Show boies it is a truly wonderful remedy suited alike to the skin of the child and the adult and its cleansing and healing properties its application universal As an external remedy it has no equal as a cure for piles fever sores ulcers poisons chilblains chaps and all itching and irritating diseases of the skin and scalp it immediately relieves the pain of scalds and burna and cures the borst case without a scar get only the genuine which has a black wrapper with green letters small boxes 25 cents large boxes 50 cents sold by smoot eichardt Eich ards co silk industry editor of the eti having heard a few days ago some dubiety expressed by a person who had raised several pounds of cocoons as to whether he would get bis returns from the department for them if sent I 1 write these few lines on thursday last I 1 received an agricultural report the secretary of agriculture in which I 1 notice the following sums as having been paid for cocoons for tho year 1887 cash paid for samples sent over 10 each person with each persons name 2083 washington 1183 phila delphia total children some safe cathartic and tonic to avert approaching sickness or to relieve colic headache faick stomach in digestion die estion dysentery and the complaints incident to childhood let the children take simmons liver regulator and keep well it is purely vegetable not unpleasant to the taste and safe to take alone or in connection with other medicine next sunday evening at the methodist church rev mr jeffrey will civo a sermon of special to all subject from penury to wealth or how to become rich there will be a brief sermon at 11 a ra sunday echeal a m all friends and visiting strangers of every creed invited G M ami ca salve THE BEST in the world for ats bruises sores ulcers salt rheum fever sores setter chapped handa chilblains corns ami all skin eruptions and positively cures piles or no pay required it is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money ref refunded unde I 1 price 25 cents per box for salo by moot co eliat tired feeling and loss of appetite aie entirely overcome by hoods sarea parilla the peculiar medicine try it and nee A startling EVIDENCE of ahe cure of skin diseases all ielli pali 5 years co verlus lace liend cuthre white scab red itchy and jenir nil inoue heteu ol 01 dullard dul larN incurable cured by tuil cura my disease psoriasis first broke out on my kit cheek across my nose and da most cover ig my face it ran into my ees and was afraid I 1 would lose my eyesight altogether it spread all over my head and my hilr all fell out until 1 WAS entirely bald headed it in n broke out ou my arms and until my arms was just one sore it covered my entire budy ray and shoulders being ahe white scabs ell constantly rommy head shoulders aud arms the akiu would and be red anil very itchy and would crack bleed it scratched aller spending many hundreds of dollars I 1 was pronounced incurable Curi cunA and after two bottles VEA vear r I 1 could see a change and after I 1 had taken four bottled bott lef was almont cured and when I 1 had used or and one hox or and one cake ol 01 SOAP I 1 was cured of ahe dreadful dread lul disease irom which I 1 had suffered sufi ered tor five ears I 1 thought the disease would leave a very deep scar but the KEME lizs cured it without any scars I 1 cannot express wit a pen what I 1 bedora the they saved my ll leand 1 feel it my duty to recommend ibea my hair is restored as ehod as ever and so is my eyesight I 1 know of a number of different persons who hav used the and all have received brejt benefit from their use MRS juaa co iowa cure every species ol 01 agonizing Itch lne bleeding burning scaly blotchy and pimply diseases of the skin blood with loss ol 01 hair from to scrofula except possible everywhere price cioni uita soc SOAP SL prepared by the boston aca send tor how to cure abeln diseases 61 pages 50 illustrations and testimonials black chapped aad oily skin prevented by Curic citA IT STOPS THE PAIN back ache kid n ey dales weak nesa and muscular pains IN mtv the ANTI PAIN flaster ahe farst and only instantaneous aiila miling plaster tf beauty 16 desired and admired by all among the things which may best be done to enhance personal beauty is the daily use of ayera hair vigor no matter what the color of alio hair this prepa ration gives it a lustre and pliancy that adds greatly to its charm should the hair bo thin harsh dry or turning gray ayers hair vigor will restore the color bring out a now growth and render the old soft and shiny for keeping the scalp clean cool