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Show I' j D. J". Sharp Coal Co. OMlce, 73 South Main street. Tele- jliones 719 nnd 430. Yard No. 1, 1st South bet. 3rd and i th West. Telephone 710-3 rings. Yard No. 2. 12th South and 11th East Telephone 5S8. I Yarl No. 0, State bet, 13th and Hth U ?outh. Telephone 105. FLORISTS AND SEEDSMEN. ALFALFA, CLOVER. GRASS. GAR-den. GAR-den. flower scedtf, fertilizers; catalogue! froo. Yogoler Seed Co. h4j BCHWARZ & HEINCICR, FLORISTS. Dcedinen. W E. 2nd So. Tel. COj. r50 B. C. MORRIS FLORAL CO., FU-noral FU-noral designs, Jl up. McCornlck bldg FLORAL DESIGNS A SPECIALTY. Richard U. Evans. 30 Mnln st. Tel. ?nL S.VLT LAKE-HUDDART FLORIST Co. Largest jrreenhonso in tho west ljli3 FUNERAL DESIGNS AND AR-rangemcnts. AR-rangemcnts. The Roscrle, 112 Main. Tel. KS. olOM FUNERAL DIRECTOR. EBER W. HALL, UNDERTAKER and Embalmcr, op. P. O., 110 W. 2nd So. Tel. 1019. MONUMENTS AND TOMBSTONES R. M'KENZIE. MONUMENTS. TOMB-ctoncs. TOMB-ctoncs. 133 W. 1st So. "Write for pricos. r250 WANTED). SEWING AT HOME. MRS M. E. TRIM-ble. TRIM-ble. room 57. Board of Trade. kISO FOR CASH. PAYING ESTABLISHED business; must be cheap. F 3, Tribune- slSS SMALL NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE cr Hat: closo In: state terms. Address F 35, Tribune. l"5 AN ACTIVE BUSINESS MAN WITH small capital to take Interest in manufacturing manu-facturing business in full operation: can havo full chargo If tho right man. W. S. Oiefly. sUO FOR PARTICULARS OF A HIGH-grado HIGH-grado S per cent guaranteed Investment address P. O. Box 46. Salt Lako City, Utah. iA27 A FIVE-YEAR RESIDENT OF CITY desires to borrow $300 from private party; good security. Address F 7, Tribune. sS3 2ND-HAND MOTOR, H OR IIORSE-power. IIORSE-power. 453 W. oth South. sUDO GENTLEMAN TO ROOM AND BOARD in private family. 307 So. 2nd West. s3SS IHGnEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL kinds of cast Iron scrap nt Silver Bros. Iron Worlts. HO W. North Temple st. Telephone 430. sSSO ADVERTISING WORLD. COLUMBUS. Ohio, a monthly journal of information, plans, suggestions nnd Ideas for advertising. advertis-ing. Send today for free sample, or 10c for four months' trial. rl8';7 AN ELDERLY GENTLEMAN OR MAN nnd wifo to room and board In private family. Address F. G, Tribune. S375 SMALL STORE. J4X20. CLOSE IN. must be reasonable. Address F. C, Tribune; Trib-une; s372 TO TRADE, 30 SHEARING MACEnNES, gasoline engine; plant complete, been used very little. Trade for real estate la Idaho or near Salt Lake or Ogden. W. II. Austin, Chinook, Mont. s339 PARTNER WANTED WITH $500 FOR grocery business; Investigate. Address G CI, Tribune. s227 WHY BE BROKE WHEN WE WILL loan you money on diamonds, watches. Jewelry, guns, tools, musical instruments, trunks, etc. 'Phone 2176-Y. Largo loans, small interest, 30 E. 1st So. Uncle San. . r21M HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR 2ND-nand 2ND-nand gents' clothing, trunks, valises, guny, tools, instruments, etc. Call or address O. Klein, 3 E. 1st So. Second-hand goods bought, sold and csclianged. r2-191 BY A MAN WITH NERVE. ABILITY to rustle and some money, an lnterout in a small buslnesc that can bo built up. Addrccs Y -57, Tribune. 4 OR 5-ROOM MODERN HOUSE FOR married couple, or 3 rooms with bath for housekeeping. Address P. O. box 224. pllC3 SECOND-HAND FURNITURE AND etove3. See Matscn, 213 State. 'Phono 2123-k. h974 FURNITURE OR ANYTHING SEC-ond-hand; nothing too large or fine. I. X. L. 2nd-hand store. Tel. 450-2. 23S S. State. m3-)70 I VANTED--IN FORMATION. I WILL REWARD LIBERALLY FOR the location of Charles Anderson, an old man of German descent. Laat known at Girard, Kana.. on the 3rd of June, 1C0L Max W. Anderson, Cokcdale, Wushlngton. s!57 MONEY TO LOAM. CHEAP MONEY. Any amount to loan on furniture, pianos, warehouse receipts, pcmonals or any good security. See as of you want money. Our rates lowest in city. Easy terms; plenty of time. 120 Keith-O'Brien bldg. r21C3 WE HAVE A LARGE SURPLUS OF money on terms r.nUF.ualy favorable to borrowers. Interest and expenKea lower than any place in Salt Lake. Tho Homo Trust & Savings Company. C, B, 10 West First South street. rl925 EASTERN MONEY AT LOW RATES cf Interest on city property. Wicks. No, CO State st. riM3 ON CHATTELS OR REAL ESTATE ony amount; any time. O. F. Peterson, fa W. 2nd So. HO TO 525,0) ON CHATTELS OR REAL estate, private. Enultablo Loan and Invest. Co.. 624 W. 2nd So. p742 ON ANY PROPERTY: YOU RETAIN posacsslon. Tho Strlnzcr Co.. 70 W. 2nd S. ON UTAH AND IDAHO FARMS. EL-mcr EL-mcr E. Darling z Co.. C W. 2nd So. 11000 TO J50.000. ONE TO FIVE YEARS' farm or city property. James IC Shaw', under V.'alkor Bros. bank. pjj ON UTAH AND IDAHO FARMS. Miller c Vlcle. 