Show Coi aLnes the juice of the blue figs of california so laxative and nutritious the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to human system forming ane ONLY PERFECT REMEDY to act gently yet promptly on the LITER AND BOWELS AND TO Clean sethe system effectually SO THAT PURE BLOOD refreshing SLEEP HEALTH and STRENGTH naturally follow every one is using it and all are delighted with it ask your druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS manufactured only by the california FIG SYRUP CO SAM CAL ky NEW N Y arnt J G J W sutherland ST W vill e in ill courts of utah and adjoining adjo inin i and 1 l L V a LG C U attorneys and councillors councilors Counci lors it law will in all tho ciuros of the tuini toty oab up stairs dietch er building street brovo utah THOMAS davas CIVIL county surveyor for utah county surveyor for altu officio opposite courthouse CIT S JOHN B MILNER attorney at law hines building let door north provo city attah AT LAW koom no 7 bank building CITY F I 1 buim F RE IV M ism ff aam CX sob EVIDENT DENTIST room no 10 ra ik Huil dins UTAH 7 fe all kinds at the LOA cst figures alst CLASS teeth removed by dr painless extraction ins electric vapor is the safest and kebl J M bank building ap stairs provo SAMUEL oafs ft ii i i B A long time ind low hates or interest correspondence solicited and promptly annii deml office at one block east n om coop co op store spanish fork utah am prepared to furnish LUMBER to the TRADE in ani and to my sizes desired efird ciba DON R CORAY CO rero aero o MONEY LOANED ON LONG tiree low rate of interest Correspond enca solicited and answered promptly office over first bank SURNCE fiS corporation of condou capital paid p aid up I 1 basli assets over COMPANY ut bondu Ion du and aberdeen capital paid up accumulated funida over of hartford conn cash capital 1000 cash assets eugene A agent can fork lelii alpine and vicinities notary public and civil VI OOS AT atle 16 doiny a large faintly trade and con to keep on band the choicest eliop next door west of the west coop co op free delivery bany artof ProTo r THE LACE HOUSE salt balte city new store new goods THE ONLY EXCELSIOR LADIES AND IN UTAH we have the largest and best aelem iona aud cheapest lines of laces embroideries broide ries shoes hosiery handkerchiefs gibbous Ei bbous underwear corsets fans white goods and lotions in the west our catalogue and list is now ready aul ill be mailed to every lady iier udd tess feud for a cata I 1 V IN cef RK VEAL ivoti iVy af ti 9 delivery to all parte of the city SCOTT CO excelsior ib MILLS Deiler dir aard aed GASH PAID FOK J W HOOVER manager i i I 1 p j bali aaa royy MEXICAN operated under a twenty years contract mexican international improvement co grand monthly drawings held in tho moresque pa vulon in the alameda park city of mexico and publicly conducted by government officials appointed for the purpose by the of the interior and the treasury the monthly tour dollar lie held in the city of mexico nov tickets at 84 30 WO prizes amounting to price of tickets american money wholes sa halves 2 flu arters sl LIST or 1 capital prize of laW 1 capital prize of S ia 20 CO 1 capital prize of booco is ucho I 1 grand prize of 2000 n 2000 S ames of 1000 are 20 iloco HO prizes of 0 M 23 approximation prizes prizes of prizes of 50 to 20 prize amo prizes of 40 to locco prize asi Tenal nals jofs 0 O arizo 2378 AUP izea sold la the united paid in ua states currency riAT CEES by terms of contract the company must deposit the som of all prizes included in the before elainea eli inea single and receive ane follo yin of pennic iset is zonile sank of mexico anil america ol 01 deposit tai necessary funds top the at all prizes drawn bai the cc la K UES el VEIL company I 1 to fiat ys per cent cf the value f nil the in prizes a larser proportion than li CI by any other lottery all drawings under the t and management of IB intervenor Inter renor b the filst of prizes be eest iraci t aie after th drawing to all or on prizes may bo deposited for collect toi ti any bante or or sent through ahem or ly mail registered to ahta for full particulars address V agaj jaad TW city of mexico mexico HA has queried in alie basement of the bank a eliop where he will attend to repairing auns REVOLVERS ETC at moderate rates and will suar antee his work to be done in first class style CALL AND SEE HIM BEFORE GOING EAST TO top off anysee jar UTAH P 17 IMPORTER AD BREEDERS OF suffolk punch english shire and cleveland bay horses and shetland ponies shorthorn short horn and holstein cattle ave havee tho largest and finest stud of pure bred horses west of the missouri eiver are second to none in the west stock for sale at all times at