Show r i RIH jalu i us mil politics OLD PLEA he wants some more money from irish americans gable olio ks LI NOON march 14 special the government ia making arrangements to prorogue parliament in july not nith A view of dissolution but with the view assembling iu november for a final session before boine to the country mr persistence in producing pro ducine hia irish local government bill before dig solution will probably result in his gratification but no member of the ministry or the p r y to pass this madhure mad sure I 1 ii accepted aa merely a inpong of keelins off an opposition measure the position of parnell and the whole from the divorce case will bo materially if the private efforts of certain anti and succeed in betting the queen s proctor to intervene to prevent the degree of divorce becoming final as it becomes at the expiration of six months from the date of garantine gr antine it whatever evidence the bitterest enemies of parnell can glean from roost hidden bourgea to show that captain Ori lica merited all the opprobrium that has been placed upon him by conae critic is being sent to the queens procter who does not appear to ba willing to proceed n the matter on his own initiative ant will be compelled to act if the coif cil lec ed proa es stronger evidence of the financial lin ancial support of the oshea household and the witness of intimate personal friends on both sides will be adduced if possible this would be really forcing parnell to the one single point upon which his expulsion from the leader ahio of the irish party was based and which he has brazenly ignored so that however unwelcome this whole business may be it will result in justice being done legal intervention the result of which would be to absolutely prevent mr parnell ever marrying mrs oshea coming in the midst of a political campaign would go to para liza the Parnelli teSt and would no doubt increase Fa already strained condition of mental excitement it would be a tarri blo bilow but it would save ireland advises advices received from america by mr mccarthy and the patriotic party confirm them in the belief that the ir bah iah in america wi ll 11 hold aloof from both inactions or if they support either it will nobe no be the once deprived of american assi stence which is parcell mainstay he patriots calculate that their opponents will succumb to tho ech maion ef their resources and be unable lon continue their desperate struggle against the general management in ireland and the universal feeling ic england outside alie tory ranks pain has issued the following ap peal to irish americans to people of america FELLOW in 1880 and subsequent years you assisted me powerfully by your influence on american public opinion and with your generous financial support to create the great movement the land league without your aid so freely and so constantly maintained ireland could not for one moment have made head against her oppressors still less could she have attaint d the sin eular position of power aud pr mie of success which she has occupied during the last five years at the instant ahen victory seemed near and cartain the hasty and meddlesome interference politicians in the complex organizations of our party and the movement a panic among some young law recruits eagerly seconded by a few malcontents office seekers and envious persons who crept into our ranks temporarily destroyed the unity 01 our forces and sapped alie independence of many c our representatives it now becomes my task to restore this unity and reconstruct our government looping oil all unsound materials mae rials taking effect ail precautions against the admission in future into our army of any weak treacherous self elements fo tune has unveiled this danger a d given space for this reconstruction before a general election and he d sc losure has brought about a realization of te insufficiency of proposed soldon of the situation to secure alie liberty happiness and property of conr brothers and in irela T n this disclosure was ad all important the request are crossing the ocean tu buur are well qualified with experience ability and patriotism to fully explain and defend my position which all that are sound courageous and meliame at home have assumed with me at this crisis I 1 commend them to conr hospitality and am confident that you will nd to them a most favorable reception aal hearty welcome they are each and all well tried soldiers who have constantly di themselves in our war against coercion and I 1 british misrule who desote 1 lion and influence of the most unscrupulous and far character have bravely defended me during these dark and moments tt etli confidence even greater than in laj to you oace me hi quelling this mutiny and disloyalty to ireland to help me in ae ci irini a really independent parliament arv party so that we may make one more thoi iuli it be our very last effort to win freedom and prosperity for our i aaion ly constitutional means conr faithful servant topic tt LONDON march 14 special the ct submitted by last seara international industrial conference at madrid for ahe approval of the respective government were to have been disposed but an extension of time has been requested until april 14 to enable the governments concerned to give the subject more serious consideration are now in progress and it is believed that the time will not again bo extended if Fira eiB LONDON march as wl ilo through london district a thaw has set in there are no signs ot moderation in the severity of the weather in southwest england A heavy snowstorm prevailed last niba in devonshire and cornwall considerably adding to the sufferings of the farmers in thosa counties and still further impeding the resumption of railroad traffic the country roads are still impassable in addition addi tian to the enormous losses suffered by the farmers in sheep and cattle a number of horses have perished in a majority of the pillages and smaller towns all the shops and schools are closed for it is for children and to venture out the mail train which rans between plymouth and this city was dispatched today to day for the farst time since monday last traffic on the road having been suspended owing to the heavy snow which raged liere during tha week passengers who were snowed upon numerous trains during the week suffered from cold and priva many aliers had narrow escapes from serious groub es by dangers of colliding with trees crushed across alie railroad cornwall lias been in a state of complete isolation since monlay last the facts which have come to light in connection with the snowed up trains and particularly in connection with snowed up vehicles such as coaches and carriages only rive a faint idea of what baa actually fallen place for hundreds at least of iaci conveyances have been endowed up at various points and the experiences of many of them will never be told the is declared dic lared the worst known in fifty years their werk PUEBLO march 14 the grand jury of the crinnin cri inin court completed its night by returning nineteen true bills this nor borning ning the began its work |