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Show m OF ST. PAUL S j ElTHEni DINNER instructive Addresses Are ;i Feature i the Evening's Programme. Sixty men oJ Saint f'ani'-. cburcb nod ..i the Hoeel Mozam leal evening for dinner. This Ta- the tir.-t of sene- ..' mouthlj meetings that nill he held 'or the purpose o!' healing ad dresses ..a , i i , and public topics, t the jir moating; in February it la expected tbal t.ifTor.i Pinehoj au.i I in ton Sogers Woodruff, presidenl of the f'ivic League of America, "ill be tke principal speakers. Last night, David If. Lewis spoke on til- relation of churchmen to publi purity. He showed how the foundation of the modern -t t is laid upon the moral K&renglh of the people, a ancient an-cient states, he said, emphasis was placed on the physical power of the men; in modem time the emphasis i upon the mornl purity of not only the men. bdl all the people. When moral values ate ObSCUrod, as they soem lion to be, there is irrave dan.-r to the welfare ol the eountry, be added. "Our hope.'" hr said ill cOlleluy'oti, 'i.s rot in the physical greatness ol t".. nation, nor its wealth or resourcesi bu! in the moral rccttude of the peo-pi. peo-pi. e t i- inspired iv the Christian ldith. 8ecretarv Wright of the 'i . M. C A. told how the institution which he rep-resented rep-resented worked nol only for the moral bettermeni of the young men but hon the result w.i materially beneficial. He said: "There are 7 1 5 vnung- men in tin elty. Ai a Ion estimate their earning capacity might he ion t,pr year, TbaJ represente oearlv $3,000,000 a year. l'- keeping the bodies of these yoUgg men strong then- minds clean and their heart- pure, the Y M r A. the largeel agenei in our midst tor the material advancement of the ommunil y. ' ' Walter Green -poke of the recenl change in the Jtonc of business for fair and just dealing, saying in part: "All t. nms of commercial enterprises are i.e. inc subjected to criticism, and Hie measures by which uiei arc measured are the common principles of the hri-t'.'in hri-t'.'in church. Now a ne er before the church is iieinc nsed to ozaci honesty and integrity in the daily lives of men in ,he commercial worio." Th,- concluding aoTdross was made by former Govornor Arthur L. Thomaa The officers of the club are th( fol. lowing; Presidenl va r-it .-r (.ren: rice presidenl. Ir. 1). f". Lewis; secretary, A. H. Crabbe; treasurer, Augustua Reeyes The standing committee in addition to the ahove oftieer.M includes Dt T. C. Gibson, Prof L. S. Austin. W. J. Bennett, Prof. Kenneth Williams, Karl A Scheie an,) O W. iJravdon |