Show city and county cottings jottings Jot tings ip in the city seta new school book for an old one at St celton gos I 1 w homb made larj ai Spock arts cash market t LADIES belts acta at irvine k barneis barneys Bar DR barnerd Warn erd corsets at irvina barney s BALED chiy or bah oas blo ck west of hotel eabe is WASTE paper can be obtained at tin job office cheap t A LAUNDRY is being established on the penrod block by mr cram ONLY to salt lake and return sept 8 via alj granda western of the grocery line in al co sharda t FALL laeli in ecru black and cream at S co S S co ara hating a terrible ann with their clearance sale EVERY body ia koich to S S jones coa for bargains nowadays will be oat up on easy teroma bv G V mickel call and aea him PLENTY of everything the market affords at we want your trade t FROM 1 up received on savings de I 1 J E cashier As asylum committee ia in session today considering the maylam flaming etc CALL at Baa harda and buy your ro ceries always first class and price ea five per cent paid quarterly on sav anea deposits at commercial savings bank SEE irvine barneis barneys Bar show window for the latest eastern styles in drees j goods trimmings etc las shoe department 0 8 B jones was never the ladies sheea at THE county court ia considering consi daring the chame of building another addition to the court louse to be used closets etc THE largest and best selected block of woolcy hosiery and underwear for men women and children at irvine barneis barneys Bar gaab nut coal ia the beat coal in the market for the kitchen icove only par ton deal blafford Bp afford agents MUCH lectures on again this evening at the meeting go and hear hia it ia his TEACHERS call at the provo book and stationery cu s ES dredge and get your supplies of new text books far tho district schools HATS I 1 hits shoes I 1 shoes I 1 mcewan A C will ehll hats shoes and their antiro stock of waite goodat cost for the next thi arty days t dava siss w ia steadily im ha is closely celled however aa foar ire entertained that be may again make an attempt to commit suicide JUST having put in new machinery for fruit and boxes we are prepared to furnish estimates for adv kind size and number G W mickale Mic kaLt excelsior and nickle gem are the brands of the salt lake soap cos laundry soap every merchant in the city has it at OLD school cooka exchanged for new ones at the bovo povo book store eldredge block children are algava treated well at the old book store the best bunns medicina is a dose 0 two of st patricks pills they not only physic but cleanse the whole system and purify the blood for sale by pyne maiben druggists mcewan co have just received a large new eatock of dry goods consist ing of blankets quilts knit underwear of all kinds etc prices down to bot tm figures oxe ol 01 the boys from bingham who came to provo with the odd fellows excursion on saturday lost his uniform cap the finder will please leave it at the office of A G sutherland opposite houss t GRAND provo vs salt lake at garfield beach via union pacific round trip 1 tickets on aale sept ath good for return sept jtb tickets on eale to salt lake sept ath good tor return sept 9 h trains leave at a m and p m 21 dark will loan yon money at 10 cent per annum or will burnish you an abstract of title to your farm or home on shortest notice office in first national beok building provo utah proto vs salt lake at Garfie td beach via union pacific round 1 tickets on sale sect ath frood for return sept ath tickets on sale to salt lake sept ath good for return sept ath leave at a m and p m at RI OATTA provo vs set lake at garneld baach via union pacific round trip 1 tickets on sale sept ath good for return sept eth tickets on oala to salt lake sept jtb good for return sept ah trains leave at a in and p m at cania JOHNSON while working in front 0 the southworth youth worth building site this morning was seized with a fit and in fallini severely his head he was taken in binea drue store and remedies applied |