Show people who have licen been east over the 11 great wabash route express them solven as an pleased with its elegant equipment and fast time but more particular ly with the low rites rates procured proc urcil mr 0 AL hampton fl ampson commercial agana no 10 windsor Block Denver write to him tf tt I 1 the iha blom nursery dont send nand your money east when YOU yoli can st a better kock of gross wi for lose leit money right it at home our stock has bi the of bedair twin idoma grodi and nd not being belli InI injured tired by oon ong ship shipping W we have bavell all kinds of Plan tilt flowers and nd arable orders by mall promptly attended tended ac to I 1 carnu esry la in louled loi aed in the iha second I 1 ward provo address C 0 11 II P 0 box 30 provo lexcia enit in ta toxin i I 1 great excitement bas bai been caused in the trinity of paris toll rohy by the remark remarkably abla recovery of air J 13 corley who was waa so 0 o bel help plese leBi he could cou id riot not turn tura la in bod or raise his bead everybody ever body said li he be wait wai dying of 0 consumption A trial bottle of dr kings now new discovery Din covery WM meat ent him finding relief he bought a large larga bottle and a box odi kings king nea ne lite pill be by y the tha time im ha bad taken iwo pills ind and two bottles odthe hlf coTtry he was well and had bail ruined gained in ili hann thirty six pounds trial bottles of thin orett great diana or for consumption free it A vai colly brug diff store T imperfection 4 9 P dv ME I 1 THE MODERN MARVEL to the ilia pamer farmer and dealers dealer so no amount of deserio description A eption of tire eurlea can adequately convey all the points of excellence and superiority over all other plows now now dow on the market they are not made for any particular section of the country or class of work but will give perfect arfe ct satisfaction in any locality an a all IF aarts are inter either chill cbill alaras eil metal orb or high I 1 gh grade steel this makes make A PERFECT combination PLOW and the ibe desire of the farmer that wishes to bare a plow that can be b adapted to different aoi soil laor sor classless ct cl assess df d pl plowing with a few changes and slight elight additional expense is thus gratified gratify g d our claim regarding fig the am amount cant of work that can be done with ib the email outlay for r repairs e pairs W is based on the th 11 peculiar 0 culioli share used is ia virtually two tua shares sham in one OM 1 apparently laid together as it has two tw 0 points the tha wing being boll 0 W it I 1 a post or I 1 arpia pin around a hook boo if boa bolt passes to draw it onto the stand amsl A nut on the end of the book bolt behind tho lb standard draws the share tightly up to the standard and mould mouldboard board making it fit as firmly as it it was a part of the standard the sha ebare re has haa two fades faces the one lose not doing duty duly is down below out of the libe way there ia no bolt bead in the surface of the share not nor nut under it neither is ia there any projection un nn der the body ot of the tha plow to catch on obstructions obstruction sor or accumulate dirt CALL AT PROVO LUMBER and see bee ali this is wonderful plow bet detour our descriptive birc ular and buy one ALSO representing J X STEIL STEEL AND TWINS I 1 IsI ORRISON AND WIM STEEL PLOWS ja J f STEAM EN SAW MILLS AND HOKSE POW 2116 A AND ND A I 1 FULL LINX OT air asir II ARts L bros B TOS I 1 I 1 I 1 marg co or OF FINE MR flAGES BUGIES AND AMO SPRING I 1 FARM ORE AND TRAY TRAV I 1 buna WAGONS S i i 1 I I 1 il N if ow 06 alf I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 T THE R va sore coee eyes I 1 S Y m R paint mi A m BIL INS r thebes I 1 me ith iliin uli in lit in hillh Il lh ail the li body boil arid alva 11 14 ft H H it c 0 ct f its III i 1 ill ilici e i lavins 1 ni iii kem AN AND weak rud lt alir lii nil illius I 1 I it ii 14 ili ail hildene cil dene 11 tito tin n km bit U bal I 1 ca disordered ly L ayer or r sarsaparilla ii the bit bwll I 1 uini u ini d scrofula N i ismul 1 w d a i painful it in read ready Y mixed paint in ili it hit mi aad tile foil foi a 11 r or mini iri lly ity tire tha PAINT edvice of it phillin phi dlin L c taking BRUSHES auri aera bin sup irillis n aftic using wit OILS it 11 i ciul l I 1 ilia I 1 aa 1 wit plemely C aired u r 0 cl diamond eto 1 I ill 1111 fir n condition ALSO it fula 1 OF 1 11 I 1 III iii villulia vilLu Lil 11 ng it in eer mrs M 1 W I collconi coll kiil coli y X it 11 L amm III FIN ANY mm IN N for I 1 n r if f vors mm I 1 w q troubled cil will it burnor liu iiii in 1 I r i bild div vin intile 4 to obtain am ellit duall I 1 iced A ca R E E 1211 I 1 11 1 A k 1 ci n alln