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Show GEORGE A. LOWE, Dealer in All Kinds of First Class Agricultural Implements, gCHUTTLER FARM AND FRElGHSJWAGONS, ColumMs Buggies, Piiaetons anfl Road Carts of every description. Steam Engines, Leffel Wheels, WAREHOUSES STATE ROAD BETWEEN FIRST AND SECOND SOUTH. Union National Bank. SALT LAKE CITY. Capital - - - - $-100,000.00 United States Depository Sato Deposit Vault, Absolutely Fire and Burglar Proof. Boxes ftora J5.0G to $25.00 per Y'ear. Careful and Prompt Attention Given TO COLLECTIONS. I r r I r PI 5 m bd P CD r cd p CO I 2 - O c3 m 3 2- 9 -a J3 t ?g m ZZ a CD M. IB OP PD 02 O to f 1 U (J) O) 1 r oqE r- -i t ? P go m crq 0 UJ io i : ?b n S CD g-o CO tS 3 Pg 5" 0 BSSCSSS - CO .g- Q CD O Sparkling Diamonds, Fins Watches, tans Silver-ware Solid and IFlated., and. an Endless "Variety of Jewelry in New and Artisticl Designs :..IFOR THEIHOLIDAYSX: Qur Stock of Souvcrnirs are Beyond Question Qupcrior to any Heretofore Shown in This Country, Qall at Our Itooms and See the OlTeringn 50. L. ELIASON, ! iTo. 220 IMIain St. - - - Opposite I3. O. vComrii National Bant-:- OF SALT LAKE CITY. Capital $250,000.00 No. 11 E. First 8onth street. DIEECTOES : ft. O, Bnloh, Pres't. ft. M. Downey, Viie-l'ros't Thou. ar-thul. F. E. Herymsor, K. H. Auorbach, D. V, Hacon, JohnJ.Ualy, W. 1'. Noblo, J. W. Donnolhin, Cashier, Transacts a general banking business in all branches. Sells Sight Drafts on the principal cities of the world. Isbuos Circular Letters of Credit and Postal Money Orders on all parts of Europe and the Orient. Collections promptly attended at-tended to. Loans money at the lowest rates and on the best terms prevailing in this market. KELLY & COMPANY Printers, BlcmU-Booh Makers and Stationers. No. 4G W. Socond South St., Salt Lake, - Utali ODK facilities for doing first-class Job Printing Print-ing are of the newest and best, EJOOK8 Itnlii!, Printed and Ronnil to Order, C3 Samples of Kailroad, Mining, Hank and Aiurcantile Work always on hand, COMPLETE lino of Office Supplies, embrae-inir embrae-inir the most approved labor-saving and economical inventions, TRICES LOW. CALL ON US. SEARS & CO. 215 Ma,n Staoet, Have the Exclusive sale on a largo list of property and will be glad to show them. Utah Title Insurance & Trust Co., G8 West 2nil South St., Salt Lake City, Utah. OFFII.'RR.S AND STOC'KIIOI.DKUS. John E. Dooley, President L. S. Hills, Vice-President, A. L. Thomas, Secretary. incoi:i-oi:atoi:s. P. H. Auerbach, Merchant. W. S. McCornick, Banker. K. C. Chambers, Ontario Mining Co. W. II. Kowe, Merchant. John J. Daly, Capitalist. Jamos Sharp, Utah Central Railroad. J. E. Dooloy, Cashier Wolls, Fargo & Co. E. A. Smith, Cashier Desoret Savings W. C. Hall, Attorney. Bank. L. S. Hills, Cashier Desoret National Arthur L. Thomas, Governor of Utah. Cnnk. J. R. Walker, Union National Bank. John A. Marshall Trobato Judge. T. U. Webber, Sup't Z. C. M. I. Attornoy, John A. Marshall E.8ELL9. J.TUCKEK. a. W. BELLS Sells & Corqpany, :- Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Lumber :- First South Street, Opp. 11th Ward Assembly Rooms.! r.O, Box 1078. . Old Pioneer Yard of Armstrong A Bagley. J.W. FarreH&Co si5s&ijSj?SM 111 Allien, Gas & Steam Fitters, Dealers in nil kiuda of Lift and Force Pumps Orders taken for drive and dug wells. Cospools built and connections made, elayhono 200 1 13TMnin Bt.. Opp . Anorb chUios TtsT p? A d e: c- 'AM US II. BAOOK, KllA.NK L. HOLLAND President. Casliiur. Bank of Salt Lake. 3ALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. v m K General Banking Business Transacted. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. Exchange Bought and Sold. Money to Lend on Real Estate from one to five years time. McCORNICK & CO., :b nsr :k: :e :es s . SALT LAKE, UTAH Carofnl attention kIvoq to the bjiIo of Oron and Jiullion. We nolicit cnKii;ninnnU guar-antcinghiKtii'Ht guar-antcinghiKtii'Ht murkot iirico. COLLECTIONS MADEAT LOWEST RATES ACTIVE ACCOUNTS SOLICITED, CORRESPONDENTS: Now York Imp. nd Trad. Nat. Hank, Cliominul Niil. Bank, Konnlzo lliu-. ('iiicfiwoCoiiimcrriid Nnt. Hunk, 8n FninriHoo First Nat, iiunk, Crockor-WHxlwortli Crockor-WHxlwortli Nut. Hunk. liimlin OnmliH Nut. liank. Ht. ljonis-rjUild Hunk of Kt, Iionis, Khiiwih City Nut. Hunk of Kaunas City. Denver Donvor Nat. liauk, City Nat. Hank Ijondon, HiiKlaud-MuBsrs. Martin & Co., S3 Lombard Stroet. The M-&D- Steel Range- fit-? TTV- Wp?J'iV5"T'-e W Sole Agents for Utah of Mnson & Davis' Steel Ranges, with Round Fire Pot, Anti-Clinker Grate, poised oven door, ventilator etc. Made in all sizes. Call and examine these celebrated Ranges or send for circular with cuts before paying samo price for old style Range. General line of Cook and Heating Heat-ing Stoves and House Furnishing Goods. F. E. SOHOPPE&CO 223 South Main Strv Call now while our Lists nre in shpe. SEAES & CO. 245 - MAIN STREET. Guns and Cutlery, Guns, Sporting Goods and Cutlery will be sold at lower prices than any houso in Utah on account of change in business. See my stock and prices before you purchase, M. xZ. EV-A.3STS 32 01 W. 2d South St.. Salt Lake City. Price & Claris Dealers In Poultry and all Kinds of Game FKC1TS, VEGETABLES, EfC, IXSEAS0N. I i No. 58 W. First South Street, Opposit Kimball Block. CLKAH TTTLI piEALJSTATE AGENCY Loans, Kal Est. r,MiNisu Stocks, Dk.nvib Brinch Court House, Denver, Col, I Rooms 1 & 5 Culsncr Mock, F. 1st S. St. THE SALT LAKE ABSTRACT, TITLE, GUARANTY AND TRUST-:-COMPANY, (Formorly Harvey, Noff & Co.) 265 S. Main Street. CAPITAL $ 1 00,000.00. Incorporated under the laws of Utah Territory. ; Mates Correct Abstracts of Title, Showing all Errors. Titles to Eeal Estate and Mortgages Mort-gages Thoroughly Examined, and Insured. . 1NSUHES r.Riinst lose by Mochaaiee liens and litMHlellt'B ilcbtH. KoiiU Ixixm (Intent improved DiolMtld in Us are-proi t vault, aiut dots na pacrtiw itllHiiuws. A'ts ti8 Kxm'ii'or, Adniiiiu(ritor, (iunnlian, Asninpo. IUH.eiver, etc., ety., tuid eieouuse trusts of every kind. Holding Trust Funds separate from al! m Other Assets of tbo Company, ' And retaining as counsel the Attornoy throngh who? l the btiHineiffi eoniw. foJivU inUnsW on income and tninsacta all other buhuiena Kutlioriztnl by ite charter. Hills roceiptcd for and eafply ktpt wi'hout charge. JOREHI II. SMITH, Piwidont Denver. Colo.. WILLIAM J. HAKVeV, Vire I'rewideut and Manacrer. JOHN W.N EFF. Trenpurer anl Aw't Manaffer, EDWAHD W. (iEN TKli, 8ecrntary und Abstract OtEcor. H Epm?E -THE-- 'lILOJ. M E. First South Street. A Gna M. Scott, Trest. JAS. CiMimssiso, Vico-Prest. II. 8. Rumfixld, Secy. EEEGEO. M. SCOTT & GO.E (IJiCOlU'OKATED). -DEALERS IN- Hardware and Metal, Stoves, Tinware, Mill Findings, Etc. 168 MAIN STREET. Salt I,alic Citg, . . Utah. ffllffliHIw 45jS.lWest Temple. Branch Office, Gardner's. 141-K'ainlSt Agents ,-anted in all good towns. Telephone l f Fta WoSialty. f I I |