Show IN THE NAME OP OF THE LAW 1 1 4 ALL HONORABLE MEN but for Cons clenca sake they mast go to prison on frilay I 1 the 1 third district court resided 01 over er by bv jud go zane otherwise c pa called lied IRaL cond jeffrys presented an amma animated t c d appearance T I 1 bere was on nn unusually large ot of citizens present to witness another conviction leopla 0 O 1 11 1 dont usually go to that court m ft lien a mormon Is on oil trial with any of witnessing aritt anit ling linK else tins him time henry IV bafs it was waa on trial blood chilling crime cilino ol of 1 holding out was waa alleged against b enoi im anil and ol of coune a jury who lio could bo be safely depended upon tillon n oy by he prosecution was M desirable ili in it any other kotlier class of cases th the prosecution elution woul I 1 not matil feat any lar anxiety the single would you render it 11 verdict according mt to tile evidence evidon col would bo be all insufficient to satisfy tile prosecution but tit in this chus basti a more thorough understanding of 0 ft hat tho the jury v ill to do no matter ni itter what the evi dinco dence in may 17 afterward prove i oe to bei gen orally wanted in advance oneo oni 0 upon it tune line in the call anso of joseph Jon cili 11 II the J ury jury disagreed a anil lid tile defendant was na contrary C to the ashes islina ht alio krusee pi baci it ulion p ermit permitted ted to breath a fow more ds days D of I 1 F liberty aburt it was siiri nisel etl that there had I 1 not lot alil in en tint that frat fraternal einal friendly or comman alint ha haa 1 bo be furo foro liebwein liet wein tile iroc cution 11 d the jurors before evidence B MIS its pre dented and that jn i oin the jurors ashen they hoy kit into their comme need thinking fr for themselves after this experience the wua was natural naturally ly feted to c x ercile a little more cam caie in n ferturo rt ore sicre holding out was waa the offense bibo ilin red ili III tile naisbitt NaIm bitt case there was a little mo moreth nn usual activity fit in sifting biffin Bif tin out the doubtful ones but the lie prosecution secured their men ili in tile enil end the clerk riad read tile indictment hie I 1 charges cliar geB tile unlawful lo 10 ciaio lave been committed between april A ril Is 1833 anti and december st it I 1 francis hurst naisbitt Nals Ni bitt kate ge I 1 Nals naisbitt bitt and lizzle irvine kato kate ilabell naisbitt Nai Nalo abitt bitt i I 1 lae hav been in married to tile tha defendant iii I 1 years ilie in weber counte 3 abay la have come coine down in 1891 to attend my m fathera athers fun fen crale cal I 1 may m havo gone to tho defendants defendant a house homo iw for a short time but it was at the solicitation of ins ills daughter I 1 staid with hir did not i week altogether I 1 this S was ill march of 0 1883 my young est child is is a little over three years yeara old the result of 0 this examination seemed to lo bo be very or digap d tp binting oin ting and tile prosecution re octant I 1 y I 1 excused her 1 francis arancia elarst naisbitt I 1 livo live in tile the word warl my husband visited rne me once or twice a wee week k fit at m my home I 1 know lizzle irvine naisbitt I 1 liae have three flirea children tile the youn i youngest gost bein being g about six months old 1 l the first wife wits was sworn mr bir shocks objected but was overruled I 1 was married to ta sixteen years yeara ao ago I 1 live in tile the twentieth vard and have se are children I 1 have with iny illy husband for about three years 3 earb ho he does not call on me it at til all did not call from april to december 1885 1 bin am certain lio lie supports me aej and has done so darina luring all tins this period lie called ones once when I 1 was building A new ho house going on three years ago KO lie ha morl merely camo came to the door we it have a ve never arl quarreled wo when we meet aro are no not t divorced it is ia about 2 aj years sinto since we ne leased ceased speaking to each other I 1 see eee him on thol lie street occasionally i 1 dont recognize him when I 1 piss mag him on tile street ho bayh 1 or something oi of that und kind to me but I 1 donot do not speak caa Q why did you caaso speaking to each clot other ller two and a half years ago A A biti with macli embarrass ment 1 I do clina to answer niev er 1 Q I aak A 1 I cant allt answer alter after inukih pressing the witness saul they ind 1 ad words worda two and a hilt years ago anil and he cobel ceasee comma coming to the house she isho did not think she was waa being properly treated tre atoil and the she ceased to speak to him all ali this was extracted only by dint of 0 the on thi prosecutors cui part and ami was given in the prose faintest tono und and u etli the titi utmost ului tanco by tile witness cross examined exam ineil it is three years ears anil and past since I 1 lived with ti sir naisbitt Nai Nals abitt bitt as ins his wife ia my baby was aa born in juno 1983 much as three months before that that I 1 to live with 1 him 1 ito lie ho ties liaa never taken me out or in 1 reduced rod or treated nio me its iia lna ilia wife at tho the time lio lie ci illel to sea bee the house it v was as not finished lie ho merely remained a few minutes to look lit at the building to mr dickson Dic lison ile he was lit at