till 1 lils iiii 1 94 t it a tire and I 1 kiil bellmo a kropi letor it to be if alii hot of f lit alil I 1 C CL L naul N 11 SULTAN aroll end until within ft lew I 1 I 1 imo bidi b filleted with weak tills this it Pere beron ii the first hilj lid LMH I 1 ila laitu ucil to op r these thoroughbred over cier brought hi outfit to bafs aliis roun coun H III A veri t ty has JIM been beell I 1 it ly IT Willi william anit ll 11 i 1111 nil 1 i ielli i lc it it greot KI nit blood co a ui i i pit I 1 der ich lr U C gauci vt t services of rt it very cry ell efficient Isuf I 1 nr fur n verr dir will M hand lina hits bacu bocu 1 yen sheared SV si eared to 10 damigo tenil ti 1 I in I 1 I 1 lin iri I h ri I 1 n ihne ulvert fur hania ineil tho ilia horse lioi jno hill stand at provo nil 11 tho ali aall dai flur uld vt of ikhil slid springville Spring Mlle ville spanish hh bork arid raygon 1 NA sni l tit pall afier clr lilii ining ninny for or tte season to 11 limi number of 01 lid 1111 Ill in iiii illi finally mar 0 I 1 I 1 in uv uil u il aa jt V I 1 ilia 0 ell dark I 1 irk grey 10 hands 0 by taking staking wei u eight flit 1800 1 iiii I coaled foaled march 14 i it still dili hove been 1884 imported IM abw bred by 11 31 cou ou iia i aled iii nl my lily sight lin hn lien been re ie commune of canton elaml ri and time N 1 I 1 nu sign iffie of inglam ran of F I 1 of i ohio ait pot got by thin abort ol 01 in lily ny cys dal valliant lit ly prix KM lie choen fierer per T 1 bo BOH en ell sugar bugni Is 11 ca ll lilge decide by 82 14 of bedl my elihn bilci ten tell 3 cars binl a olt old yes WM greo reo see ben pago page 10 dain ivilou ba byo v till sole HOH JY lait el during the vieux valliant ab 1 lie by izerro Ili erro lint IM two IM aal it 11 light of tiny any 1 mild ill ak kaall hun lit tile highest id antill exel aed ill r I 1 mint t with no NOTICE all c egil un ou ille 1111 foil of a 44 fi loid I 1 soda boll to of ayers liar Y HAVE is IN mf NI Y mic rots 01 barilla rilla ali vt 1 li it I 1 mv v 1 commenced I 1 I 1 aig described rutila ra liliie I 1 UP f hail 1 jig f i it deit tile tho third one 0 iii red rail cow about 8 barj old ltd left kom bottlo bottle lir lier wits VM and alto can toll ear and branded dow look ik hi at it a bi minns light with 1 on leia trip mit cut coill alq cut ill complete W E one n speckled cow about a liar l old awal sutherland shelby city ky stork til lit ten left eur ear with bile in same ead 14 la ajr with h ayers sarsaparilla tit ilor call ulious 4 4 old aid it it ir not claimed bad binl taken ten arp by iima d 3 a fr it dt will be ba old bold to the ilia high lit eoll by bf 1 if I ario I alm 1 las Isott les th 4 la in ton sible grove borove ully only st at ilia ifie utah co on round lound mon day bo alth ORY day tit april at t 10 AM a i JAMES SPECIAL NOTICES ronna round keeper swit grove grobli dutli co april 1 ids licar stockholders take notice eltray Y NOTICE that work on the provo canal h lu my possession the th following da will comm commence a mc 0 on oil monday april alth I 1 iban 1887 those wishing to work assessment oil horse colt old while in 11 will apply to the m superintendent on the nee coloin a aborts it lo 10 n it we buol whytt zi ground 14 P 11 WENTZ see bee ant oe no brindle br enli ale visible l 3 yo tad irlia air right year ad old better red neck deck 1 lo 10 ur tande atud ud kuppr llope la in leri air iia abt sale for no 1 d I if not claimed antl and taken away wit within hinten tea land walli ith of water forty scroll right 4 da from froin date dale abit will besold bo old to th r mr situate on OB provo booth to lB 8 0 ash bidder on the ilia wa dittli duy day law mill daiy terms apply to 10 or address 1887 ut 0 clock t p in stashe at the eldray pound at t amerlean fork cutuli tub Y county au if ISAAC 11 provo A I 1 city april ath 1887 I 1 Build ilIg lots in arrovo cily for lisle oi on ey easy borun NOTICE A apply to ss dur s s run prove CUB 11 1 ch T MY ml alon THE fiol lowing ill ca c 0 one 11 a dark brown mare 2 aran ar old tat stai la in I 1 new spring goods I 1 branded J d H oil itar it on shoulder one bay mare 2 years old od br branded ded J H on arrived aed at 1 I W 11 fine una line eft shoulder or da unous ou it hind ind vall rull of staple oue due 80 8 0 about T a and fancy pur ard war ii un no lell hind IA I A kimnai Im naI 10 to on left ethl it 0 ll 11 i H on left shoulder rat I 1 C blotched aadil M fe cull it d sa and ni bar br I 1 w tai on ellit arm ui te us secure good go galoB as aneli branded la in any and ud every avary linn of fil c on let left t thlik 4 W 11 II l 1 t 1 0 c la 1 m 1 f and d twy ton tan I 1 I 1 d du j 1 f from it 0 d adne t w will iii be e sold lold to the highest cash