Show I 1 rocked on the cradle of 0 the deep does daem vry very yell well to slag sing but it is quite another th thing ing to pusa pass throng tilt the bip experience rienza and feet feel the effects of the rock ill the 6 first t d day oat it IV we succeeded lice I 1 I 1 11 taking effing regular well P 11 provided meals with a relish but ns as evening closed in upon hither to gentle swelling owe ailing waves creasA in d to waves and a slight blight sen bation of nausea began creeping on and as it irle increased elised we a redoubled our ef efforts forti to stave if off air by humming bumming and at times whistling some familiar air and then again we would nibble at a bard sea cracker which we bad pocketed p or an apple which we pro pio vided aided ourselves with but at all I 1 of this with what wo we could take proved ineffectual the ilia tenderloin of nule mule would return to tho the sea aea whence it came tito tormenting sensation of f need not be told for ona w who ho never experienced it could fiat aud and those who have touy gone through the ordeal eun fully understand without reading readi ui it in in print the ibe beato of Califor niall is is a merot fair proportions but bu built it nore more for running than fur the so ac of passengers she to is I 1 therefore long for her width and nd rocla prof under any cire circumstances dinst n ver very disagreeable to lo illustrate as a steamer olmyr of about the ibe same capacity was fully a mile ahead of us when we left the wharf and be coreed fore we passed out of the golden gate we were ahead ead but notwithstanding the speed of the state of california w wo 1 were at least fifteen hours behind fi time m a in in reaching portland partly ile he cause of constant cou head bead winds an and partly by running onto on to a sand bar IQ in the columbia river it there is is any time when we on en an unqualified contempt for tobacco smoke fw wor more than another it la is when on board a vessel and under going the excruciating ordeal of sea Bick nebB ia were we captain of a ves bel ael we would construct a movable taking particular pains at al ways to have it on the leeward side bide and force every smoker into it and it should not nob be very stoutly built either cither but bang over the tha water so BO that in in cuse case to many got aboard they would go and any person failing to comply with abi ship P discipline no amok log irig vu board should be confined confided in in it a room mom with hard biml sea broad bread and wit wa ter fur for his bis diet during daring the remainder of the tr trip IP i the must forlorn lo 10 looking a k specimen n ot of humanity is 1 that person w wiio 0 after er visiting the side of t thu he vessel and d then coming in in contact with tobacco smoke and smell of engino engine grease on his hia return looks into his cabio cabin glass whether it is la we the fault of 0 the glass or the distortion of the features cue caused I 1 by the heaving of his hia soul we tire are not fully decided but hive have often attributed it more or less to the imperfections of the glass we saw soule gouie of the extra sized whale fish such as the city editor of a certain newspaper recommended that a smart young man should eat daily in in order to make maat brains enough to entitle him to the ranks of the intelli gent but these sights fights were ot of but bul font little title consequence when the agonizing 1 tuross tb roea ross of nature were upon us my cabin partner a jovi Jew reminded me of the blow whale 1 when ho he got into the wash dish the california Cali Ouli lornia coasts coast so bo fur as we could detect when near dear it is rough rod and often precipe tous the waves cons constantly t antl dashing against it with but a slig slight t growth of sfa timber until we near aba oregon boundary line projecting rocks and detached boulders standing blanding out in the sea showed the homes of the ties sea fowl by their snow enow it appearance aa the spa bea fowl always whitewashes whitewasher white washes bis I 1 is home an entrance to columbia river for large vessels is in somewhat difficult in in consequence ot of the tha sand band bars which often change chance the channel on this trip however we passed through and landed first farst at astoria a town of u 2000 supported chiefly by lara bering berio gand and li Ahing tha ina town ii is jo caged a few miles milaa above fort steph pus ens on the oregon mide being built in IW ihu yellowish clay lull bill sides aidea often by cutting cutt irig away the hilt bill in in order to und find a level spot large enough to stand u houle home upon pon