303 McCornick bldf?. ON FURNITURE. PIANOS OR GOOD security, without removal: private. E. F. Stolzenbergcr, 15 XV, 2nd So., room 2S, CITY AND FARM PROPERTY. C AND 7 per cent. J. L. Perkcs, IK S. XV. Temple. MONEY LOANED PRIVATELY. On furniture, pianos, etc. to calarled people, peo-ple, without .eccurity, on your note; easy paymcntn; strictly confidential. Cherry. 407 D. F. Walkor bldg. olSU R. L. TRACY, 11 E. 1ST SO., LENDS money, no commission, cxponso or delay. WE LEND MONEY" TO BUILD houses. It ta not necessary to have tho house built fir-st. Wo will ndvanco tho money aa tho huuco progresses. Lowest rates. Purt payment any lime, and Interest Inter-est reduced accordingly. McGurrln & Co.. J 131 Main street, ' bUSM WANT ED--HE LP. WOMAN COOK, HOTEL, IDAHO, $50. Woman cook, hotel, city, $S5. Woman cook, mining enmp. Waitress, mining camp, $20. Pantry girls. Chambermaid?, Houoeclrls. Strocks Em p. Agency, a XV. 2nd So. St. S333 A MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN FOR GEN-rral GEN-rral housework In family of two. Globe Machinery Co., 31 So, W. Temple nt. sIOl A GOQD POSITION in always opon for a competent mnn. His difficulty Is to tlnd it. We have openlnga for hlgh-grndo men hi nil capacities executive, technical, clerical and salesmen, sales-men, paying from ?10CO to Jlfl.OCO a year. Write for plnn nnd booklet. Haogoods (Tnc). suite F, 602 Pioneer bldg. Seattle. Wash. CIGAP. SALESMAN WANTED. EX-perionco EX-perionco unnecessary, gcod pay. Emanuel Co., Station "J." New York City. rH7 CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS will soon be held for railway mall clorks, stenographers, and many others. 25,001 np-pcintmontH np-pcintmontH Inst year. Only a common school education required. Exccllont opportunities op-portunities for young men. Information and Government questions free. Columbian Colum-bian Correspondence College, Washington. P. C. nKS EARN A BETTER SALARY AND Position. Po-sition. Study electricity, mechanical engineering, en-gineering, telegraphy, at home, by correspondence. cor-respondence. Thousands successful. Thomas A. Edison Indorses Institute. Book. "Can I Become an Electrical Engineer?" En-gineer?" mailed free. Electrical Engineer Instltuto, Now York. rl31 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, family of three. 374 Cth st. fe2S3 GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE-work. HOUSE-work. Inquire &M So. 2nd East. s233 EXPERIENCED HELP NEEDED IN Mir. I.andtfth's dressmaking department? at Kelth-O'Brion Co.'s. MALE STENOGRAPHER. W MO Strock, 65 XV. 2nd So. at. r2US STROCK'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. Hotel, restaurant nnd household help. Headquarters for laborers. Co W. 2nd So. Tel. 401-2 rings. o7!3 "WOMAN COOK FOR MINING CAMP. 515.00 per month. Waitress for mining camp, $20.00 per month. Waitress for Idaho. 132.00 per mo. Strock Employment Agency. C5 W. 2nd South. sl74 MEN TO LEARN THE BARBER trade; S ivceks completes; positions guaranteed; guar-anteed; tuition earned while learning: licensed Instructors: growing domand for our graduates. Call or write for particulars. particu-lars. Moler's Barber college, C2 E. 1st So.. Salt Lako City. rl737 MEN-ALL BARBER WORK FREE at Moler's Barber college, C2 E. 1st South. rl7S7 I WANT A RESPONSIBLE LOCAL man In nil towns nnd cities not already taken, to distribute advertising from house to house. Elderly persons preferred, pre-ferred, must be good walker and steady worker. 