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Show fwmlk Fair Superintend) Hstensen and Hi9 r o r - f ' s Con 11 dent, of CnirPff Honors. eyhll.it lPlI-" I-ak" sciiroiM to b psW-l In the Utah building build-ing at the PortBid exposition was on exhll'illoii all da' ' e.i.-t.lav and wnu visit, vis-it, d bj a numbs "f persons interested In the schools. Tho exhibit was pricked for shipment last night. Exhibit a Surperior One The exhibit Is regarded as fur superior to thru run.:. I the schools at Ihe Si. Louis World's ialr. as the supervisors h devoted much more ..ire arid attention atten-tion on tho collection and arrangement Of the work Of the pupils. One- Interesting Feature. A particularly interesting feature of the exhibit In a Herb's of photographs of th- several buildings, -md also r the WOTh ( the pupils In the .aiions era-leg. These In themselves afford a splendid In-slKht In-slKht Into the, manner of r-oriducilng the s hools here a sort f Index to tho vnrl-ous vnrl-ous cabinets In which the actual results of the work are shown. Picture of Juvenile Court. The portfolio of photographs ba for Its conclusion a picture of tho Juvenile court nnd Its officers Tho Juvenllo Court has been In operation but ons month, but haw already proved a valuable valu-able adjunct to tho discipline of the schools, with which of necessity It is closely associated. Confident of Winning Honors. Superintendent hrlntenspn nnd hln corpK of supervisors and tenchers rth confident of carrying off high honors with tho exhibit to be made at Portland. |