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Show MR. QUAY EXPLAINS HIS CONNECTION WITH THE BARDS-LEY BARDS-LEY CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT. He Had Given a Note for Campaign Purposes Pur-poses Which -was Returned to Hiin CancelledHe Can-celledHe Knows Nothing Further About the Matter. Pittsburg, Oct. 23. A Rochester, Pa., special says: Senator Quay was called on at his home in Beaver early this morning, aud questioned as to the certificate of deposit for &SS77 from the Keystone bank to Bardsiey, made payable t3' him to Senator Quay through the Beaver deposit bank. November 20, 18. lie said his recollections of the details de-tails of the transaction were rather indistinct, indis-tinct, but he was satisfied the date of the certificate given in the circular was a forgery. forg-ery. He said. "In October, not November, 1880, I gave a-note a-note to a gentleman representing the repub- lican city committee of Philadelphia for i $0000, upon which to raise that amouut of money for th campaign of that year. Of what was doue with it I know nothing personally, per-sonally, except that it was afterward returned re-turned to me cancelled, paid, as I understood under-stood by the republican state; committee with a Bardslev draft for the amount of the note less the discount." Boyer Knew Nothing of It. Harri.-bi rg, Pa., Oct. 27. Iu the senate yesterday the attorncy-genrral requested that State Treasurer Boyer In; again placed on the stand. Counsel for Boyer objected, contending that the ca.-e against Boyer was closed Friday. The attorney-general asserted as-serted that the case had been closed without with-out his knowledge. Boyer was finally called and testified that he had not been a party to any agreement by which interest was paid any one, and knew nothing of the payment pay-ment of money to Bardley by the Keystone bank, or by Bard.-dey to Quay. On cross-examination cross-examination Boyer stated that he never knew that Bardsley had etate funds in the Keystone bank till he read it in the newspapers; news-papers; but that he knew from weekly published pub-lished statements that Bsrdley had plcaty of Philadelphia funds iu the bank. |