1 offer legitimate remunerative employment to satisfactory applicants. Cash paid, no peddling or schemes. Will A. Molton. Cleveland, Ohio. s329 WANTED EVERYWHERE HUST-lers HUST-lers to tack signs, distribute) circulars, samples, etc.; no canvassing; good pay. Sun Advertising Bureau. Chicago. s330 WE WILL PAY ANY MAN JS5.00 PER month nnd. all traveling expenses such as horse hire, R. R. fare, hotel bills, eta, to take orders for the. greatest Portrait Houso In the World. Your salary will be guaranteed and paid to you weekly If preferred. pre-ferred. Address R. D. Curry, Dept. 590 Chicago, III. S331 "SALESMEN TO CARRY QUICK-sclllng QUICK-sclllng pocket sldo line, liberal commission, commis-sion, samples free. Address sldo line, 856 Dearborn St., Dept. 002. Chicago." sJ33 WANTED TO PAY $2000. $3000. $5000 A year to one man In every city and town In tho United States to go Into business for himself; we turnlgh plans, capital, giving such complete Instruction that success guaranteed; our patent is an absoluto necessity, ne-cessity, bought in lnrge quantities by big corporations, city, village Councils, manufacturers, manu-facturers, farmers and all kinds of public und private buildings, street railroads, schools, colleges, asylums: you are not required even to make collections; business busi-ness Is permanent and good the year round: If you have ambition nnd nro determined de-termined to accumulate a fortune and be In business for yourself, write us; we will start you in the way to make 52000. J3000 and soon you will make JiXOO to JSOOO a year above all expense."?, experience not required, simply determination to work and make a big success; wc have those In our employ making S7CO.00 n week; many mako $300 and few lees than $150 a week; wrlto us promptly: wo will give you tho opportunity of a lifetime and one which you will never regret having accepted. The Eagle Tool Co.. B G79 Cincinnati. O. s3S3 LADY OR GENTLEMAN ; EACH county; to manage local business for wholcsnlo house; $20. CO paid weekly; Expense Ex-pense money advanced; position permanent: perma-nent: experience not essential. Manager. C12 Monon Bldg.. Chicago. s3S0 WANTED THREE TRAVELING men for Utah and adjoining States. Experience Ex-perience unnecessary- No canvassing. No books. Salary $75.00 per month expenses and commission. Wltmer & Co., Bay City. Mich. s379 ACTIVE CATHOLIC LADY TO WORK nt homo; $30 paid or 12 days trial; permanent perma-nent If satisfactory. John Engwall, Lakeside Lake-side Bldg., Chicago. s37S CIGAR SALESMAN WANTED CIGAR salesman in your locality for city and country trade; oxperienco unnecessary; JS0 per month and expenses; Inclose stamp for particulars. Pioneer Cigar Co., DcpL 141. Toledo, O. s377 A GOOD LADY CLOTHES IRONER. Parisian Dya Works. 55 W. 1st So. s363 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, no cooking, good pay. 2M So. 3rd E. n360 PERSON TO CALL ON RETAIL trade for manufacturing house; salary $20, paid weekly; oxpenso money advanced; previous cxporlenco unnecessary. Staji-dard Staji-dard House, 350 Caxton Bldg., Chicago. 3340 WE HAVE POSITIONS OPEN for salesmen, executive, clerical and technical tech-nical men. $1000 to $5000. A:k for booklot. Hapgoods, Hiilto F, 502 Pioneer Bldg.. Seattle, Wash. s337 CAPABLE SALESMAN TO COVER Utah with Btaplo line. High commissions with advance of $1W.00 monthly. Permanent Perma-nent position to right man. Jess II. Smith Co.. Detroit, Mich. JI2 TRAVELING SALESMAN FOR UTAH. No technical knowlcdgo, but active, all-round all-round hustler. Established, well rated houso. F. R. Jennings, Sales Mgr., Do-trolt, Do-trolt, Mich. s3ll SPECIALTY SALESMAN: HIGH gradu experienced traveling salesman at onco to nil vacancy. General morcantllo trade. High commission contract with $25 weekly advance while traveling. W. E. Hodgroan & Co., 00 Prospect St., Clove-land. Clove-land. O. o343 ' SPECIALTY SALESMAN" TO MAN-age MAN-age office and represent us near Salt Lake City. Salary and commlasion to capable man with references. Tho American Specialty Spe-cialty company, 205 Colorado Bldg., Denver, Den-ver, Colo. . 8345 CIGAR SALESMEN WANTED, EX-pcrlence EX-pcrlence unnecessary, good pay. Emanuel Co.. Station "J," New Y'ork city. s3IS DETECTIVES EVERY" LOCALITY, good salary, experience unnecessary. International In-ternational Detective Agency Milwaukee Wis. 3349 WANTED EVER Y W HER E :MEN willing to dlstrlbuto samples, tack signs, etc., at $3.0) daily. Permanent. No canvassing. can-vassing. Continental Distributing Service, Ser-vice, Chicago, 6350 WANTED --HE LP. GIRL TO ASSIST IN KITCHEN. 233 j XV. Cth South. I EXPERIENCED GIRL TO DO COOK-Ing COOK-Ing and housework; small family. M0 E. Brlgham sL B-tOl "practical MARKET GARDENER j to farm on shares. S8 XV. 0th South. h400 I GOOD GIRL FOR OENERAL IIOUSE-work; IIOUSE-work; good wages. Call 025 E. Brlgham. TRAVELERS ON SALARY FOR Different Dif-ferent States, olthcr sex, at $2 per day In city. Manager for Idaho. Call at 310 So. XV. Temple. Monday, from 10 to 4. slal GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. IM7 First st. SECOND BAKER. INQUIRE IM: perlal Bakery. Boise. Idaho. slm GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE-work. HOUSE-work. SO O st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; no wanning. 