tile house at tile time lima the lie baby u as born it was waa after that that ilia visits ceased air kickson dickson uttered cred a sound bound that inight have been either all or 11 0 oho ho 11 air sheeks you say may lie hi was in tile house when tio the child was born A aho ile s as mr air dickson cacti up till now no liina ill been rather be clouded became becaro suddenly smiling ind tile the witness was excused t f site was M called back however to testify if Y to 0 the fact of 0 her marriage mamago sir mr I 1 bickson I 1 I 1 k 0 n suddenly seeming to remember that there was has a doubt as to lier title to tile the name of first wife Sh she aBAid said mary ann naisbitt and kute kate ilabell naisbitt Nai Na abitt labitt wele n eio liia his wives when I 1 married him ilia his first wilo of all was elizabeth Ul izabeth danl naisbitt 1110 tilio tiled lied rome bome timo time wore before lio narried married I 1 nio me mr bickson oli oh then you ora ara his le ie gal wife 10 to air iio was as sent for to omo come at att the haimo time the tha child was wai born ile iio did not acm remain ain iong to io mr air ackson I 1 lic came cama afterwards alter wards to see eco the tha bab biby both sides 1 etro I ra rostel rested ilal the case went to the alie jurl jury without mr air dickson asked lor or certain instructions to tile the jury relative to the last witness r right ight to the name of tile alio first vita mr air shocks bli eelia took all n opposite view dewi but the judge audgo gave eave the Instruct instruction io n requested by the ilia prosecutor in lila ills chargo cli ArRi judge zane said if c iii 10 eve that the delen lant has haa cohabited with to MO or with mth sill nil of the women named ili in tile the indictment you should find aniu ill guilty uita ui tv if you believe from roin evidence that lie ha lind had three hires avea living livine thethis that liia lawful wito uita died ally tind I 1 he afterwards after married ll iia irvine irvina the law lav presumed her to be ain 11 is only jonir lawful wicy ito and it vou believe I 1 from r 0 n t atio I 1 0 evidence of that lazzlo li livine irvine vine naisbitt Nai abitt was as ills in faful wife ve that he r zed and port edher her ond lond vinit visit id ed lier her bul once if t lie heras lila ilia wife anil and she him as ai ilia his such 4 abet would constitute coniti tute ion or olier 0 her and if during that tb at thue the he t do de I 1 lend int as living liv iiii with mith one of the other women men named in ill tile the indictment that Oll fl us an to hr her alven aen if there tind bad been no marriage Brcin opy performed if lie bield lier her up lip 0 the world as an ills ilia wife that would be unlawful coll cohabitation tile jury nero out about halt 11 all an hour aal id then returned with a verdict of 0 g guilty gilt i judge le zane said eaid he would fix the time lime ol of sentence at from next tuesday way NAY on oil batul saturday aay the lour four cases in wl I 1 lh 1 tile defendants were accused of holding OX ouy and supporting support supporting int their wives tho the first one tried was t that at of GEORGE C tal ile he was arraigned arraign cil on three counts there being one each tor for tile hie year 1883 1884 arid ana 1885 1685 the case attracted no little attention on account of the fact that hiring the years 1333 1883 and 1884 the defendant hall hail not lived witti with either cither of liia ilia wives having iii been absent iu in L angland ing land during eliat tune on being arraigned the gentleman pleaded not guilty to the indictment charging that during tile the years mentioned lie ho lived with aith and acknowledged as aa ilk wives rosa cannon lambert and mary alice lambert I 1 mr air lambert ort took the stand at his hia own request and in answer to questions said in substance I 1 am the defendant in fit this notion action MA mary alice lambert and rosa cannon lambert are my wives tile the ural first named i liia as married to me BUS fifteen years ngo ago today to day and the latter about thirteen mid aud one half years ago during the years 1883 and 1884 1 I I 1 was I 1 in europe but during 1885 1 lived in salt lake city and michl the ladies indies named in G the complaint at tho the request of sir dickson Dicks the two wo counts lor for the lie years and 1884 were d llamia ism famed Bed and judge zano zane briefly bracil br icil charged alie jury fury on tile third count a verdict of f guilty of course being ien rendered may AIRY bilth was selected as the dily day for passing sentence GEORGE 11 BAILEY was VAs next called there being one in ili him film and tile period named in efio complaint was between Alf MAY frast ast 1st 1883 and april lat 1880 1886 mrs elsio elsie railey was tile only w witness it called tho the defendant is my hul hua band we have lave been married eighteen years cars hiring during the period named in hi the tha indictment defendant has lived with elizabeth balley and myself inthe saine house my you youngest I 1 agest thild child is about a year old elizabeth is tile defendants wife I 1 her children cill c ill him father the jury received tile tho usual charge r turned returned 0 a verdict of guilt guilty y in a little less than half an hour and bly may loth was named as the day for mr air bailey a I 1 ley to receive rei