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Show KIND WORDS' FOR EDITOR. Logan Journal. N. R. .Moore, editor of the Republican, who has had the mumps, tho grip, indigestion, indi-gestion, bronchitis, plain belly-ache, and what-not, for the past week or so, Is Improving (hi health" of course) and will soon be able to bo out again. Tie was so slok at times that his friends feared he might shuffle off, but the locul newspaper news-paper lumen have been quite hopeful, oven confident, from the start, for thev knew Old Nick would never risk having his household upset hy taking Into it a newspaper fiend who Is in his prime. VALUE NEW ENTERPRISE; Lehl Banner. The recent visit of State engineers and city officials of Salt Lako Cltv to the pumping plant at the head of Jordan river calls nttcntlon to the value of that new- enterprise to Salt Lake countv and city. Since the installment of the pumps Salt Lake county has been assured an abundance of water for Irrigation purposes,, pur-poses,, as a result of which the crops have Increased and havo been mode almost certain. By nn exchange of Utah Lake water for a canyon stream Salt Lake City has been provided with one of the best- water systems in the world an ns-set ns-set that Insures the future of that city. A few yoars ao the pumping of water for irrigation purposes on such a scale ns It is now being done at the head of tho Jordan would have boon turned down ns an idle dream. Todav its practicability prac-ticability has been demonstrated. |