Show A ew yorks nad suicide NEW YORK april 26 the reservoir in central park was yesterday the scene of a suicide whose peculiarly pathetic details have seldom been paralleled in this city A young man with bright prospects and in the bloom of health deliberately threw himself into the water and was dragged out a corpse a few hours later his name was oliver perry lewis a salesman in the upholstering firm of johnson faulkner the figure of a handsomely dressed young man was noticed sauntering along the footpath leading to the reservoir about 10 in the morning his slight well built form and handsome face set off by curling hair and a brown mustache would have attracted attention anywhere but it was his attire which was noticed by a group of park laborers at work near the path his light black diagonal top coat was thrown open and displayed a dress suit and a bunch of violets in the buttonhole of his coat there was little in his demeanor to lead one to suspect that he meant self destruction until he reached the embankment which surrounds the reservoir after hesitating a moment ho stepped upon the coping removed liis hat and overcoat and hung them upon the railing which surrounds tho bis brim then before the astonished laborers could call out the young stranger sprang down the embankment into the water thero was a splash the parting of the water and a few ripples marked the spot where the young man disappeared the laborers rushed to the brink of the reservoir but the man did not reappear an alarm was given and soon boats of men were dragging the reservoir three hours after the young man disappeared the body was found in twenty nine deot of water letters on him showed who he was his father was notified later who did not live with the mother of tho boy he gave no reason for tha suicide it appears however that young lewis was trying to support his mother and sisters on per month and found it hard work he tried but find a cheaper place than the one he was living in last night he kissed his mother good by went to tho murray hill hotel where he began writing letters to his friends and relatives stating that he was going to kill himself there was about twenty letters in all ho must have changed his mind about killing himself for at 2 he sent down word that he wished to be called at 1145 a m and his letters said that he would drown himself at 10 he did not wait to bo called but at 7 left the hotel and went it is supposed to the park where under the green trees ho probably spent the last hours of his life in the meantime his letters began to arrive at their the affrighted relatives and friends who had received the sad communications hurried to police headquarters and notified inspector bymes A general alarm was sent out to all precincts giving an accurate description of the young man detectives wore scurrying in all directions to learn his whereabouts none of his friends are able to account for the suicide on any other ground than he was temporarily pora rily deranged by worry over his inability to carry out his plans for his mothers and sisters maintenance which he had undertaken his mother and sisters are almost brokenhearted A collision BALTIMORE april 26 the vestibule limited from philadelphia and the outgoing express for philadelphia on the baltimore ohio collided this morning at the foot of howard street several employees were injured it is understood that aice president levi P morton was on the latter train the only person seriously injured was engineer mil boum of the westbound west bound traia his leg was crushed among the other distinguished persons aboard were general schofield and esaff general foraker of ohio and staff all going to new york both baggage cars were shattered vice president morten with a party of ten were in a private car none of them were hurt A horrible St WINNIPEG april 26 A horrible tal c f murder and suicide has just rached here from high bluffs a little village only a few miles from this city the victims were a farmer named mcleod and his daughter aged eight while another child is BO badly injured that he connot recover A neighbor visited the house and was horrified to find mcleod with his throat cut lying near the stova both children lay in the bedroom the girl had been struck with an ax and was dead the boy had four deep gashes the difficulty is attributed to the death of MaL eods wife who was buried two years ago |