Show THE ic display last night by the committee on fireworks on the west half of alie courthouse block was a most excellent piece of work there were several nar ow escapes however from fire as a result of the fireworks la one instance a hay stack was ignited and buckets of water had to be poured on it to the flames everybody owning hay or fodder seemed to be more interested in watching it than in looking at the display it is to be hoped that this will be the bait time the city government will permit a pyrotechnic display within the city limits until slie is well supplied with a system of waterworks water works at this time of the year when there are hay stacks and dry fodder on every block in the city it is most dangerous AT half past two in the afternoon the concert for the benefit of the johnstown sufferers took place in the tabernacle the gramme pro published in the last issue of the was rendered and heartily enjoyed by those present the receipts from the concert and the sale of flowers and ice cream during the day netted quite around sum hathenbruck heues and mclellan worked like trojans all yesterday making and belling ice cream for the benefit of the johnstown sufferers decorations were profuse yesterday the roberts house leading out by great odds freshwater hung his banners on the outward walls THE magnificent display of thorough bred horses by martin drake was one odthe principle features of the procession silver band were regaled by brown stone with asumpta ous dinner at the robert house yesterday THE east coop co op made a very attractive showing in the procession yesterday as also did S S jones and dunn co miss MATY B DAVIES make an excel len t goddess of liberty and stood tho heat and dust remarkably well aras pras sold more fountain soda water yesterday than all the other business places put together |