cam bidder on voday the tha last lah liy day ot of notice april tit to it am on at tire Est EHM rity found I 1 ii ai aej v ruthc Coun ud lir cormons bisbing to pend to the J ill I 1 4 south fork if provo canyon ellb season der r benant giove utu co can do so BO hv by brin bringing sting them to my iny corral aar apr 1 4 I 1 31 I 1 monday f quoon april alth will I 1 irive cattle title tuesdays anti and ll florries orries on oa NOTICE thursday the I 1 a LUI provo city april 8 1837 1887 I 1 aravs nr im my mr TUB FOLLOW ing described animals an linal I 1 one alilia home lo 10 or IJ 12 years old branded F Y 1 on felt shoos on pasturing if t tell days tile tho undersigned undersigner under signed will pasture stock block at abe be sold bold on ail monday the irth day or april at 4 lo look p I 1 to the highest re ranch terms horses lio raes 75 bible bid derea the pound I spring lake k cents cent sper per month horned 8 stock 60 cents city utah per month and calves 2 au for or the jonn it MoonE RE district pound keeper kaper spring ulce lake utah season county april ard 3rd 1887 ANDREW HOLDAWAY on OB exhibition NOTICE I 1 I 1 hao in nir my the tot I 1 owing do there will do DB placed on exhibition I 1 in berthed crl beil rind animal aa which if not claimed lo in ten tan front ol of snow brothers 1 furniture store says day from date will be sold old to in the highest bit bid der at my corral in an assortment 0 of osborne cos steel county utah on oa the till oth day of april frame binders readers reapers and mowers 1887 at 5 D in mj great improve improvements ants have recently been one fine brodu 2 beirold year old horre colt branded bran deil these implements anil and fl PY y on left th licit small whito white spot la upon they sad toot loot whlter walt wb lt are now thal popular and durable dunable MASI CHAS SAMUELSON in the market bessm snow brothers SAn taquia utah founty march have procured the agency both lost I 1 i t DISEASE impossible 4 yes utterly impossible when ichen all malarial poisons poi adna tire are driven out ot of the system leaving the blood new pure no place lace for crupt eruptions ions or rheumatism when all blood taint haa bus eradicated by the ubo of 1 BROWNS sarsaparilla Arril dandelion with iodide of potassium thousands of wit riesse i among theli the best diu glia and I 1 to the wonderful cures by S all diseases of the blood liver A and kidneys aea only i the BEST I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 at J 1 ZA am a mis 30 ap M malsi I 1 WATER WHEEL I 1 i 1 l I 1 I 1 10 t n IF IP I 1 I 1 1 11 I 1 I 1 I 1 4 wa 0 i I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 4 A I 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 r 01 1 1 J et 4 R I 1 V I 1 1 iff 1 11 1 A I 1 I 1 I 1 J A designed DeRl goed arall purposes were wara lial limited ted lleti an d baigh bead ate aro V to lo give more power with less leai water ater ball any Jully other othor wheat nado helen being placed on borizo Lial shirt the power 12 direct to lo shafting by belts and all gearing eil bit with u lib estimates furni shadon on application for wheels wheela specialty built an a 1 adud in paully capacity pa olly to suit any ny particular cw case I 1 allu d logue tent free to those loter led further fin alier I 1 information mation can he be of thu this forni form i 24 yell irell as the ordinary ord loary vertical turbines fr for woo woollen woodald dalt an nil a IP fr I 1 iron glob basest free of cost by applying app lising to ta abc 9 1 0 0 V JAMES JAES LEFFEL CO springfield ohio or liberty st N Y city 11 f mont lolk lills fore I 1 I 1 I 1 4 is ill the V berrti Verr ti ln W il r suit bull t Bir Pull ind te till 1 11 I cm an r H hilteray Hil it ter teram aba vory bt bart t remedy every eiert bottle sold BOH has ha rin ri n relief in mery every acnia 0 a oni inn most li fr wiles Kirt lei IBI end was in cured or amii ith of nl 10 Q years yi irH pleading 11 aro vilO ohio affirm ahn ill bf best rel ielne I 1 have over billil in my in v 20 tit perl enno emm Is il ll 11 of 0 or her iivo h iv addad their testimony oll xa so that I 1 th lie 1 x that aln cura nil all alnea dilA dl nea iines of the tb liver kidneys or aloa ool a half d olar a bottle at smoot A A cos co dro drug store A washington niton fland for sale chip enquire at bli chis ani salve tux TUB BUT CALVIC la in the horld for cute cut brule borei ulcer elcora salt sail all ciril Ui ril jatter totter chirped jaad chilblains corns cornei sad nil ill all sk yimin I 1 a eruptions eruption and nd post pol alrey cures plies or no pay required lk it guaranteed tog to to e t pas or money refunded ric 28 25 can 1 9 por par box b 1 F for a r sale bal it A cos co dru dra datore pro TO |