320 E. 3rd So. at. SEWING GIRLS AT 12C H ST. b450 BOY OR YOUNG MAN TO WORK IN offlco and mnko himself gencrollv iiBcful; prefer ono who bar. somo knowledge or typewriting: state ngc. experience nnd saN ary expected. Address F 12. Tribune. s45j $10.0) WEEKLY EARNED BY LADIES working for us at home, materials free, send addressed onvolopo for beautiful laco medallion. Inmruotlons and designs. Pal-ma Pal-ma F. Co., 12'1 Llborty St.. N. Y. s3j1 WHY NOT TRY SIGN PAINTING ? NO experience required; no fraud; samples. Instructions, etc.. 10 cents. City Sign Co.. Springfield. O. fff WANTED MEN EVERYWHERE good pav; to distribute circulars, adv. matter, mat-ter, task signs, etc. No canvassing. National Na-tional Adv. Bureau. Chicago. so WANTED EVERYWHERE, CIRCU-lnr CIRCU-lnr and sample distributors; no canvassing: canvass-ing: good pay. Western Advertising Association, Asso-ciation, Omaha, Neb. LADIES, $5 TO 510 PAID WEEKLY, doing plain sewing home; material sent free everywhere. Send stamped rui-dropsod rui-dropsod envelope for particulars. ebpr Mfg. Co., mi Broadway. Now lork. s3oS WANTED SITUATION. MIDDLE-AGED LADY, SPLENDID cook, would llko position in well-to-do family, cither as cook, housekeeper, or both; reforenco given. Address F 13, Tribune. MIDDLE-AGED LADY, Al COOK, would take position in mining camp; reference ref-erence given. Addreso F 14. Tribune. s4d FIRST-CLASS POSITION BY AN EX-perlenccd EX-perlenccd ttenographer and bookkeeper; host of references and highest recommendations. recom-mendations. Address F 3, Trlbuno. a339 GIRL WANTS WORK AS CHAMBER-mnjd. CHAMBER-mnjd. Apply 120 E. 2nd South. s33 BY JAPANESE BOY TO DO SECOND work; good character and ref. furnished. Address P. O. Box S47. city. s220 SITUATION AS ASSISTANT BOOK-kecper BOOK-kecper for small concern; three years' experience ex-perience best of references. Address 05j East 1st South. MIDDLE-AGED MAN WANT8 A position as elevator man or nlghtwatoh-man nlghtwatoh-man In a store. Address P.. O. Box 1252, city. WANTED--AGENTS. SHARES 3 CENTS: GOLD MTNE3 nnd mill; big profits; mineral; prospectus; pictures sont free. Sunset Gold com-pany. com-pany. 500 Mack. Denver. Colo. 2S05 A REPRESENTATIVE FOR A inGH-grade inGH-grade visible typewriter; ready seller; SO.OuO In use; to act as dealer or to sell on commission. Address, with rofefrencoa, Walter A. Scott, 207 Montgomery St., San Francisco. S4 STOP RUNAWAYS. HITCH HORSES eolld Instantly; car-y in pocket: sight seller; sell-er; agents wanted. Pocket Hitchlng-post Co., Richmond. Ind. s33i WANTED EXPERIENCED MEN TO sell our patent masque fans and other advertising ad-vertising novelties. Prompt settlements, 3teady work. United States Novelty company, com-pany, Cincinnati, O. s3S2 BEGIN BUSINESS FOR YOURSELF; slop working for others. We start you In prolltablo mall order business nt your home. Pleasant work; Immense prorlts; unlimited possibilities. Full Information for stamp. Franklin-Howard Co., Denver, Colo. 311 WANTED 10 MEN IN EACH STATE to travel, tack signs and dlstrlbuto circulars circu-lars and samples of our goods. Salary JflO per month; $3.00 par day for expenses. Kuhlman Co., Dept. F 4, Atlas block. Chicago. Chi-cago. 3317 AGENTS ON SALARY OR COMMIS-olon. COMMIS-olon. The greatest agents' seller over produced; pro-duced; overy user of pen and Ink buys it on sight; 200 to 600 por cent profit; one agent's sales amounted to $020 in six days; nnolher $32 in two hours. Monroo Mfg. Co.. X G2, La Crosse, Wis. s352 AGENTS MAKE tCO PER CENT profit soiling "Novelty Sign Cards," merchants mer-chants buy 10 to 100 on sight; S00 varieties. Catalogue free. Sullivan Co., 1130 Maple-wood Maple-wood nvc., Chicago, III. s357 AUCTION OALE3. WE ARE LOCATED NOW IN OUR now store, C2 E. 2nd So., nnd arc carrying the largest stock of new and 2nd-hand household goods In the city. Terras to suit. Nebraska Fufnlturo Co., C2 E. 2nd South. eI72 BY" E M. ONION-ON WEDNESDAY. February 10th, 1 p. m., at 137 West Second Sec-ond South etreot, I will sell tho contents and fixtures of tho Century cafe, 12 fino oak counter