Show I VISITORS ENTERTAINED I Guests of Y N C A in Evening Expressions of Captains I Tho University of Wyoming team arrived yesterday morning at 330 remaining i re-maining In their sleeper until 7 oclock I when the team was taken to the Ken yon hotel After breakfast the entire team went to bed and rested until noon when they ate a 1 hearty dinner and announced themselves ready for the < game After the game the entire team got together with the Y M C A boys and went to the Sanitarium The men were a sight to see They were covered from head to foot with mud and were soaking wet from the hard rain and oiling In the muddy water on the field It was impossible to distinguish distin-guish one player from another and even the members of tho two teams failed to recognise each other The water wa-ter in the big pool at the Sanitarium when the men plunged into It some of them with their Milts on immediately changed from a clear to a dark color and when the men finally got out of the pool It looked like a mud hole Brushes had to be ut > ed to scrub the mud out of their hall Which was so tightly molted that It was Impossible to get the mud all out After the hot bath the men wcic greatly refreshed and Immediately I wont to the Kenjon hotel for a hot supper About 8 oclock last night the Wyoming Wyo-ming boys met In the Y M C A parlors par-lors and were entertained by Secretary John T AxIom and his corps of assIstants I assist-ants during the early part of the evening even-ing Some of the boys went to the Theater while others took In the sights of the town Manager Rlgdou of Wyoming at timpled arrange a game with the Illgh School or Ow Y M C A for Mon day but he was disappointed The High School team will nOl play before Thanksgiving and the Y M C A had quite enough yesterday yn the Walker field lake The tnlverslty team will leave tonight for Lnramlo to be ready to attend school tomorrow morning Capt Ponllnff of tho Unierslty I Stated last night that he and his team had never played In a better conducted I game and as very much pleased that the game went so smoothly throughout through-out the two halves with no illfeeling on either side 1 It was one of the cleanest clean-est games his team had played this year he said He added that If the field had been dry the score would have been greater as him team Tnake5 a specialty of end runs In the mud It was impossible to get stalled and the learn concluded to settle down to bucking I buck-Ing the line and be satisfied with small but sine calns Capt Nels Marge Us of the Y M e A learn thought that if the day had been favorable the score would not have been so big and that his team would have seored The University line was too heavy and In the mud they had the advantage when It I came lo pushing On a dry Held the ewl could have been played and a different story of the game told The Wyoming boys were unanimous In expressing their appreciation of the clean game the Y M C A played The visitors said they had never played with such a nice gentlemanly lot of boys as the Clulstlans proved to be Manager Goodwin of the Y M C A improved his opportunity to reciprocate lhe expression of the I vIsitors Wfe vere beaten fairly and squarely If Mr Goodwin said It was a nice clean gdme ot ball and our only grievance Is against lhe weather man Got Against tim Eye One of the amusing Incidents of iho game occurred near the close of it McMurray Lime Wyoming quarterback went down about a foot Into the mud and when he wan pulled r iil l hilt face had entirely disappeared and the spec tack of a mud man with ablank clay colored head was presented Not a feature could be distinguished Mc V I I Murray managed lo locate his mouth by I experimental Jabbing Into his head and dug a channel through eo lie could J breathe He also defined his nose and while he was busy spitting out part of Walkers prrk a friend borrowed I a handkerchief from on spectator and started to dig out McMurrays eyes He was getting along pretty well but had not struck pay apparently I when McMurray yelled Here blnnk you dont dig so hard youre against the eye now1 The eyes were finally disclosed dis-closed and HIP game proceeded |