Show by Western Union Unton INCENTIVE E PAY IJA Y WOULD UP UI PRODUCTION SOME YEARS AGO I was em em- employed by a newspaper concern i where the composition was WIlS done on onn ona ona a n piecework basis Each compositor was paid for what he produced The machine operators wore were fast and each made what was at that time considered exceptional wages On the theory that a piece scale with its resulting high man-hour man production resulted in fewer jobs the typographical union refused to continue such an arrangement The Themen Themen Themen men had to be employed on a straight hourly wage basis The production per man-hour man 1 dropped at once To get the same I amount of composition out the company had to employ more op operators era tors This was a result that was to be expected It was but the working of human nature with no reward to the individual for extra effort the effort stopped That largely is the condition in nil all industry in the United States to to- today today today day when full production Is so o bad bad- badly badly ly needed It Is human to lay down on the job when extra exertion does not no bring the individual any extra reward for his effort Russia secures maximum man hour production by assign- assign assignIng assigning Ing In to each worker a stint he must achieve or else As the stint is achieved the amount of production demanded Is In In- creased The Tue worker Is kept striving at all times to avoid the penalty for failure We can can- cannot not riot use such methods In free America but It might be pos possible sible to work out a system un un- under ander der del which each worker would be paid In addition to a mini mini- minimum minimum mum fixed wage a percent percent- percentage age of the profits based on the quantity of each workers worker's pro pro- production Such a system would provide an Incentive for each worker to do his utmost Those who excelled would be paid for their excess of tion It would recognize the human element that under present condi condi- conditions conditions conditions is a bar to lull full production in American industry It would re re- reward reward re- re reward ward the fast without penalizing the slow Without some method of re re- reward reward reward ward for speed we wo will not se se- secure secure se- se secure cure full production So long as the tue Incapable receive as much muchas as the capable It is just not in Inthe inthe the he cards for the capable in In- individual to do his utmost Ills production will wilt remain at the tho level of his slowest co The unions have frowned on the Incentive pay idea except as it ap applies ap- ap applies plies to extra hours at pt t time and one half as a means of encouraging production It might be possible to sell them on a division of profits the greater amount going to those who produce the most Today we have more to buy with than we have commodities to buy Today we have more jobs than we have men to fill f 11 them Today our greatest need is increased tion We can get that increase when we find the method of rewarding those who make possible that great great- greater er production and display the abil abil- ability abilIty ability ity to sell that method to organized labor S S RAILROADS PERMIT GRAFT IN N LUXURY TRAIN THAIN TICKETS TICKETS' IN THE metropolitan cities they call scalping entertainment tickets a racket What should the same system when applied to railroad ac accommodations ac ac- be termed The rail rail- railroads railroads i roads operate some fine trains on fast schedules but only that class of the public who patronize the bet bet- better better better ter class of hotels and who can afford to cross the palm of the hotel transportation tion clerk with a bit of folding money can enjoy the trav tray travel travel el ci luxury these trains provide It Itis Itis Itis is a public be damned policy in which the railroads participate and make possible They permit the ho hOe hotel tel transportation clerks to reserve all desirable space on these trains to be cancelled at the last minute If it perchance the clerks do not find customers It means an easy graft for t r the transportation clerks but but t some day the railroads will pay in inthe inthe inthe the form of public condemnation S GIVE RUSSIA DOMINANCE IN EUROPE with control of the re resources re- re resources resources of that sources and manpower I continent along with what she has bas basof of her own and she becomes a ana na na- nation tion that no other nation could de de- de feat Within a quarter of a century she could and probably would com com- communize communize the world Including th these thise se United States and all the western hemisphere Is it for that our Amer Amer- American Amerlean ican lean reds pinks and fellow trav tray travelers travelers I elers are planning S S S SAS AS EVIDENCE of the Importance of the professional ball player t tU U it evidence is needed I wanted rail rail- railroad r railroad U. U i road accommodations from Califor Califor- California California California nia to Chicago the latter part of ci September There were none to be had The reason given by a rail raU- railroad railroad road ro executive was that trains were sold out to those going east to at at- attend i tend the world series ball bail games S S S SMORE MORE HAPPINESS and opportunity is found in the rural home e than in the and heart heartbreaks i breaks of the cities |