chairs, tables, chairs, counters, coun-ters, scales, showcase, stock boiler, lot cooking utensils, crockery, cutlery, etc. utoo ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY OTH. at 10:30 a. ra.. No. 21 East First South sr., lino lot of high-priced goods, parlor rockers, leather seat rockers, oak ccntor tables. French clocks, flno lot rugs, some cost $10; lot carpets, good as new; dining table and B. B. chairs, leather scat, cost $4.50: oak hall tree, coBt 830: buffet willow rockers, book shelves, books, dictionary dic-tionary and stand, writing desk, curtains and bed linen. lot china, glass and sllvor-ware. sllvor-ware. cut glass bowls fine iron beds, hair mattresses, chiffonier, taborets, flno banjo and guitar, pictures, couch, folding ted, bibles and stands, steel range, now 150 days ago; toilet sets, fruit, kitchen utensils, uten-sils, shotgun and fishing rod and a thousand thou-sand articles not mentioned. K. A. Andrews, An-drews, Auctioneer. 10 HEATERS, BASEBURNERS AND ranges, second-hand. Terms to suit I. X. L. Second-Hand Store. 23S S. Stato. O1303 COAL. DIAMOND AND ALL OTHER KINDS sold by CIL Coal Co., 63 W. 2nd So. Tel. VJ. b35S r." 1 1 1 . ' 1 1 CLECTR1CAL EUPPL1E3. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES AND CON-structlon; CON-structlon; largo stock of latest chandc-llcrs. chandc-llcrs. Intcr-Mt. Elcc. Co.. 45 E. 1st So. STONE QUARRIES. RED SANDSTONE, $10.00 PER CORD. Immediate delivery- Brown Stone Co., No. 11 E, lit SoN eround floor rlS3$ BUSINESS OH ANCES. MANAGER A LARGE AND Successful Suc-cessful manufacturing concern whoso products arc cold In all pn.rt.-i of tbo United States, located at Rattle Creek, Michigan, with highest bank references, will open a, branch office in Salt Lake, and wo want a capable man who can come well recommended to fill the position or local sales manngcr, salary $1200 per yoar and a commission. Our sales managor should moke at least $3000 por year in this lerrltorv: must Invest S1500 in tho preferred pre-ferred slock of tho company. In acccmi-anco acccmi-anco with our co-operative plan of doing business. Address Auditor, Drawer U. Battle Creek, Michigan. $500 FROM 150. m Wo can Invest $5 per month for 10 months where you can draw out $ow. Write for particulars. Wroy & Company. 533 Broadway. Now York. s3. CONSERVATIVE 'AND CAUTIOUS 1N-vrHtmenta 1N-vrHtmenta for Investors of moderato moana. Sums of $20.00 and upward accepted ac-cepted a-- a trial to guamntoo you tno positive proof of all our claims. All suma deposited can bo withdrawn on demand. Positively no losses havo ever occurred. Dividends averaging over I por cent paid weekly. Bost of references from customers custom-ers In Utah and vicinity, together with booklet and particulars, nent free. The oldest concern In the world operating this form of Investment. Agents wanted. Fleishman & Co., 1201 Broadway. New York. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. $500 FROM $50. We con Invest $5 per month for 10 months whero you can draw out $ott. Write fo- particulars. Wray & Company. 533 Broadway. Now York. s33o WE PLACE UNITED STATES Government Gov-ernment bonds In cccrow to guaranteo investments In stocka and bonds. Our Eastern correspondents aro In position to soli securities so guaranteed. Central States Underwriting alid Guaranteo Cor: poratlon. Trlbuno building. Chicago. s3 FOR OALE--M1SCELLANEDU3. LONG LEASE. CLOSE IN. BUILDING will mako best rooming-house. Call 20. Constitution blk. S1S- YOUNG DRIVING HORSE; GOOD condition. 35 South Seventh East. UPRIGHT PIANO, NEARLY NEW. cheap. No. 10 Wlllard court. sSOL PIANO PLAYER WITH MUSIC, cheap; must bo sold today. 319 2nd Eawt. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 1 ORGAN and 1 Singer sowing machlno for household house-hold furniture. 41S E. 4th South. b3 FIRST-CLASS ESTABLISHED Business; Busi-ness; must sell; $1S00 will buy. Investigate. Address F 11, Tribune. 2 COLE'S HOT BLAST STOVE, 1ST-clas3 1ST-clas3 shape; cheap. E6 First si. s4CS A FINE STEAM HEATED ROOMING-lng-houso. 23 rooms, making more money than anv houno In town; another, 10 rooms, rlhe location, very cheap. Groccp. biggest snap evor heard of. sco It. A nlre cigar stand, $300. one $HO0. one $40(0. If you want Jlno location for rooming or boardlng-houeo see us. If you want any kind of buolness seo us. Wo have It. The G C. Rlchter Co. Got that address right? It's 41 Eaglo blk. s70 LARGE GRADING OUTFIT. DOING about $50,000 worth of grading per year; present owner has other largo Interests to look after; will sell for cash, or tako In good partner that will look after tho business; busi-ness; or half cash nnd mortgage on outflt for balance. Add. J. E. Logan, Bello-Ilower, Bello-Ilower, Mo. a3SG FIRST-CLASS CHICKERING PIANO at a bargain. 