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Show BIB SEES FUTURE II ELIOWI! UN Great Agricultural Region Which May Soon Have Good Railroad Facilities. Spocl.il to The Tribune. OGDKN, July 20 -President. I?. V. Hunter of tho Anru Kintf Mining com-inv-latM that Um mill of fivo stamps, theVnitinl reduction plant on the prop-5 prop-5 v with n table of the W Ifley type. honal Kak of Ogden has bcon handling hand-ling nnd clearing conrtidorahle alwss ot WScr states, that King, the mill is equipped with a Bl.iko crusf.er. five stamps, one table, and that the igh grade ores of the mine are re-Son re-Son ling profitably to the treatment !F anticipates that at; some pomtnoar Carlin on the main line ol the Southern South-ern Pacific a branch line will be con-8t?uctod con-8t?uctod northward to the Idaho boundary, into Tdaho and probab y into Malhuer and Harney counties in Ore- gThc country in the northern part of Elko countv. ho says is n Rrcat agri cultural region. To tho soutn arc urn Btroanis oAhc Humboldt, a system oi tho great basin, and the parciu oi tne grent Humboldt sink in western 2s o-vada. o-vada. Noar Independence in hlko county coun-ty the divide which sends the waters , o'f the Humboldt southward, also di- j rccts tho waters of the Owyhee that, finallv enters into the Snake, northward." north-ward." The Independence valley, he says I comprises about 200,000 acres of fino arable land, all in Rlko.. P only oi. water for irrigation tlows in the tributaries tribu-taries of tho Owyhee, nnd he looks for a great population to. get in there and for a railroad to follow. Mr. Hunter this summer found largo freight outfits hauling the finest apples from orchards in Paradise valley, north 61 Winuemucca to Tuacarora, and the j teamsters told him that it was their ; third trip this season. This is a revolution. revo-lution. Northern Humboldt has always been regarded as tho arid and forbidding forbid-ding part of Nevada, but the facts now seem to be that it, as well as the northern north-ern part of Elko, is a region of great agricultural resources. . The railroad, if it is constructed, he says, can go northward on a water grade from near Carlin. up Maggie creek to near the Idaho Hue. His suggestions sug-gestions seem to point, out thnt this is the most casilv constructed route into tho Malhuer country in Oregon, and objective ob-jective of tho Short Liinc tor years. Dies at a Great Age. Special to The Tribune. OGDEN, July 20. Mrs. Jennie Smu-in, Smu-in, 85 j'ears old, died of dropsy at G o'clock "tonight. Her husband has boon dead some yenrs. and she lcaye3 threo daughters and a son. thirty-seven grandchildren, and twelve grcat-grand-uhildron. She came to Ogden thirty-seven thirty-seven years ago. |