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Show Htationary 'JTavemt;;. Thoreau believed, or sonietimes talked as if he believed, that everything was to be found in Concord. There was no great occasion for traveling, he thought. If you really needed to see anything, you had only to stay at home, uml in due time it would coiuo to you. This was somewhat whimsical, and no one was better aware of the fact than Thoreau himself, who loved a paradox as ! other men love a dinner. But one of oui j exchanges knows of a man who seems tc j have been a pretty wide traveler without ever having been away from home. He has lived in two states, in three counties and in three tow ns, and yet he has always lived where he was born. The facts of the case are these; Charles Graham was born in the state of Massachusetts, town of New Vine- j yard, and county of Kennebec, the 2b'ih day of May, 1519. In 1820 that part of Massachusetts was incorporated or set off as Maine. He stiil lived in New Vineyard. Vine-yard. Kennebec county, but in Maine instead in-stead of in Massachusetts. Then his part of New Vineyard was set oft into the town of Industry, Somerset Somer-set county. When Franklin county was Incorporated, Industry was set off as a Dart of it. In 1630 the part of Industry where he lived was again s-t off iuto the town of Farmington. .So Mr. Graham, who is 70 years old, has lived succes-srrely succes-srrely in Massachusetts and in Maine, in Kennebec, Somerset and Franklin counties, coun-ties, and in the towns of New Vineyard, Industry and Farmington, and all the timo on" the same farm. Youth's Companion. Com-panion. |