Show discoveries more valuable than gold arc SANTA ABIE the california discovery for consumption and diseases of the throat chest and lungs and california CAT R CURE the only guaranteed cure for Catarrh Cold in the head and kindred complaints they are sold at 1 per package or three for and are recommended aai used by the leading physicians of the pacific coast no secret compounds guaranteed by all druggists velvet and astrakhan trimmings furs and muffs all the style at PROVO EAST COOP CO OP an absolute cure the ORIGINAL OINTMENT is only put up in large two ounce boxes and is an absolute cure for old sores burns wounds chapped hands and all akin eruptions will positively cure all kinds of piles ask for the ORIGINAL OINTMENT sold by all druggists at 25 cents per box by mail 30 cents bucklen s arnica gulve TIE SALVE in the world for cuts bruises sores ulcers salt rheum fever bores setter chapped hands chilblains corns and all skin eruptions and positively cures piles or no pay required it is guaranteed to yive perfect satisfaction or money refunded price 25 cents per box for sale by co iosim FAVORITE HOME REMEDY 12 8 sla B alt cd ft to contain a single par dad alicle 01 mercury or any injurious sub but ia L cly i it trill cars all diseases caused by Deran of the liver kidneys and stomach if your is out of order then your whole i deranged the blood is impure the breath offensive you have headache feel languid dispirited and nervous to prevent a more serious condition take at once T ai REGULATOR if you lead a BS W T as sedentary life or suffer with V slaw affections avoid stimulants and tae regulator sure to relieve if you haie eaten anything hard of digestion or f el heavy after meals or sleepless at ii tale a dose and you will feel reli and sleep pleasantly if you arc a miserable sufferer with constipation dyspepsia and i seek relief at once in simmons eivir regulator it docs not require conci bual dosing aej costs bat a it will cure QU if you ale nale n up in the morning th a bitter bad baic in your mouth fan B thyi seamons liver regulator it cor B M ta e s bilious stomach sweetens a the er ath and cleanses the furred tongue Clit iii tan need some tafe cathartic and toaia ti virt approaching sickness simmons li cr n ill relieve colic headache hicl aiom siom ih indigestion dysentery and the complaint to childhood at ani time iou fel your system cleansing regulating without violent purging or elating ula ting without intoxicating take 01 81 PREPARED BY CO philadelphia pa apice SP S P DRS cartwright D K n a a TEETH BY A NEW PROCESS we matte specialty af fine cold fillings etc etc office and Jence 41 W second st opp opera bouse salt lake city one of the above doctors visit the fol places lehi first monday and tuesday ot each month at akstins austins Aus tins giouse american foik the following wednesday and thursday at provo the following friday and saturday at the house parties requiring new teeth will please call the arst day chare tarm nh DEW DROP caasi to M MEALS AT ALL FISE OF CAH ANU CONSTA Y ON HAND sy 13 blocks west of bank corner street PROVO JOHN THE STOCK LATELY OWNED BY W 0 HAS NOT but liavine con biating of sheea hardware groceries cod fisli sausages bologna ants candy oranges figs etc etc will sell for cali we ghe gh e acts worth for and ask for a share of your patronage call and see if we do as we say CEO PROVO any scrip mr beesley may have out will be taken as cash by us within thirty davs at our new store rooms will be found as complete a stock of and at as as prevail at any south of salt lake ull nafi danto lilloll A SPECIALTY fair dealing and satisfaction guaranteed STEAM SAW athill atI ill fork and M M jonos ackel miu fork posts wooi bay in oar loarts orders to S S JOKE PROVO w all liy M we provo book stationery co ITo tonly keep an unlimited stock of OI OOL amlie Tm LIE constantly 0 but we have the agency for the piama ms aud machines also a larse stock of novels poems gift books autograph albums photograph albums stationery legal blanks pocket cutlery purses hand satchels accordions etc eta etc we are also to receive subscriptions for all foreign and bocal newspapers and periodicals CALL AND SEE US cupi p S simm ISS TC 4 T sj A TT lii liAlL B SW FINE DRUGS CHEMICALS FANCY TOILET ARTICLES AND PHOTO ALBUMS AN ENDLESS VARIETY TOILET ODOR MS ALL AT EASTERN PRICES our display of holiday goods is unsurpassed in variety and cheapness in price TRUSSES homeopathic REMEDIES and a full and complete line of goods as can be found in any drug store at the lowest market rates store and office opposite meetinghouse meeting house provo city painters and paper hangers DEALERS IN PAINTS OILS BRUSHES WINDOW GLASS FULI STOCK AND LATEST STYLES OP WALL PAPER AND decorations ETC H J maiben CO ast 1st door korali of bank ST 33 ea MINING WATER WHEEL designed for ail purposes bhore limited quantities of water and high heads are utilized guaranteed to give more power with less water than any other wheel made being placed on horizontal shaft the power is transmitted direct to shafting by belts and all gearing dispensed with estimates furnished on application for wheels specially built and adapted in capacity to suit any particular case further information cambs obtained of this form of construction as well as the ordinary vertical Tur binea for wooden penstocks pen stocks and in iron globe cases free of cost by applying to the manufacturers JAMES LAFFEL CO springfield ohio or liberty st N Y city please mention this paper BROWNS COUCH BALSAM and tar troches are invaluable in every family for coughs colds sore throat and consumption BROWNS ARNICA SALVE Is every box warranted for cuts bums bruises old sores piles and sore eyes no cure no pay every family should keep as in their house only 25 cents BOWIN A has no equal stands alone as the GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER and cure for rheumatism no sarsaparilla now sold is so fully endorsed by physicians and formula printed on each bottle gk for BROWNS SAR and use no other 11 cy int t T |