Show NOTICE I 1 have in my possession tb following arte rte animals it not claimed and aken way in ten days from date will bo cold to the highest bidder t 10 am at the district pound at R T thomas corral one b lock east ol 01 cout bouse provo city utah thursday the ath of january ltv one brown or baa horse colt 1 year old past hind feet white branded 13 on left boulder bouc red ml white heifer I 1 year old past branded B on left thigh one white heifer 1 year old past smooth crop off each ear blotch brand ou left hip city provo city utah county NOTICE I 1 HAVE TV MY possession THE FOL lowlee described if not claimed nod taken away in ten days date will he sold to the highest responsible blader at the precinct pound at john corral like view utah county on monday the lath day of january at 10 a one grey mare with a me colt brando C M on left hip about old one bay mare 2 or 3 years old branded resembling E on left thigh chita hind feet white apol in forehead and nose one cream colored 5 aars old black aad tall branded on kit thigh I 1 JOHN JOHNSON lake view precinct utah co oct NOTICE have in my possession the follow lne described animal which if not claimed within ten days from date will be sold on the jtb day of jan 1888 at 2 p m to the highest pound in spring vine city utah county U T ona ted abid alte steer 2 years old crop off and silt in the end of ie fi ear branded X or crosa on the left shoulder uth co U T |