Show this powder never varies A marvel of purity strength and more economical than the ordinary rind s an 1 cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low short weight aum ium of phosphate sow onla in cans KOYAL BAKING K co wall sl N Y DR J H MORROW X physician and surgeon ASlE FORK UTAH WALTER R PIKE MD PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON PROVO AT RESIDENCE 2 blocks north of depot office north of bank corner and excelsior drug store PROVO UTAH physician surgeon PAYSON UTAH onica at residence in building up stairs 0 W at residence one block east of the roberts house TOO cm UTAH OR JOHN RIGGS the treatment of and chronic diseases in which he had had apfl ards of 40 years successful experience a specialty y city UTAH F F REED DENTIST room no 10 bank building PROVO CITY UTAH on un smart drug S PROVO UTAH ryors S A late of salt lake city ng Z 33 77 X ea 11 ali street bet bencen cen E and F ward brovo city R M ROGERS M D physician and surgeon office at peoples dru store 1 beasant grove utah artificial teci h and gold fillings a apeci alty all work Warranted 1 teeth extracted with care and skill VEGETABLE VAPOR ased when desired for the painless ex traction of teeth SESSIONS first door adouth fork coop co op ISpan lah fork MOTi irKS MRS for children teething is the prescription of one of alie beat female nurses and physicians in the united plates and has been buted for forty years with never failing success by millions of mothers fur their children daring the process of teething its value is incalculable it relieves the child from pain cures dysentery and diarrhoea griping in the bowsh and wind colic by giving health to alie child it rests the mother price a bottle not quite satisfied little frankie was taken in to see n new sister who had arrived during the night he looked at her a moment and exclaimed yatsa yon call that a sister its nothing but a baby boils hives ringworm tetter and all kotlier manifestations of impure blood aio cured by hoods aria 50 HOUSEHOLD SHOULD BE HI cOHE dollar the majority of the au of the human body ria from a diseased simmons dilver regulator has been tae means of restoring more people to health and happiness by giving them a healthy than any other agency on earth THAT TOV GET THC TANSY PILLS B send af or SAFE 9 luct r the chic lir ron for tho great anc cess ol 01 hoods Sarsa parilU Is found in tho itself it Is merit that wins and tha fact that hoods sarsaparilla actually au what is claimed for it is clial lias given to this medicine a popularity and salo greater than that ol 01 any other na xan rma or blood pa wins fier before the public hoods sarsaparilla cures scrofula salt cheum and all humors dyspepsia headache biliousness overcomes that tired feeling creates an appetite strengthens the nerves builds up tho whole system hoods Is sold by all druggists 1 six for 5 prepared by CI hood st co apothecaries lowell mass FIRST mm bakr trovo brovo tR OVO CITY A l ar 0 paid m capital surplus fund A 0 SMOOT president T B vice vifa vif a H H I 1 a S JONES directors JOHN C 1 1 I 1 PIKE J RECEIVE qa bay aad sell foreign and domestic ax chaleo collections sent ais receive tion awl remitted at liwe st rates new york kountze Koun bro san pacific bank salt lake city deseret national bank mm IK 0 E N S R A L aa SALT LAKE GITS ulah craach and soda cooperative co operative stores THE as TO SELECT PURCHASES reou tute tool to be found in departments or Z 0 o li r in salt lake city and the ogden provo and logan branches groceries provisions produce c crockery hardware klovos tools Dry Gooda leather dings highest farhet arises paid for dried fruit T IN BEEF PORK VEAL A AT mia i 9 delivery to all parts of the city COOK SCOTT CO say sa tf icy B and reduces pain sooner than dr black oil balsom on bian and beast WO will come near any sore when dressed with external in yellow wrappers burns scalds sore heads wire lence cuts scratches etc excels everything 50 ctr and KIDNEY fahd LIVER complaints any person suffering after this it i their own fault dont care how bad also guaranteed to curo any stage of external discounts any other preparation internal grand discounts see testimonials SMOOT GO |