112 W. 2nd So. h3G9 OR TRADE. 10 HEAD OF HORSES. 2 rrules, C wagons, C set of harness. C. XV. Miller & Co p373 A SMALL STOCK OF FURNITURE lna prosperous town; good roaaons for Boiling. Address P. O. Box C13. Nampa. Idaho. s210 FURNITURE OF 1S-ROOM HOUSE, all new; "must be sold; owner leaving city: alao houso for rent, close In. For further particulars add. F 2 Tribune. e222 1903 W1NTON TOURING CAR, COST J20; two $40 headlamps, $50 worth extra tires, all first-class order. $1CC0. Colorado Automobllo Co., 1510 Court Place. Denver, Colo. Selling agents for Thomas 3-cyl!n-der, 21 h. p. tourlnff cars. J2CCO. s289 STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHAN-dlse, MERCHAN-dlse, otore building, dwelling house, large outside cellar, warehouses and 2i-acro lot In bost port of growing town of COO people; only one other store; C sawmills within IG miles; large territory; coal mine within 30 miles, 10-ft. vein; best fnrmlng country In Idaho; heavy Uvo stock coun-trv; coun-trv; owner has other business requiring ali his tlmo; cleared $4000 last year; capital capi-tal required $5000 to JSCOO. Address T 19. Tribune. s2M PIANO. UPRIGHT MAH'NY CASE. New, cheap. Must sell. 717 S. Main. 8172 'FURNITURE OF A 7-ROOM HOUSE, rent $35. Ho So. 2nd West. s53 LARGE NEARLY NEW NATIONAL cash register. Address R 43. Tribune. FURNITURE OF 7-ROOM BOARD-ing-house; houso for rent. G 36, Trlbuno. r2100 ALL KINDS OF HORSES. IOWA stable. 129 XV. So Temple. r!019 HACK. ALSO ROCKAWAY CAR-rlagc; CAR-rlagc; good order. 15 XV. 2nd So., roon 23. P1M7 SNAPS IN FARM PROPERTY ARE advertised right along In Tho Intcr-Moun-taln Farmer. Advertisers mako sales, too. j PERSONAL. PENSIONS FOR SOLDIERS AND widows. See Wro. Crome, 27 Latimer blk. stlS DON'T GO TO JAIL FOR LACK OF bond. Wo furnish ball bonds, official bondi, contractor's bonds, administrator's administra-tor's bonds, and all kinds of surety bonds. Tho Homo Trust Savings Co., C, S and 10 XV. 1st So. st. sICI WOULD YOU MARRY- IF SUITED? Send for best marrlago paper published. Mailed scourely scaled free. XV. D. Gunnels. Gun-nels. Toledo, O. 3395 LADIES! CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH Pennyroyal Pills aro tho best. Safe. Reliable. Re-liable. Tako no other. Send 4c stamps for particulars. "Relief for Ladles" In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia. Pa. I:CG SISTERS IN DESPAIR. SPEEDY RE-llof. RE-llof. Abnormal suppression anv causo. Write for romedy. Safe, sure. Dr. Martha Mar-tha Walker Co., 1C3 State, Chicago. sSSI LOVE, WEALTH AND MATRIMONY frco to all. New plan. Send no money. TVIutual Exchango, Box A 004, Canon City Colo. s37G WOULD YOU MARRY HAPPILY AND to your financial advantago? If so, wrlto us for information, stating ago and sex. Homo and Comfort, Toledo, Ohio. sWO HANDSOME AMERICAN LADY without kith or kin and worth $15,000. wants sincere, honest husband. Address Lowe, 291 Clinton at., Chicago. s35l CHAD. PLEASE WRITE TO DUTCH; all papers copy. Salt Lako Gcn'l Delivery. rM3 SUPERFLUOUS HAIR. MOLES. ETC., removed by X-rays or'electrlc needle. Lula Brooks, M. D., Constitution block. rl07C ENGRAVERS AND DESIGN ER9. DE BOUZEK ENG. CO. CUTS FOR , all purposes. 27 W S, Tunplo, i-387; FOR RENT. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 35 SOUTH Seventh East. 2 LARGE ILVLL9. SUITABLE FOR studio or sample rooms, 2 unfurn. rooms. 201 Constitution. SJ 3-ROOM HOUSE, $0; 725 SOUTH 1ST WC3L 4-room new brick, water In houso. $12.50, 1012 So. W. Temple. S5 8-R. BK., SUM. KITCHEN, BARN, otc. 151 N. 7Ui WcsL Farmers' Union, C4 W. 1st So. h4S6 TUTTLE BROS., 110 MAIN ST. 120 II at., G-r. cottage, 12. 120 N St., 4-r. bit., nlco yard, $16. (05 3rd at., G-r. mod. bk. and barn, $16. 140 McClcllan nvc, 5-r. mod. cou. $13$. 715 E. 4th So., G-r. mod. bk.. barn, $2o. 45 E. Lst No., S-r. mod., close, line, $10. Tutlle Bros., 119 Main st. 3113 273 7TH E.. S-RM. MODERN, $27.50. 377 E. Cth So., 7-roorn modern. $32.50. 49 XV. Oth So., C-room, ?1& 272 3rd E., D-room, $15. 1105 E. 1st So.. 5-room, $15. 