar position with the colorado lumber co located on the corner of J and fourth streets i i I 1 I 1 provo city and will be pleased to greet all my old friends and aad i patrons at my new quarters I 1 the colorado lumber co have a large and complete stock of imported port ed and native lumber doors windows sash Moul dings dinas and abid n every description of building 0 material wholesale and ad lots a specialty oar prices defy competition call and ji a e ati at ai i 1 11 K J i nl i I 1 fourth st reata ati provo city 11 II H BEAN beai r superintendent ADO 1 CO 4 BD RB AND M X wo we are prepared to receive ord orders ers ir r make contracts acta for buildings of au all descriptions estimates f famished en cn application we have the facilities for manufacturing the best and most durable qualities ot of BRICK BEIGE in any required quantities jamilel Liddi liddiard aril aco PROVO W UTAH TA 4 4 I 1 M ltd j M P S U R 0 P I 1 ib 8 IVa TED sheffield 0 lelake lS al pal p LAKE 07 I 1 il ES min CAST STEEL FOR TOOLS ROCK DRILLS ETC W WA tj a H arnd st ST MG i EZRA ei UNLEY LINLEY allent 1 W aun R 1 ak E N E S Ss 1 ow 0 th the a X lioam l edtl ly cured by or dr llaine fialon fial it Is ii til e powder which can tee be at 6 11 in a flu of br a 6 acm of boff aafje or 0 ft a or in floi 11 1 amont lh the of the e pa it it Is absolutely absolute lv and will iu effet a permanent pera pe anent was and 1 tare wilet wilether ber ur patient ll 11 rate drinen a or m it ha it bea on given in thou rard of cues class md and in err arft cur cre ba W ur lotrey lowed it never fat ll 11 the system on edwith the tok toi do eligur appetite ip petitt to exits A I 1 L SP Enrit CO sole V terl 0 OHIO 4 of 1 ij w ot ryuh A I 1 t I 1 1 it cenin line of tho U ff M 0 I 1 DENVER j AND I 1 I 1 RIO GRANDE I 1 I 1 I 1 RAILROAD THE ONLY LINE PASSING I 1 SALT GITY TO iko AID FROM THE win c THE POPULAR LINE TO LEADVILLE a SPRINGS MD AND A r z PEN THE MOST r ROUTE TO trinidad janta fe and NOW hew islat reaching aa 1 l the principal prin princ cipri town ud and 1219 4 caps la in colorado mah and new mexico THE TOURISTS FAVORITE HUE IN TO ALL ALI MOUNTAIN all AH through artini in s equip equipped pe d with palace ind and tourist sleeping cam car IN I N apor por ele deinum illustrated descriptive WA W A W f addren I 1 kt 5 A S S L MIX 1 tala benl a ax atau r T wr G r DENVER COLO COLORADO j 1 00 ir I 1 I 1 1 1 U I 1 I 1 V i 1 4 va aw rd 4 vf i A 0 I 1 P TO I 1 B I 1 az ora IWA sa s1 14 4 P J |