LIVING PRICES AND OX EASY visitors welcome correspondence invite WW lo institution LEHL UTAH CO r general merchandise agricultural ACRI CULTURAL S vaa lomber doors windows ETC ETC T B CUTLER bupt supt YOUNG MENS coop co op butali ts general merchandise farming implements and all tanda of WM H HUCHES sarsaparilla lias no equal stands alone as the CREAT BLOOD PURIFIER and cure for rheumatism NO now sold is so fully en deraad h Y anil druggists complete formula printed on each battla ask for BROWNS sarsaparilla and use no other BROWNS AND GINGER is edged to be the best remedy for diarrhoea dysentery and ill bowel complaint it contains the active medicinal virtues of jamaica ginger and blackberry roots combined with aroma bics tics making it an agreeable safe and effectual remedy sold by all druggists S WATER WHEEL designed for all purposes where limited quantities oi water and bieh heads are guaranteed to give more power with less water than any other wheel ide being placed on horizontal shaft the power is transmitted direct to shaft by belts and all gearing dispensed with estimates furnished on application wheels specially built and adapted in capacity to suit any particular case further information can be obtained of this form of construction as well a s the binary vertical turbines for wooden penstocks pen stocks a nd in iron globe cases free of st by applying to the manufacturers JAMES LEFFEL GO ohio or liberty st N T city please mention this papery 4 STORES 4 J i w awa daily arrivals oy AT eai HOUSE SALT LAKE full stock of clothing latest novelties in dress 3 ladies bosses and childrens BOOTS drop in and examine conr THE chicag S OCE i as CO have just received a fine stock of ga sa s1 mens and beys pothina Co thina ladies and bents underwear also a large assortment of 2 which they are selling very cheap the public are cordially invited to call and examine QUALITY AND PRICES McEW AlST 00 CENTRE STREET provo ORAN LEWIS dealer in drugs medicines toilet articles QUICK SALES LOW PRICES SMALL PROFITS dr boye in constant attendance physicians s prescriptions CAREFULLY compounded aay uusi t main street spanish fork STAR MEAT MARKET HERS have opened a new shop one door of their old stand where they will keep constantly ON HAN HAND D THE BEST kullon veal anica bogoa PORK SAUSAGE jat calves and dressed stags wanted tree delivery to any part of the city OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSE FARRER and listen while I 1 tell you of those beautiful bedroom and parlor suites that have just arrived at taylor bros their carpets and wall papers are the finest in the market and sold at such reduced prices that you and everybody else can afford to furnish your home get me a haby carriage a chicago cottage arpan and new home sewing machine remember the place TAYLOR BROS THE FURNITURE RUSTLERS PHYSICIAN the treatment of 0 AN ars KS and chronic diseases in which he has had upwards of 40 years successful experience a specialty PROVO UTAH of STEAM ENGINES PUMPS I 1 BASS IRON CASTINGS TOR STOVE FRONTS MILL K WORE FOS JAILS BRIDGES and BUILDINGS WROUGHT CAST IRON FENCING BOILER REPAIRING A SPECIALTY ALL KINDS OP gas and steam fitting attended to manufacturers and dealers in STEAM HEATERS FOK PUBLIC PRIVATE BUILDINGS DEVEYS PATENT TUBULAR IRON WH S FOR MINERS FARMERS CASH PAID FOR OLD IRON half block west of west coop co op P 0 bos agents for leffel steam engines and water wheels DEVEY sutherland attorneys and counselors at law will practice in all the courts of the territory office ho stalls flatcher main street provo utah obtained ancl all PATENT SUi amESS attended to for CURATE FEES our office is opposite the U S patent office and we can obtain patents in leas time almi those remote fioril send VODEL 01 PHOTO of invention we adlisa KS to patent ability free of charge and we aadu AO chaosae UNLESS for cip iular advice terms and references to actual curits in your own state county city or town write to C A patent office washington D C THE EUREKA STAGE I 1 he stage between and eureka will run W ebe INSTEAD OF DAILY UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE leaving eureka and on TUESDAYS THURSDAYS SUNDAYS ial ACHL one stase will leads eureka and another connecting att goshen in ame for dinner stages will connect same day with passenger boing north from dianta quia aud will get you through to 4 pm stages leave eureka at 10 a mann and thursdays J W proprietor ROBERTS REAL ESTATE Afi ESTS in alie provo book stationery store braving city property FARM or MEADOW LAND for sale will save by listing their property with us we invite purchasers to examine our properties before purchasing elsee ere ROBERTS ELLIOTT PILLS bin aaa sm foe 1 liuz |