23 8th East, S-room. 510. Weir. 200 So. W. Temple. 07 OR SALE HOUSES. DIFFERENT sizes and different localities; also unimproved unim-proved residence, business or trackago property; easy terms. Apply at 415 S. XV. Tcmplo st. from 12 to 3 or after 5 p. m. ; sl20 2 MODERN COTTAGES. 1NQ AT 277 N. 3rd WesL s419 10(9 W. 1ST SO.. 1-ROOM. PANTRY and closets. Inq. 433 C st. 3123 FLAT OF 5 ROOMS, FURN. OR "UN-furn.. "UN-furn.. C9'A W. l3t So.. Kimball block. s439 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping, ground floor. 215 W. 5th So. 83S XV. 3RD SO.. 4-RM. MOD.. $1G. Rear 05G So. 3rd East, 2 houses at $S. CG7 6th at., l-room mod., -$1S. Cor. lHt nnd R sts., S-rm. mod., $30. 654 3rd St.. 7-nn. mod., $35. 721 So. Main at., 5-rm. mod., olcguntly furnished, $35. 323 So. Oth East, 6-rm. mod., furnished, $35. S24 E 3rd So., G-rm. mod.. 525. A. Rlchter, 19 XV. 1st So.. Tel. 041. oi THREE ROOMS. PANTRY. CELLAR, water In houso. 418 So. 3rd East. s!67 CHOICE C-ROOM BRICK COTTAGE, elcc light and water. 551 So. 2nd West. sl-l HOUSE, FOUR OR SIX ROOMS, 252 E. 3rd South. Call In roar. s412 11-RM. MOD. BR..; NO CAR FARE; $75, G-rm. mod. br.. vacant on 23rd, $25. C-rra. mod. br.. vacant on 20tb, $20, 7- rm, 1535 Cth East. $15. 4-rm. and s. k., 625 Oth East, 515. 4- rm. cot., Schenck'a Court, ?10. 2 rms. & a. k., 417 XV. 5th So.. $S. 2 rms. & b. k., 70Ss Main, $7. Houston Real Estato Inv. Co., 231 Main. 3 OR 4 ROOMS: BATH, TOILET, elcc light, hot and cold water. 375 E. 5th South. s201 C-ROOM HOUSE, TO BUSINESS MAN and wife. 243 E. 1st So. Inq. 413 E. 4th So. aK5 $15 3-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. Wellington ct, W. J. Halloran, 14 W. 3rd So. S3C0 2 ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEP-lng. HOUSEKEEP-lng. $10 per mo. 35 So. 4th East. s359 4 LARGE ROOMS. SUITABLE FOR office or living rooraa. Apply Butler's grocery, 210 Stato st- s2S9 ELEGANT DINING-ROOM IN HOTEL, popular location, fitted up ready for occupancy. occu-pancy. Call at 231 So. Main. a 221 TWO FINE OFFICE ROOMS. 219 COM'L Club building. al63 A WELL EQUIPPED PHOTOGRAPH gallery. Inqulro room L 115 So. Main. 3115 8- ROOM, STRICTLY MODERN ' house; carpets, kltvhen fumlehlngs for salo to renter. 329 East Fourth South. ; . 'COSY COTTAGE, 3 ROOMS, E. L.. water; no children. 425 E. 3rd So. r249G GOOD STORE. WITH OR WITHOUT basement. East 2nd South at. Frltsch, No. 12 East 2nd So. r2l23 5- ROOM BRICK. CLOSE IN. C. E. Taylor, 222 South West Templo sL r2S$3 4-ROOM HOUSE. 6TH SO. BET. 2ND and 3rd West. Hotchldss court. r410 MODERN 4-ROOM COTTAGE; NO children. Apply 120 W. 4th So. r2231 HOUSE. 6 ROOMS. BATH. 5TH SOUTH. 4 block from Main. Inqulro C31 D. F. Walker block. rl651 A COMPARATIVELY NEW EIGHT-rcom EIGHT-rcom modem brick house, furnished, furnace. fur-nace. Call at 75 Second st. Owner leaving- city. SEVERAL DESIRABLE HOUSES. J. Donnan Reavls, 7S XV. 2nd So. 'Phono 173. 20 HOUSES. ALL KINDS. PRICES and locations. Tuttlo Bros., 149 Main FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE CLOSE IN. Positively no boys, Enq. 134 XV. 6th So. slC 7-ROOM COTTAGE, ENTIRELY MOD-crn, MOD-crn, nt G54 So. Main. r2I7 LARGE STOREROOM ON MAIN ST.. bet. 2nd and 3rd So. Houston Real Estate Es-tate Inv. Co.. 251 Main. pl02S 3 UNFURNISHED SUITES IN JEN-nlngs JEN-nlngs block for bachelor apartments. Inquire In-quire 15 W. 2nd South, room 2S. pllOO 7 AND 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE: otoam and hot water heat: close In. James K. Shaw, under Walker Bros.' bank. nl&$9 7-ROOM HOUSE IN PARK TER-racc. TER-racc. Inqulro U. U. Hiskcy, 201 McCornlck McCor-nlck blk. pi7 WE WANT SOME HOUSES TO RENT. Hill Invest. Co.. 150 So. W. Tcmplo. mllO LOCKSMITH. KEYS MADE. MEREDITH. 151 SO. W. TEMPLE. BOARD AND ROOMS. ROOM AND BOARD WITH PRIVATE family. 255 XV. 5th South. ROOM AND BOARD FOR ONE PER-son, PER-son, very icasonablo. No. 525 E. 4th So sll7 SUITE OF ROOMS AND BOARD also tabic board; homo cooking. U So 1st West. 3S7 NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM AND board for two, In ono of tho finest private homos; cldso In. 101 N. W. Templo st sl5S NEW MODERN ROOMS. FINE HOME. tablo board, 132 B st. Tol 2159-K. sl67 RATES. 270 XV. SO. TEMPLE. a34 NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM AND board for two, in ono of tho lirwst nrlvato homos; closo In. 101 N. XV. Templo at r217G NICE ROOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT board. 