Show WE had three temble hoods in our canyon yesterday caused by rains on the divide between here and nebo creek there were about fifty persons men women and children camping at ahe old johnson mill and were sitting at the time it rained the open chaw co saw mill was located there also alie first flood came about 2 in tho afternoon sweeping logs stumps and trees with it the people nar escaping with their lives it then struck the mill boiler and ing them about eight feet and turning them on their side the second flood came about 6 and the third came in tho night about 12 leaving alio mill site and going to santa buiu your correspondent found wagons aagon boxes carts harness logs slabs blankets dresses etc strewn all along the route of ane flood in alie main canyon the bridges are all gone and the creek bed is about four feet deeper than it was before the flood the damage will probably leach or Opens liaw co and malmberg co are the heaviest losers there is plenty of rain in this end of the county WASH OUT august 19 |