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Show MARRIED EAGLES BEATEN. Bachelor Eagles Proved Too Strong for Wedded Brethren. By a score of 34 to 2 the married Eagles went down to defeat before tho bachelors in a long-drawn-out contest played at Walker's Held yesterdav afternoon. The game was amusing nnd the bad rather than the good playing served to make It interesting. But then the men who held down the bags yesterday did not pose as ball-players It was a contest to settle set-tle a long-standing dispute which has often served to stir up hH:(ted arguments among the Eagles Reneatedl have the married men boasted of their superiority on the diamond and yest.-rday the ha. h-elors h-elors essayed the task of showing them, and tho final score Indicates how well they succeeded Plenty cf Amusement It was a bad day for a bnseball game, and this probably accounts for the small crowd which turned out. But the players play-ers furnished plenty of amusement for those who wero present. Their coaching on the Side-lines was great their base-running base-running remarkable and their batting of the highest oi-.l- r rhey never struck out without warning the c rowd that they Intended In-tended to do so. and they never made a run unless they were forced to. According Ac-cording to the rules of their game It wasn t fair for an ono to steal a base or even make one, unless the batter hned out a three-bagger. Why Bachelors Won. To analyse the game and tell Just why the bachelors won is a hard problem The benedicts claimed that It was because be-cause tho Countv Clerk's office was closed on Sunday, and that If a man couldn't get married on Sunday he had no business breaking the Sabbath by plavlng ball. The bachelors attribute . heir . 1' lorv t" i In f.n i ' hut the ah s were closed yesterday and consequently the benedicts had to forego their dally bruccr And then. too. the married men had their wives there t hrs In Itself v a enough i keep them from winning, the bachelors declared. Tho teams lined up ns follows: Mori-led Men Single Men. Miller catcher Drlscoll (Gustaveson, slnglei Hon pitcher Thomas lluy,.s flnt base ..Bernstein I uddlngton second liuso Johnson Goodall third base ,. .T Snurr Metcalf shortstop Tregenl ), up left field ... M Snari Houts right Hold Hanhauser Whlttaker centerfleld Dunlap Daly, umpire |