Show john A browns I 1 sinah 5 the corner west of tabernacle Tabei nacle blok center street FOR yon can get dot to eat and have it cookos to suii yon BUILDERS AX D we are prepared to receive orders or make contracts for buildings of all descriptions estimates on application we have the facilities for turing the best and most durable qualities of in any required quantities samuel liddiard co PROVO BH 0 D D DENT fiST Is a graduate of the university of michigan and late of the dental infirmary of the nerr york dental college has opened a dental office in tha pyne athe hall from drs amo ns and where be is pre aved to do all kinda of dental work by the latest improved methods special attention given to treating childrens teeth a UNION PACIFIC CO TIME TABLE subject to change without notice daily train going south leaves provo am passenger train going south leaves pm passenger train going north leaves provo am train going north leaves provo 32 pm prevo SHAMBLE TM l HW DOORS last la ST OF IOE gash paid for fat calves utah county savings banac the aab antion of those desiring to opan lavina amounts is called to tho titan savings bank which allows in isreal on depo aita at the at 6 per ent per angom compounded adonay to loan on approved ea estate security CAPITAL SURPLUS DIRECTORS 0 SMOOT Pres n V preg J C W H KINO J DANIELS JOHS B w n cashier c v assistant Cag hier gw BOOTH co undertakers n full linof boods WHOLESALE salad talaat Vala at bari aal or all sizes an 1117 afi PV wl ill S 13 seeding the matul baskets by mail or dispatch at tind to liberal discount given to the trade awo doors north of bank prokp city co short line the chicago MUT Okee and stall line running solid steam heated and electris lighted trains daily between chicago and omaha composed of magnificent sleeping payo AH aft everything FIRST CLASS any further information as to rates fare etc will be cheerfully furnished by ALEX MITCHELL commercial agent T F POWELL Tra abent and all pat caveats and trade vit business conducted for MODERATE FEES US PATENT 5 is OPPOSITE aun in less linse thin those an I 1 we can secure patent remote trod washington with send mode draeme or photo free of gjori we advise II 11 or not secured t herec our fee not due till patent is with to obtain patents how A usand foreign countries coit 0 same n the icat free address C OPP lauteo SHEFFIELD ENGLAND 0 FOR TOOLS ROCK drills ii gsg p why do yon nofa have rectify removed sade tan and from yo ir skin by mrs grahams which bd bics the skin pure and white and cgee and free from every blemish aa it jsn hen nature be made it dont careless about your complexion 11 is a face chief eat physical charm alleach per bottle three for all druggists soil it smoot droe co agents provo city utah f SPANISH FO IS general Furm ture and produce cw fiats fal SNI our gem roller mills tams ont flow that IB surpassed nii in the territory orders for ST merchandise flour or grain filled on short oar motto ia to fsr please our customers Cus tomera gs CALL US i ea Is to all otte service lehi americal Ameri caa fork salt lake aud 1 oden ar provo p in an 11 0 p in lv provo 1015 a m and 1255 pai BINGHAM lv salt lake a v returning arrive Salt lake p IT D 0 DODUK A F general mer bupt supt J general art frt and abt cheap coal I 1 castle gate nut coal can le delivered for the next ten days to any part of this city for 3 50 per ton try u smoot di a agents ftp the aire 13 BOLD OS JL POSITIVE to anre any form of nervous or any disorder of the generative organs ol 01 whether ardig cc BEFORE laats AFTER or opium or through youthful brain power yen ous prostration tra tion nocturnal emissions alz memory loss of power and anpo ncncy if neglected often lead to prenia tura od t Q and lr sanity price a box bent by mall on receipt of price A is given for s tt permanent Ier manent eara Is not effected we have from old and young of both sexes who have been abdrea THE MEDICINE CO letteri Wet teri branch box 27 boldy co sole agents A new method of the liver stomach and bowels throda the nerves A naw dis coven dr nerve find liver pills cure aws bad tarp torpid livar filp un equaled fir inen bonien wl cli ildren Small st mili ept 50 doses 2 acts at evue milben Mi iben 0 K T honest result Ke sult 0 K T many of 0 e pioneers of oregon and washington have cheerfully testified to the wonderful curative properties of the kiddey tea purely vegetable and cleasant olea sant to the taste aud u t f taken by the youngest child 0 most uplift te joroan wo roan 0 K T hi never failing remedy for bains in the back anil loins non retention of urine scalding ur burning sensation while iiri discharges and ill ki ey trouble of either sex 1 at all drug apts A winter in the south A winter in the south the ver words conjure ap delicious memories for those who have been there the sunny skies the dry bracing air and the warm sunshine is in decided contrast to the cold bleak north the great state of tess is celebrated as one great broad winter rest in itself but alio following places arc perhaps particularly popular ft worth knitli its mineral bachi healthful climate and good hotels austin the beautiful bao ital city san antonio one of the lew really historical places in our country houston with its blooming ders and proves of oranges and jemuna and galveston with its delicious sea breezes these are but a few of the delightful resorts of this highly favored region an escape 1 roial all the pains and dif com forts of our rigorous weather transported by magic the region ot snowa adico to the fragrance of this emier now made possible and basy by the denvor texas ft worth branch ot the union pacific hysten which runs through pullman palate sleepers between denver ft worth dallas shreveport and new orleans and offers exceeding loi rates to ail southern cities aroa denver pueblo colorado springs and trinidad for a full description of southern winter resorts reached over the union pacific system or for excursion rates ap ply to your nearest union pacific acena or write to geo ady general agent 1703 larguier denver colo for a colv of tio union pacific winter toure folder E L benl pass and ticket abt s tt S afternoon After nonn front J 1 tr ei A alfr ya laeve Lv eve 1 iv i fi 4 afta f i ES S f 55 doile ON THE SHORTEST NOW mi OF da ES window STAINS sealii ibl and all kinds of WHOLESALE AND IS LA NE CORD LOCKS BINGE all of MATERIAL NEY FLUES PORTLAND PLAS TER OF PARIS plasterers BAIR PIECES OTT B avirl PT AO dalal ual and glabb the celebrated slat and wiro feuce everything make and sell is down to bedrock bed rock prices office factory and yards opposite the U P am Rio Grande depots provo asly THE argenter penter ar estimates intimates iti mates given on work in provo and adjoining towns all work done in the shortest time joseil possible shop H W cor jj ff and centre street prevo city mills 3 0 U J building material doors and zindoy frames stork saving sash and doors turning and ill WORK and done on short antia E J ward sons props PO box has no equal standa alone as the GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER and cure for rheumatism NO sarsaparilla PARILLA now sold la so fully en hy physicians Physic ans and druggists complete formula printed on each bottlo ask for sarsaparilla and use no other IP oi 1 1 1 I 1 S AND ab aged to bo the best remedy for and al bowel complaint it contains the active medicinal virtues of jamaica ginger and blackberry roots combined Are moties malang it an safe and effectual remedy sold by all druggists Drugg ista p 1 bitet ne newspaper J TS F sa zae city has a fater circulation i f in central and southern than all other newspapers ally per gear 3 00 er year j ir tac ascertain by either written i i albl fl BL |