Show I 1 NEW PIT A t a hi lain 11 i th 0 title ice washington dispatch all ali in ing 9 larni fanu lit it soli solicitor citoN in this city IIII I diMeT lill a section fx cllon irk in tho Is land w a f alic by 0 w lafell 10 members atto ht to a areat many ci ccallum allum to tn tile henshon bureau breau and collect ai many fees arr from clients to till the and the fees res tile the arm la 16 Ifo tile malls mail m with ith circulars cirou lari informing Inform fag the of 0 wili lipri who limit nhien in tile per let of if tile states sinka that they ate aio entitled it to itei Kc ei iivo faour niia the fv ernin vat bulf elio llio pay imy to chidi the soldier is a fit antil ni lit the ti time of ilia daill fur for five yann it card r li iq taken to ta lit in t the c arcu 1 a fluit hilt pay la IA outside of pen filone fl fia ruell tile inference being that hint tile didow li 11 a to tills thin money in to any pe rution tho silo may lie ira ing tito luw law under if alio llio to fin firm n t to a present tho the cloann C in 0 1 of 0 al c on germent its is clr cir calara attract ji 1 found jn fit ierg of if ilia linail rot lin lil statutes 0 if tin the united states cont pon taina atias on llin ril fI luning luIng pro didon whon hn ouy any ot of fleer allieri non officer artificer or ot of tire tin militia or corps lies lit in tire serce bervice of it tire L or fit returning to lo ili lot lit ril reAl dence after being out of it sen sor lc or at any anny time thue in cono quence of at coundi re rc calved la in bers melce ice anil and in loaird a a willow or if no m adow a clillie or children under 18 16 yeam of 0 such euch widow widely or if 1 no w or cli shall be eu entitled titled to receive half the monthly pay to which tho the I 1 was waa entitled at tire time of his hi death luring the lenn of alre acara this became a law in march 1 36 and for sonio reabun wad allowed to manil lu the lie revision toji and anil condoll dation of 0 ilia pension laws lawn was waa knuda a few ew beira ago it li ii stated not lot to he be in I 1 alio tears to pew ar tin laws anti and was wai tot intended to bill lint but that it wa A as overlooked oser looked tit in 0 ol 01 the ile old lans falls anti so no in a anil and 1 now w on oil the statute book at the same knur tinie time tire the pension io I 1 a it 1 orites are nut not now prepa gyl to say gay that it 14 not gjud giot law anti anil that tile extra five denral halt half pay cannot be liy by such peri peritus tun orf ad are mentioned in tile the sec ten tile matter liaa has not hot begill tile fur coira a 11 li 14 liters re W bank ablow who biedin dacil in the arri ice atio of 0 tire hie airet rat made will bo be looked for with interest toy by a lost ast number of pe |