Show alic verdict unanimous W D suit druggist bippus ind testifies 1 I can recommend electric bitters as the very best remedy every bottle sold has eiven relief in every case one man took six bottles and was cured of rheumatism of 10 years standing abraham hare druggist bellville ohio affirms the lest selling medicine I 1 have ever liand led in my 20 years experience is electric bitters thousands of others leave added their testimony so that alie verdict is unanimous that electric bitters do cure all diseases of the liver kidneys or blood only a half dollar a bottle at smoot cos drug store success it is the duty of every person who has used Bos chees german syrup to let its wonderful qualities be known to their friends in curing consumption severe coughs croup asthma pneumonia and in fact all throat and lung diseases no person can use it without immediate relief three doses will relieve any case and we consider it the duty of all druggists to recommend it to the poor dying consumptive at least try one bottle as dozen bottles were sold last year and not one case where it failed was reported such a medicine as the german syrup cannot be too widely known ask your druggists about it sample bottles to try sold at 10 cents regular size 75 cents sold by all dru fists and dealers in the united states and canada consumption cured an old physician retired from practice havin had placed in his fiands by an east india missionary the formula of a vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of consumption bronchitis asthma and all and lung affections also a costive and radical cure for nervous debility and all nervous complaints after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases hag felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering I 1 will send free of charge to ail who desiro it this receipt in german french or english with full directions for preparing and using sent by mail by addressing with stamp naming this paper W A NOTES Poz cers clock rochester N Y A woman a discovery another discovery has been made abid that too by a lady in aliis country disease fastened its clutches upon her and for seven years she withstood its severest tests but her vital organs were undermined and death seemed imminent for three months she coughed incessantly and could not sleep she bought of us a bottle of dr kings new discovery for consumption and was BO much relieved on taking tile first dose that she slept all night and with one bottle has been miraculously cured her name is mra luther lutz thus write W C co of beelby Bh elby N oget O get a free botak at smoot coa drug stored all sort of potion mr W F daley advertising agent at the brooklyn elevated railroad writes tt inflammatory rheumatism my legs and anna to twice their natural size I 1 suffered excruciating pain your won darful S 8 S mado a complete cure major sidney herbert editor of tha southern and dixie farmer atlanta ga writes I 1 have fully tested the virtues of swifts specific both as a rheumatism cure and a tonic it has done even more than its proprietors claim for it mr michael ionoff jr with the lithographic co cincinnati ohio writes I 1 suffered for two years with terrible itching and painful on my neck arms hands and fingers no phy bician could help me B S 8 relieved me perfectly and I 1 fessl liae a new man mrs amanda ingle of gastonia Ga atonia N 0 writes mv baby when conr months old developed scrofula he h aa two B acre risings nd sores on the neck I 1 ecat for conr family physician who it scrofula and prescribed B S S for it I 1 gave tho baby S S S and it soon got the disease under colpi the sores are healed and the baby is rell and healthy I 1 know S B S saved it life and 1 told conr doctor so he as a regular physician and prescribed S S S for the baby as soon as he saw it had scrofula treatise on blood and alcin diseases I 1 wailed free aws co 1 qt J THE FINEST GOODS IN S L GO DEALERS IN AND business done on a strictly yash basis we buy closely for cash and sell at bedrock bed rock prices W A Z sa D wool hides sheep skins beaver mink gat otter and muskrat skins AH OTEL FOR RENT the building excepting that portion rented for a furniture store located on the corner of centre and I 1 streets in tha heart of provo city can be rented on reasonable terms the part offered borreo consists of a largo basement 23 bed rooms and a fine comodi out parlor apply to P 0 box 77 provo PEOPLE who have been east over the great wabash route express themselves as pleased with its ele abit equipment and fast time but morn particularly with the low rates pro cured through C M Comi i bent no 10 windsor block den r to hiaam abany time can be obtained from second ward provo is unsurpassed this department is replete in every respect our being exceptionally fine our is well supplied with goods our purpose being to live everything on hand to meet the demands of our extensive trade the departments are filled with everything needful we have a fine line of TT T T A A ani va A T J 9 trun our stock of is gagain enlarged we carry the best coole heating stoves in the market if you want fine and cheap goods call at the east coop co op where you will find a large assortment to select from JOS A HARRIS bupt supt TO SMOOT importers of and wholesale and retail dealers in au lands of As fine a stock of goods G as any drug house in titan we carry a faill and complete line of the following goods raire dritter Dritt tr comb toilet Arti olec diamond uve Brus liet Alir chamois vancy I 1 eri ex S sponged remedies f e iiii iti A ailo etc RECIPES CAREFULLY PREPARED AT ALL HOURS ve make our purchases from the largest and most deliaue drug houses in america and can therefore sell as low as any hauae in atah phan king the public for their liberal patronage m the past and hy fair and courteous treatment in the future we hopa to merit a continuance of the same RICHARDS CO smoot block centre street proto andl builders manufacturers of doors windows blinds Moul dings and frames screen doors stairs stair railia Rai liu lusters balusters Ba sewell posts aud brackets wholesale and retail dealers in weights sash cord door locks hinges screws etc etc of the celebrated studebaker bros make E 11 n 90 acx n i L 3 we manufacture and keep constantly on hand the celebrated celeb combination beace composed of 6 8 or 10 annealed steel galvanized wire with 44 pickets rod at prices from 50 cents to per rod saving the farmers more than per per mile officio and factory opposite U 0 E E depot W R H sup |