Show THE ENQUIRER excepted BY THE ENQUIRER COMPANY fl II 11 cleft pres djohn vice pres LA secretary JOHN 0 i manager subscription RATES DAILY one year by mail six months hr months cne month 90 ono acel 25 SEMI WEEKLY one year by mail ix months tareq 75 CITY subscribers THE ENQUIRER will bo delivered to any part nf the city at 90 cents per month or 2 cents per week where delivery is irregular please make complaint to the office or through telephone no 27 JANUARY 6 1891 combination fence kanuf by M L PRATT silk mufflers at IRVINE BARNEYS LATEST styles in neckwear at sc BARNEYS notice there wiil be a meeting of the stock holders of the bovo povo theatre co held on monday jan in the provo theatre for the purpose af electing directors and for the transacting of such other business as may come before the meeting to be held at p m C A GLAZIER sec important to ladies know ye the citizens of provo city that the lime of year has come when something mufit be done by each and empry store keeper andee feels it his duty to make some special efforts to please his customers with something new and where as ithe cirni of jaa thomson co is a new firm they have decided to do something quite novel by cutting the prices of all of their goods to nearly cost during the Holli daya conover brothers Piano 1 it comes to our knowledge that dealers are offering our pianos at low prices to people who have heard of their great merits and at the same time are trying to beell the same parties some other make of piano we take anis occasion to state that taggert ia chamberlain of salt late city utah are our only representatives for the territories of utah ond idaho aud they will furnish our warranty on our pianos to each cus tomer who purchases a conover bros piano we thank the public for their liberal patronage through our agents above named whom we can recommend as upright and deserving business men submitted 5 CONOVER BROS co manufacturers new york r n y v y MARKET JU JL JL As all business men know the money market is very tight and is almost impossible to borrow money must have and in order to get it on any terms and we need MONEY and money we WE ARE GOING TO SACRIFICE A large portion of our stock and when we say sacrifice we mean sacrifice as the prices quoted below will show LL factory 16 ads canton flannel regular price loc H 1 00 twilled scarlet flannel all wool 35 cut to 25 dress goods regular 71 5 I 1 lot of childs cloaks tt to each 1 lot of boys shoes and aar apr cut to 1 lot of hilds 1 l 75 1 l 1 lot of mens I 1 lot of mens heavy blue Over shirts 90 I 1 lot of leather coats 1 lot of mens suits 9 d to 1200 1 lot of mens black worsted suits 1400 and agoo TOO u 1 lot of mens working pants 1 50 k 1 lot of mens overcoats 1 lot of mens overcoats aioo aioo i all goods sold on this sale are strictly cash so goods will be charged at these prices member these prices hold good only 30 days now is your chance for a bargain at 3 W centre st prove ast goop go op institution are daily receiving aft large shipments of goods they are better prepared than ever to furnish their customers with the latest styles and best quality of 0 adress roods and flannels plaids Brillian teens vandyke braids silk blushes and velvety velvets Vel vets axi it in great variety j carload of stoves just arri ved SCIENTIFIC 9 BREAKFAST and ACORN ia of various sizes and prices everything down to living figures h T S ja S ald 1 asa hS a burll r vurl OM aurl 1 alie celebrated SANT VALLEY LUMP COAL 0 AT yard OR DELIVERED 0 aders bj liane no 20 or ical at the eist ani west coop co op iriel prompt alten lioa provo L M B go R H PAIMAN bupt supt letting photographer ot Provo OVER BOOTS WILS ONSLAW Mft feicK have few goods left which will be sold at greatly induced to rent 1 A good six room house barn cellar and flow ingwell two ull jots opposite B ward stephen tofy f boffl shoes size 11 to 5 former prices tand a pair cut to per pair big bargagna bar gaina irdine barney A second hand saw mill lath mill and a 20 inch leffell turbine wheel for sale cheap we carry the larges stock of pip and fittings in provo hinds GAS WATER and FITTINGS attended to half block west of west coop co op P 0 box provo SUN AND A ND M CO bial mc ii is N d market which will be opened on dr east of parley Hindma grocery store on thursday october 16 1890 with a choice supply of ssofi MM na foa asi to free delivery to any part of town FRED KI prop utah county savings bank the attention of those desiring to oon basinga accounts is called to the ettan county savings bank which allows interest on deposits at the rate at 6 per cent per annum compounded quarterly monay to loan on approved real security ita officers are as followay fol lowa A 0 president T R vice president w n dusenberry cashier e A assistant cashier directors A 0 J C GRAHAM T B GEORGE IV D kinq PETER I 1 iona importers Im portera and retail af SALT LAKE CITY UTAH brantli at arto co operative cooperative stores THE GENERAL AAB TO SELECT TH Z 0 M I 1 in salt lake city and the aled provo and LC branches citan Oro okery stoves toola clotildi Clot hlDi dry leollier Le allier jat arnea dried artt ra bupt supt NOTICE the undersigner undersigned under signed have in connection edth their business opened a farsi class bwy i leesi aai AT PACIFIC DEPOT LEHI and can fanniah all kinds ofton Tey ances feht and day horses and mares for sale at reasonable prices carriages carrying passengers connect with all trains on the union pacific itna eio grande western co operative cooperative GENERAL merchandise lehi GENERAL is k ta T 1 book BY W M TC fit the ENQUIRER office troy steam laundry ox aalt lake bevans has the agency for the celebrated troy beeam laundry salt lake city bundles left monday will he sent and returned free of express charges satisfaction guaranteed offices at D JR G express office in howe A taff grocery store husks the exposition at the smoot drug co saw a more sensible and as ace aline of goods and buch low figures before in anan aie found at DUNS co sa wy 4 est COOP CO OP are doing more business than ever consequently prices are lower we carry a full and complete stock of general merchandise goods and prices make your purchases and we aiu save you money A arfi lod ly idt PUKING DONE ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE OF DOORS AND WINDOW aralles FR AllES STAIRS STAIR RAILING BALUSTERS NEWEL POSTS BRACKETS and all kinds of WORK AND IS coobs LATH SASH WEIGHTS AND CORD LOOKS HINGES and all iduas f BUILDING MATERIAL CEMENT CHIMNEY FLUES PORTLAND CEMENT TER OP PARIS plasterers HAIR CENTER PIECES paints and gaass celebrated combination slat and wire fence everything ve make and all is down to bed rock prices 0 o 0 office factory and yards opposite th P P and Rio Granda depota prot W R H sapt bilm atan groceries Grocer iea dry goods hardware queens war CALL AND mm m um STOCK JOSEPH A habres proprietor G E anderson L D amm CRANDAL i SOU we carry a rare ad special stock of T effi ya s i i alsa W WLL WL L JL wholesale and retail BRANCH mERIEa GA UNION BLOCK opposite bernac Ta AT springville SPRING VILLE and MANTI PROVO CITY UTAH 1 Ms the finest line of JEWELRY we hava the exclusive agency for the famous acknowledged leading JULIUS JENSEN union block provo v j cai U al I 1 el i 1 l a utah WHOLESALE fredt poow arlof duj 0 W seeds and rt J ami and dealers in 3 WE ALWAYS PAY write na for prices we our trade casioa lote a specialty f the heaviest and best made for i of aay house in th e territory alark I 1 vj lt l t |