Show ANOTHER republican CLUB the ball started in payson J S picc jr elected president the republicans met at han cocka hall on thursday night last and effected a permanent organization as follows J 8 jaee jr presidents president 1 G vi immer first vice president F D second vice president grant G secretary eli good treas eiert G J S page 0 simons jr geo W williams and aeraiel hancock executive committee the following were elected as delegates to the county convention FD huish J S pac jr alma grant G simons and T G wimmer F D huish 0 simons jr and T G wimmer were elected delegates to the territorial convention to be held at on july and alth the meeting was a pronounced success and has started the republican cheel in motion we expects rousing republican rally here on wednesday evening next at which frank J canaan and others will speak and we anticipate a gool time wn have now forty signers with a good open field to work in GRANT G SIMONS secretary |