Show the ic liila bank closes jan 27 A special from wichita kansada Kan saya the bank of baa closed its doors liabilities anaeta A meeting of the land owners of was held last night at the hall over caffrey and davia furniture store for the purpose of electing a water master for the ensuing year three candidates were in the field and received votes as follows r edward la joseph S loyad 66 mant johnson 7 malse was declared elected HOSIERY S big lines to select rom music box is gone at maiben but they still have the best se lecter stock of drugs paints oils per fu meries etc in the city BUSINESS FACTS LIVERT stable to rent CASH paid for dry at east coop FOR pare bred durham bull thomson j h foa SALE Imported shire stallion thombs Thom Bm f os aale bred jersey bull thomson oysters brat of the season at the enterprise restaurant i i j r promptness prompt nesa and cheap i ness at the yant a good square meal eo to the enterprise restaurant dinners 25 cents ane dinners atthe excelsior knestaut rant are superior to any in town con si dering the price only i ta conr looe wa ctet stone kettles pote and granite iron ware r few left prices reduced co f x i L r i i 1 want cas t abill leads th e grocery trade of call arid see tor yourselves WAGON and for sale THOMSON devon cattle call and bee the finest herd of devon cattle in the territory cor 13 hi ami M streets birmingham Birmin sham will stand fur services he was bred by A C kinner england and ii one ot the finest de in america benar Ellred ae restaurant HO 69 GENTEK st jalli open saturday january als FIRST CLASS MEALS call and se us on ae RO proprietor GENERAL bookbinding book binding W MT DAVIES attle ENQUIRER office Is the place to go to when you want jine glassware elegant lamps CROCKERY FAMILY HARDWARE LAWN CHAIRS STOVES INCLUDING MIRRORS ALBUMS ETC the fair HALF BLOCK NORTH OF FIRST NATIONAL BANK over booth wilcous Wil sous law office PROVO CITY UTAH STEPHENS LEET RS supplied undertakers line DIRECTING FUNERALS EMBALMING AND SHIPPING BODIES A SPECIALTY wa have the only hearse in provo which ill be furnished on reasonable terms orders 1 y mail promptly atten deato W center st 0 iw loafs since making sacci il with YOUNG MAN AFRAID OF HORSES WP are prepared to settle the INDI AN QUESTION in this way body LLO s thai and AND IF TITE government ALLOWS THE INDIANS a YEAH MULTIPLY IT BY fco WITH THE WORKING MAN with your sa CO a caa you pin dress as oll aib vou had 1 03 and spent it elsea here our stock of dry goods notions clothing ang shoes arc all abw e hie standard and our lo 10 tie mi NE BARNEY 32 Center st great guns OF abil KINDS HANSEN CO NATIONAL baab comerce paavo does 8 general banking business issued foreign and domestic EXCHANGE ELMER B president 0 S thompsey THOMPS Jy cashier obera house saturday evening jabury 31 MR mi GILLETTS PRIVATE SECTARY under the management chiarle the finest play j ever written bun nights at the madison theatre hew boil the best company cy r preventing pre lenting the chiy one laugh efrom the drop af tl ie curtain j k na 1 l and 25 eints Sea be at the Provo ais and stationary stoie january soi 10 a am 1 0 rn h arn VT V T i A lia j provos popular and leading groce G roce hao on hand r i P pi ali I 1 alm aim u FISH AX ALL kidds OF bame IX FREE DEU VERY TO ANY PART CITY celter straat provo the celebrated VALLEY LUMP COAL AT V orders bj iia 9 or h eist aal M Cs ff dl crampt attention provo L M B go W E H PA xarA bupt supt ahe leabig jewelry house in of line of JEWELED in town we have alie agency for tile famous esthe Ss The acan W JUS JENSEN Sj 1 union bioche BI ocie provo E andersen lid oranda 11 AMM CRAW ye carry a rare and special of wholesale and retail BLOCK opposite AT and MANTL CITY UTAH nilan CALL amm m um mck JOSEPH A harals HARB lS proprietor |