consequently and what alga a HO to there la Is of streets street has a narrow appearance and there is is no room for a garden the furest forest trees roes coyer cover the tha back ground around i 1 and tu u very avery great extent tle ile bumps ot of lh ahe forest where the tha town now stands still rem remain un moved had it imen buen luid laid out in 10 it proper plan with wide streets aud and side bide walks time forto have bava mad it a spot from here we get quit quian nn an exten jod vii drw sir of the BOHI CO af i the river aud and mountains its ita beuka on oil I 1 by T critor y and niiles sid esthe or 0 of hills being literally lite rall cov COT ered with bavy b avy forestie fo 0 of pine ex trutho often fenyn lown W the ean g this view 0 is in gr arl ud nui BUHn ift a with wilh the ibe bold pahl of u the ati Colum Lid bluely auw y on its way to ciagle aln 8 f fis 40 sh water wit elih b this briny deep 0 on leaving Ifa amorim A tonn at 3 in tile we wa benm lo 10 enjoy the bat ln m rido that it linn bits ever been lii hn oar lot to in participate in ili during the iahey V mind 0 c miles we have a on and rivera areri nr eri T the lve as ad lovely as a a sun bun enild emko it 1 while the ilia till app ait lavro blow the slowly moving jovn river cooling tho brows ol of tho fair ideris on board sli bod anti alce fal the hazard 4 countenance countenances a of 0 both men 1 ual I M nomen 0 reviving them hem into an ex stasy aay indescribable I 1 rat flat in the wast fit at bentive mood taking in every changing feature of 0 the still more delight delig Lt ful fill and picturesque scenery as we ve advanced now on one side of the ali river and now on the other kooping und n devi a tingly in the lct ineil channel while bile the sun SUD declined in ili the w em tern horizon producing ao an enchanted landscape view beyond the lite power or pe pencil to depict the iben n another anether tran iron ion followed but no less lens attractive and interesting for red b hue tie cyst cust over abo tb whole faco face of tint if re had not fully disappeared abe when n tile bright slim silver moon raided tile tho traveller on OB ins ilia wy way blowing a dazzling rt upon the slightly rippling water caused by the knoder ate mountain brew breeze the posts which led had designated the course of the main main channel aple now somewhat useless anti and lumps lamps here end thero there on prominent pi eminent points told the ibo pilot which way to steer oo on we our way expecting in two at 0 three hours more to reach 11 portland ortland every tuan man and aad woman on the upper dock deck enjoying the tha agreeable change from the rolling ollin ship on the ocean to its nosy cow smooth and gentle motion as it speeds its way up the river when all at once we run on n sand band bar the wheels wheela worm werft reversed and every effort made in ada to back off but to no pur purpose bei there we stuck fast from ii halt past eight in in the evening evenio until one a 11 in the next day when alie tie tide lido lift ed us or off it was somewhat amusing arusiag to lf of despon dency depleted depicted upon every enmity counte annee when ODB by one into their bedi hist but Zephy jim w tin no experience exper ienco eliy night befaro ix furo with a good sized erali ug on hi bed ahat J astl fled him I 1 la 1 1 remaining i in n deck ck all along tt the i e river vu a hoth I 1 etli odes hiilei i are Q iiii liuti huts anti ami boat cinat moorings mo orlis thero are alio gin gen era nirl farma with till extensive buildings and hwi wry for and baking lii alli fill for fir foreign cn mackew marko tD on oil quite 91 an extensive sin aind d tr bar W we e noticed nolif d fish ermen ennui drawing their sets with ani tri laim tho or of the wiver m in t it I 1 of their use wands 11 mils lire are interspersed along the river saidie quite large covered with forests ii irisia af if timber alluna at hood tower its bald head fir ar abobo any others no during the wh ie mail up the river of miles from Aa iorli to ti ai we me near Peril vid wr we discover dl the lite forest on firo dwir tile the river the ilia fire reaching till all hie so n as up lull tree lb it lui in 11 at a dist mice like posts 1 lull 11 and from lima baie to tn top tip thu the snooke milling arl ilni frimi rr nu this ihla fir alra m wed down upon the lie wilier water no mi its HK to lo tho the allt nt of tile the melon soon ilia diep deep toned whistle announces anno unies 0 our 1 ur kir rival at and we milks make our way to lo tho the international hotel for reit preparatory lory to taking in the city end other places placed of li la lipitt |