and healthy there is no better preparation in the market I 1 am free to confess that a trial of ayers hair vigor has convinced me that it is a genuine article its use has not only caused the hair ol 01 my wife and daughter to bo abundant and glossy but it has given my rather stunted mustache a respectable length and appearance K britton oakland ohio my hair was coming out without any assistance from my wife either I 1 tried ayers hair vigor one bottle and I 1 now have as fine a head of hair aa any one could or R T dickson tenn 1 I have used ayers hair vigor in my family for a number of years and re card it aa aba best hair preparation I 1 know of t keeps the scalp clean the hair soft and lively and preserves the original color my wife has used a time with moat satisfactory results benjamin M johnson MD thomas hill mo my hair was becoming harah and dry bat after using half a bottle of ayera hair vigor it grew black and glossy I 1 the joeand gratitude I 1 eel mabal C hardy delavan III alerv hair vigor BY dr A co maiac sold by aadi for infants and children 1 1 chorla cans cohe I 1 recommend it aaro to any prescription I 1 sour Stor dian facek XIU eimm bleed bleep od pro U 1 77 murray street N Y OF FO ALL OF BOTTLED SODA WATER GINGER ALE ETC RICHARDS CO W CITY UTAH J T PYNE manager physician surgeon next to the drug store UTAH undertakers we are the coln agents for joseph E taylors homemade home made and imported caskets and coffins for provo city which wo furnish on short notice and at reasonable rates shop one block north of railroad depot 0 H co coal coal coal the celebrated pleasant valley inma coal prices per ton at yard delivered sold by provo co all ardeis by telephone or left at the east and west coop co op stores will receive prompt attention W K H bupt supt advice to the farmers Par mers better hav forks can be bought at the east coop co op for less money than yon are paying itinerant peddlers ped lers whose goods and prices are inferior in every respect dont be deceived by the misrepresentations made to you S peterson Pet eison fashionable tailor half block north of bank corner provo city is making up edits to order of homemade home made and imported english french and german cloth good fit and first class work guaranteed prices reasonable THOS SONS contractors AND BUILDERS PROVO CITY UTAH are prepared to do all kinds of W and at the lowest apices persona intending intend ins to build would do well to address liddiard fc sons P 0 box 40 provo city sea cm GC FRISBY J Q DA VIS are prepared to do all kinds of me ani bons wark FOK cemeteries etc A SPECIALTY A calli CA CHEIS TO THE PUBLIC BOATING S BATHING DANCING SWINGING refreshments LARGE BOWERY FINE HANGING well seated and transportation from Mc LeIlan drakes livery stable 40 cents for the round trip or 75 cents per couple 4 STORES 4 daily arrivals oy AT SALT LAKE full stock of clothing latest novelties in dress goods ladies misses and children BOOTS SHOES drop la and examine our mar w lck w agte her autoria Cu toria ahro w child be cried for atoria will ha became giai he clone to cantoria Ca atoria jimb toa die catte abea IMPORTERS OF AND WHOLESALE RETAIL DEN MEDICINES LQ ALSO CABBY OSE OF THE COMPLETE LINES OF IN THE tl ot SUCH AS tc SOAPS ELEGANT COMBS 7 BRUSHES TOILET SPONGES etc etc etc gWiSt tei N annly N sadly js ill t orders by mail promptly filled POVO AST COOP CO OP and wholesale exporters of UTAH GOODS SOLD AT THE LOWEST MARGINS highest cash prices paid forthe peoples produce Sig gies spring caps mg mm asi harvesting MACHINES OF EVERY description we have the exclusive agency for utah county of the bain mitchell and fish brothers njg ON S also for the DEERING AND CHAMPION MACHINES complete line of hardwood and waon WELL PIPING AND OTHER mm WELL FITTINGS F W C superintendent ej ua acx fealex in dry good hardware are BOOTS SHOES HATS CAPS NOTIONS etc as in mrs bartons bortons Bor tons building COME AM EXAMINE STOCK OF GOODS courteous treatment and low prices mv HA A u t aul rs an manufacturers of doors windows blinds Moul dings and frames screen doors stairs stair railing Ba lusters kewell posts and bracket wholesale and dealers in weights sash cord doo locks hinges screws etc etc sy f avs as of the celebrated bros malre V IS 33 C 31 C I 1 C we manufacture and keep constantly on hand the celebrated combination fence composed of 6 8 or 10 annealed steel galvanized wira with 44 pickets per rod at prices from 50 cents to per rod saving the farmers more than per mile office and factory opposite day 5 4 ww nsf fh W R H bupt supt |