Show TO MEET IN SEPTEMBER Date of Republican Convention Conven-tion Changed P P CHRISTENSEN CHAIRMAN County Attorney of Salt Lake at Head of Committee and N P Nelson Nel-son of Saupete atonic Secretary Sentiment for Change of Date Unanimous and September 11th at Ogden Chosen Seimtois Bevcridge and JIanim May Come to Open Campaign General Political Notes Chairman Stale Committee 1ley P ChrIstensen or Snit Lalce First VlecChfilnnan Thomas Hull of Salt Luke Second ViceChairman Emellne B Yell 1 of Salt Ignite Secretary N P Poison of Sanpcte county Trcitsiirur W F Adams of Salt Lake Stale Convention Osdcn Thursday September Jl 100 The above represents In brief the work of the Republican State committee commit-tee at Its meeting In the Cullen hotel yesterday morning Harmony and the best of feeling marked the deliberations and nothing hut commendations were heard over the result after the adjournment adjourn-ment THOSE PRESENT Those present were B 31 Jones or Box Elder county Joseph A Smith of Cache Jesse M Smith of Davis Alfred Froyil of Iron J P Drlscoll of Juab E i W ICclly of Hard J It Porter of Morgan Wesley K Walton of Rich D H Ycnger of Salt Lake W D Livingston of Snnpcle AV 11 Chirk of Sovlcr Charles DeMolsy of Utah George II Hanson of Web or A number of other counties were represented rep-resented by proxies but the rule was adopted that the proxies should have no voice In deliberations unless the men who held them wcro from the same counties ns the committeeman Iost oJ the proxicii had been sent In and were held by Salt Lakers The first matter to come before tho committee was the changing of the date of the State convention There was a unanimous sentiment in favor of selecting a later date Some favored I September Jith others September ISth and still others September lltlr The last dale won on a vote which was finally made unanimous The convention conven-tion will be called to order In the Ogden Og-den operahouso at 11 oclock Thursday September 11th NOTED MEN COMING One consideration that had weight In the selection of the above date was a letter from Perry S Heath secretary of the Republican National committee saying1 that Senator Bcvcridgc of Indiana In-diana could he present and deliver an address at that time This speech will mark the formal opening of the campaign cam-paign In the Stale It was also Intimated Inti-mated that Senator Hanna and one or two other national leaders would he present on this occasion and the Intention Inten-tion is I to make it one of the greatest Republican rallies ever held In the West The speaking will be in the operahouse In the evening A half fare on all the railroads lnS already been secured for the occasion SELECTION OF OFFICERS L When the selection of a chairman was taken up those In favor of Ini modlate action In the matter carried all before them P P ChrIstensen and Thomas Hull both of Salt Lake were placed In nomination The first ballot resulted In nine vote for Chrlstcnaen and four for Hull The election was then made unanimous Those who voted for Hull were Wenger of Salt Luke DeMolsy of Utah Smith of Davis Da-vis und Clerk of Scvlci There was no contest In the selection of the minor oflleers Thomas Hull was elected llrst vicechairman Mrs Emc hue B Wells second vicechairman N P Nelson secretary and W F Adams I Ad-ams treasurer All of these elections were made unanimous George M Hanson of Ofrden objected to the election elec-tion of Mr Nelson for the reason that he was the private secretary of Congressman Con-gressman Sutherland He took the ground that It would not be right to have the private secretary of any public pub-lic man In such a position The Impression Im-pression was given out that Mr Nelson Nel-son would resign his position as private pri-vate secretary to Congressman Sutherland Suth-erland and the objection lo him in the committee was withdrawn WILL BEGIN WORK AT ONCE Chairman Christensen said after tho meeting that he would appoint the executive exec-utive committee without delay Ho luis been secretary and vicepresident of the State tommittce and Is i familiar with the work He has also a wide acquaintance over the State Secretary Secre-tary Nelson said he proposed opening headquarters for the distribution of literature lit-erature at on < te He has on hand now a full supply of campaign literature Including speeches by national leaders on the Philippine question prosperity = the trusts and Irrigation The work of organisation In the counties will also be ushcd Mr Nelsons address will he Salt Lake |