Show the dunham concert Conc erli pro Dull hain mrs datillo Da tills 1 11 arid and prof llan hart is avith v ich their able ass assistants ista lits vi who ito for a couple ot of v weeks eean past had been operating cooperating co to with them in ili musical mu sicil matters matteri cliare gano gam an excellent concert in the theatre oil friday flight last tito equalled equal led anything of 0 tile binl acner defore civell BIN en in in thin lit ily so veil i ell pleased please J was everybody tint that it a repetition 0 if the concert would undoubtedly have m 0 drawn draft n out a much larger audience ali than in was present oil friday night 11 lelas tile professor rio Pio fessor and ins ills talented and chari nim min should ever toulo tills thia way y again I 1 we 0 o aro are silia fled that tile people U io 0 of provo mill manifest their aalt ampro nation v i even en more liberally than alicy j c have haib already done As a result of tile professors Profess oia kirbt visit liere lie e a musical organization has haa be e aff acted and it is 13 to bo be hoped it will profit liy by the excellent instruction it hia has hy by way of 0 tt a start otist |