Show WHOLESALE an infatuated new yorker elopes with A young widow AND undertaker IN ADDITION TO CARRY THEY MAKE TRACKS FOR CANADA the marquis of lome opens the victoria art gallery gladstone eager for a content A pincky comans womans experience frances shipping failure special to the ROME N Y jan 29 in the village of camden about twelve miles north of here on friday chas bianchard of that village eluded with mrs geo mc billig a young widow with sit children john barton of camden and mrs mcgillis have been li ing together for some yeara until recently they have been on the best of terms burton has alie father of children by a former wife she procured a divorce from him and burton met the widow mcgille Mc Gilli she was then the mother of four children by a deceased husband aliey determined to marry but an obstacle stood in her way burton was divorced and barred from marrying again then they concluded to live together any way they were residents of camden for many years and mrs mcgillis lIis became the mother of two children by hurton then she met charles bianchard and his smile broke the charm which bartons burtons Bur tons presence had so long thrown around her being only 33 yeara of age and good loorine sho so on won her way into BIanc hards heart husband and father though he was and the result is that his love for mrs mcgillis was so strong that he fled with her and her children blanchard is a stonemason by trade his deserted wife lives in st lawrence county with her children she is anch prostrated by cpr husbands action burton does not seem to care about mrs mcgilliam Mc Gillia departure but he object to her taking the children of ho is the father he can not imagine how blanchard Bla coald get away so quietly all the children without discovery it is learned that the elopers have gone to canada A PLUCKY special to the ENQUIRER I 1 PARIS tex january 29 about 11 last night a woman whose face and figure gave evidence that she had been accustomed to hardships and poverty came up town and began to inquire for a man with a little child lie is my husband she said and he took the child in his arms and said he was coming here to buy a suit of clothes he has been gone for more than two hours and I 1 know he is drunk and in some bambling Kam bling room 1 want my baby where is an officer an officer was found and they set out to find the husband several saloons were visited alie man had been at one drinking and had the child with him it was finally learned that the man was in a gambling hall over a saloon messengers were sent after him but he refused to come down the woman was almost wild with grief and losing all control of herself she rushed into the sa loon and up stairs before any one could interfere there were loud and angry inside telling her to go away but this made her the more determined and she seized a piece of plank and began to batter on the door when the inmates capitulated A crowd gathered around to see that the plucky woman had fair play and there would have been serious trouble if a man had dared to lift a hand against her in a moment she came down her child in her arms accompanied compa nied by her drunken liege lord hailing a carriage she hustled in to it and took them hame deportation OF NEGROES special to charleston S C jan 29 william pitt kellogg the leading white republican of louisiana captain J L weber of the editorial staff of the news and courier objects to the proposed exodus of the negroes he bays 1 I do not think the proposed scheme feasible 1 because the colored race is so numerous and the expense incident to such a scheme would be so great that it would be found to be impracticable 2 the colored people have bec ne so fully identified with this country especially with the south that I 1 do not believe any considerable number could be induced to consent to deportation 3 I 1 think the proposition is offensive to christian civilization and violates the constitutional right of citizenship if thre be connected with it any element of coercion 4 I 1 think it would be a serious blow to the commercial and agricultural ri interests of the south and I 1 do not believe that the white people of the south would look with favor upon the loss of colored labor involved in a scheme of this kind I 1 am of the opinion that the leading journals of the south would take ane stand that the news and courier has recently taken against the hostilities manifested toward the colored people by the whites in some portions of the south and if they would earnestly and in good faith address themselves to se curing additional educational facilities for the colored people that the antagonism between the two races would approach a happy solution gen grant once said in substance that the democratic party could be trusted to do something to create an issue eliat would bo calculated to weaken itself and strengthen the republican party just at a time when the ties of the party are being loosened so far as the colored voters are concerned both north and south when aba colored people are beginning to think for themselves as never before in short juat as that race la beginning to assume an independent at this subject is being agitated which aside from any other issue is of itself calculated to renew the allegiance of the colored people to the republican party for it may be safely assumed that the republican pary will antagonize any scheme of deportation WITH BULLETS special to the BONNE mo jan 29 John richardson was shot and almost instantly killed by his second cousin william richardson abent four mile east of this place yesterday afternoon the two men met at a saloon and john who was drinking revived an old quarrel in the boorse of which he attempted to draw a revolver but before he could do so william leveled a shot ann which he held in his hands and fired thirty two shots taking effect in johns neck and resulting in death in about ten minu tea PEOPLES salt lake cites next council SALT LAKE Su echil to the ENQUIRER 1 SALT LAKE jan 28 the city convention of the peoples party which convened last night reassembled this mornine to complete alie nominations for city officers city councillors councilors Counci lors were nominated from the various precincts after which the convention took a recess they are in session again this afternoon engaged in the nomination of aldermen nominations up till 1 stands as follows spencer clawson mayor H M wells recorder A W carlson treasurer john H rumel assessor and collector gilbert A mclean marshal william fuller john william groesbeck councillors councilors counci lors from first precinct arnald G granger R K thomas john G robinson second precinct frauk IL llyde eli A folland 0 H hardy third precinct richard W villiam J tuddenham J fewson fews on smith sen fourth precinct K W claaton clavton ton J midgley F A fifth precinct A large number of voters have appeared for hearing today to day to show cause why their names should not be stricken from the registration lists the deputies are still busy serving notices special to the ENQUIRER I 1 SALT LAKE jan 27 governor thomas received a letter from river side san juan county stating eliat about fifty southern ute indians biad quartered themselves in that county and were living on food begged and stolen from the settlers A number of navajo indians are also leaving their reservation in northeastern arizona and invading san juan county the letter lurther states that there are several trading posts on san juan river where they sell ammunition to the indians and asks what steps are ti be taken for protection from the depredations of these wandering savages TUB agricultural college special to the ENQUIRER SALT LAKE january 29 the board of trustees of the agricultural college submitted a report to the legislature this afternoon recommending an appropriation of for fitting up the institution and running expenses for two years the report shows receipts amounting to of which 16 have been expended leaving a balance of on hand MORE LIBERAL obstruction special to the ENQUIRER SALT LAKE jan 27 the deputy marshals are busy serving notices on registered voters requiring them to appear before registrars and show cause why their names should not be stricken from the registration lists the complaints served are made ayd webb against the peoples party voters it is rumored that the number of complaints exceeds seven hundred the hearing will commence tomorrow to morrow |