25C So. West Temple. rlDDO 2 PLEASANT ROOMS. WITH BOARD. in modern homo. 137 N. W. Temple. rl247 BEAUTIFULLY FURN. ROOMS. EX-cellcnt EX-cellcnt board, steam heau 121 S. 6lh East.' rlU2 TWO PLEASANT ROOMS. W2.TH board; new modern, houso. UC1 S. Oth Kut. I ... CLASSIFIED ads M heat, olectile lights ' U-th5 t$MZfi walk, or would rent iinfi.J1?6 'n. itr , trm of 3 or C ycara .AX TWO ROOMS, FURsTir-P' keeping if desired, a jonih Xv c FURN. ROOMS ANDrT7?-fc' W. Temple. ViSU luijy rtfe NICELYVURNISHpfTT----!- Ing rooms, new, mc5crSrrPUi57tffaW First South at. " terra. 'UyM.tM FRONT ROOM. GROUvTT & Canyon road. 2 blocks Dcicm-mi' 3 FURNISHED R00Vq-"Jc!5-fl e' and good cellar, compl rV SMiB-J ,e lng. 44 West 1st North fr -!ti lre" 2 FURNISHED ROOMSTlS keeping; no children; 10 -4, SI1 OMtU MX si 8rTt." n5ffiS5?Igfc ONE FURNISHED FRrSiff ground floor, private ntraiic( f rli!&" gentlemen or man and wife?! SUITE OF ROOMS, ONr7RC1!? floor.oa.2o single room, 'with lS!fl A NICE SUITE OF ROOln; tTKIW without housekeeping. "aft? iK-lS TWO NICELY FURK PnAvTTrtl" '1 housekeeping. O) West oth sff3 -m.JJ 8-ROOM MOD. HOUSETciTSST CwXrAntbangSht 1 TWO FURNISHED R00in" ... housekeeping. VA So. 4th WetV Klfe TWO OR THREE FURNISHEdSs c unfurnished rooms, modern, at IJJE.jSili" HANDSOMELY FURN FRONT E I? for gentleman, . block from Eid rP 3E0 5G 1st 8t. b"UlB. NICELY FURNISHED FOR LADP-feciM or married couple; electric lfeht i--board If desired. GTS E. 4th Soui tMp- ONE FURNISHED ROOM n0Ti keeping If desired. 257 So, 1st West. jK, j CLEAN FRONT ROOM3. HOL'SB A keeping; elcc. light. 521 So. IVtrt TejJ i jA if 11-RiL MOD. BR.. ELEGANTLY FUS ( nlshcd, paved district, close In, yjlaj i locality, $100. Houston the Houmt j 'i 'i fe NICELY FURNISHED R0OM3 AT M ;' 3 Phlpp's court. ',3 NICELY FURNISHED FRONT BE& ;l i room, with every convenience; first tn and separate entrance; $10 a wHt U West Fourth South. a eP FURNISHED ROOM. 3 BLKS. 0. S. I tflaii Reference exchanged. Inq, $11 No. Sti j Qj f 5 2nn 4 NICELY FUR. ROOMS. BATH. E. li housekeeping; no chlldrea. 25 So. iwN Templo st. i3 fejhlt COMPLETE. NEW MODURX HOUE.I Call CCS So. W. Temple. Jwii) NICE ROOMS WITPI OR WlTH0l?? ? fn housekeeping, 129 E. 4th So. ( HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, $7.0), 111 Tul' 1 1st North: also room, 251 So, W. TtaiJ : VERT NICE FURNISHED FR0NL' P room and closet, 133 W. 3rd South. ilflV r 2 HOUSEKEEPING RMS,: M0DERX;i also other rooms and board. 1C7 V. lit8B !i I AND 3 ROOMS IN SUITE NICELtl ' furnished, light housekeeping. 1M E. fcBC , , S. itffrJB- ' MODERN HOUSES. 15 or 9) ROOM! i furnlturo Xor sale. RegseL Windsor b t tel. l; I0H1 FOUR ROOMS. FURNITURE F03' I fit sale, snap; parties leaving city. JlJCcs t stitutlon block. 8 ONE OR TWO NICELY FURN. FROM )C rooms; bath and e. 1., with prlvlltsirt n piano. 21 Church st. S-ROOM MODERN BRICK. HOT-mS ter heat, nicely furnished- east side. Ju WT, K. Shaw, under Walker's bank. n f ttisr 3 NICE ROOMS. FURN.. BRICK. W lUR elcc light and bath. 52S E. Uh So. nq NEATLY FURNISHED FR0N? room, at 331 E. 2nd South. 5-ROOM COTTAGE BETWZEN Jffl V.Fr and 10th East. 2nd South. TeL 128- . TWO NICELY FURN ROOMS ig gj light housekeeping. 133 E. 2nd So- DESIRABLE 8-ROOM , FURMSD hnusc. Apply 111 Dooly bl -RJ ONE LARGE FURNISHED BOQjt with or without housekeeping, w j , 1st South. Z-i f NICELY FURN. MODERN ROg i' steam heat, closo in. 32u So. 2afl M'j . CHEAP. FURNISHED ROOMS, Jjj J or without housekeeping. 212 Vi. pft SEVEN-ROOM. MODERN Jf' t houae. closo in. desirable . locality. Apg, Ijj to Co-op Second-Hand Store, State st. V OFFICE AND FURNISHED ROWv modern. 13 South MalD at. Jr r i. THREE ROOMS FOR LIGHT BOPg keeping; no children. U KendalMerrii 2 ROOMS FOR HOl'SEKEEPj hot, cold water, bath. iOZJBJ FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT ' J housekeeping: also rooms v,Ith or out board. S31 East First So. j g ROOMS WITH OR WITHODTBO t, modern; furnace heat. 225 W. n FURN. ROOMS. WITH ORjVjrH g out housekeeping. 36 So. . -cwv VVME J ' THE CLAYTON: ROOMS $2.50 T0SSlK week. 216 So. State st. ROOMS AND BOARD, Jl DAr JjjjMR weekly rates, 270 West So. L-mg HOTEL TELLURIDE. ROOMS & J rntus by I I 1 1 " WW1 way, CURES RHEUMATISM SfrifSK ous troubles. Mrs. C SJobcrg. 4-J soutDB?. bet. 4th and 5th E. and Uh and m giJjW Phone 17D9-IC Wf MRS. C. M. TRIPP. MASSAGE jWX masnotlo treatment. ?5S 9. W. |