sentence JESS JENS of mill creek also appeared app for trial on but one count the defendant voluntarily took the 13 tend eland and testified fed the ladica named in the indictment bertha hanson and Kic kreisten Ki eisten isten hanson are my wives wives they have been nearly twenty two years I 1 I 1 lived with bertha during the period named in tho the indictment and lune have visited and taken meals at Klela tens both houses aro are on the alio sanio same farm I 1 recognized both as my wives and ac knowledge knott lodge them as such A ve verdict of guilty haq af quickly rendered and sentence mill ivill be passed on juno june ANDREW JENSEN was arraigned arraign ea on ono indictment charging that from may april 1880 lie he lived with johanna jensen and anna andersen as ag his wives hives ile ho plead not cull ty JO johanna anna jenson jensen 1 I am the lawful wife difo of tho the defendant I 1 was tas married to him bout about fourteen years yeara ago lie he had no other ather wife at that time I 1 know johanna jobanna V I 1 jensen that h a is my namo name anna 1 I e son jensen was then naked asked tor for but phocas aho was not preson I 1 and tho the witness wit nesa continued since iI may 1833 1893 have lived at 1 11 mill ill creek with my husband I 1 have five children the youngest six months know anna andersen jensen I 1 have lave known her eight years she alia has haa nover never lived in the same bame house with me rhe mile has bus not lived li ed next door during daring all ol of the last soven seven years ghe eho may have come coma there BK six years ago I 1 own m a tile the place e I 1 live on and also where anna andersen lives I 1 did not testify before the tha grand jury that my husband oft owns ns it tho the defendant did not give tile the place to tome me he never owned it aitla anua andersen derson Sil has two children one live five years and the other oilier tour four 3 cars old are all I 1 know ofa of I 1 saw her three or 0 r tour four weeks ago Y I 1 remember being subpoenaed to go before tho the commissioner 1 saw her ft a couple of weeks before then she oho was n as ca called lied anna ande andersen reen I 1 know her as arilla andersen not AS as jensen you added the namo name jensen her calill children do to not call mo me aunt they ha have 0 been at my house I 1 do 00 not know whether my husband was there at it the tune time or not I 1 do not remember having seen been them in inith their cir presence never heard them call him father dont aw know anything of anna Andersen dersen Is a affairs affair sl 1 have not seen the defendant in her house I 1 may ivirty have seen been him about that house but I 1 do nut not know I 1 think blunk I 1 have seen been liim him no one told me to say ay 1 I dont know to every eye r question my husband has alicd with mo me lien bea lie ha has been homo hot all A 11 tho t he time lie ho was VM often u up p in I 1 mill fil I 1 creek canyon I 1 do not know w ft where hero anna anderson or her children ate are I 1 saw lier her children on the morning the officers came but ut their mother was not there petersen 1 lire I 1 know defendant know Jo johanda Joh hamra anra do not know anna petersen uco goo B bailey 1 live in AIM creek I 1 know not n t visit him I 1 do not know anna anderso andersen 1 have acen her at the meeting house but not in company with defendant she ehe never visited gitch my house do not know her children deputy marshal sint finith tit WAS called I 1 served amed subpoenas sub penas in this ease caso on an tile oth of april I 1 arrested the defendant I 1 conversed about ins his wives fl r cs lie he asked to have ilia his 0 second ond wife released because slid she was sick and it would injure her to bring hr her to town he said lie bo would plead guilty j lie he said her child was only A v week eek old I 1 u went ent to the second n wife ife a house but could not getil get in n tile the defendant went hint nith adith too me an ciul t lie e woman noman and add baby vi is ere gone afra jensen jell men went to in baing her back but could not mr jenson jensen was greatly worried dep uty Franks wl is N it us tile fiction action VIM vias a topic ot of con conversation all tho the way ivy to town tonn and lis be n wanted anted to plead guilty to sheeks Shock sI 1 do not consider it la Is my business bu sineas to collect testimony 1 1 never caution defendant against speaking ho be speaks the english engli lah language la ngu a pretty Y m el 11 I 1 this con conversation ere w wad in his yard rd anti and in the second bites house i klirs jiles jensen was there mr ir franks heard he ard tile the conversation at this point an adjournment was has taken until 2 anti and at blut leour the cage m as a continued and 0 U D hendrickson tvs tta i called live at mill creek hayo lipil ther e fifteen fiat C en or tiit tenear tin known tho ill e defendant fen dAnt fur for ten tenor or twelve cars have abea anna andersen Ani ersen the two women ili lne a about thelie rods apart there la is no budding bu between anna andersen Is ig generally ene rally repute il to be the wife of the ie defendant cross examined elii in I 1 nedi ned lave hava I hoard heard a great many man people refer to her as lna ilia wife lie could not hot a blay ly how bow man probably half hal a duven could not to siy any exactly how |