Show MIN 00 record rc cord too brampton is IB working ft a gl old jules foce of t mo mn m n nod held regularly winch in ill I 1 roif fall that tucy tiny have a go pol pacing ag mille owners OnDera of in the th vitial t y ot or the ibo duty duly go load tob J and drisin arc iiii tt tit t t i abo be wealth they knew is fa boime 10 omo o mo som boma day tire tho apex steeds iq ill mi i to tie t fa rest reel oi of ibo be lego age wo arly fly put ml in Us or POA cinoc mil A ill como to 10 the ibe I 1 out wl wi la ilia iha best beat of them iboa the numerous tume roua prospects on OD lo be well POO power polly pally by Plum bob bolo bailor blouio ho atai a kled here bore too or abro ears ono R ara r 0 dow dotrell sit caving in scot talk vs oceal ly IY d lapid A red ed Va varco roco harry bodtch nod and fred F pilot hive biva taken a lease on oa the bo bampton dump sod bod aro are bashy cd lo in sacking and shipping to ito ore arc to 10 the iho concentrator they expect lomako a good thing or of almir as aa ilia samples attey have bavo had guys a return lt c docty not enticed to the too the abo fact that the Cret ocal company bas bag moro more ore on the dumps than can possibly bo be beewen flow still a furco yea of my MT only any men us are constant y mp loyid io in the mines abich looks loohn betler DOW bow that it ever did aiji they aro are out or ore e aster than thoy they can it sod i if r ley iley aci to p do they ibey will have on I 1 be dumps by spring to keep up eb taip ip bunla at the ibo present average for a leer car aitho tit oo on the abo mine for so BO ounce tho the now incorporation the r company have bavo rt c a a and not IT without fill doubt u bowry will coc u b h things with vigar between now cow and winter they have a force forca almost of mcd era cm plowed the bo road between ahro bull bod fir atio 0 ghita elmo mine one of their proper ats grilled amund to ia bo broke a i short distance below the ibo above in no fur for the traction treC cre tion clion of the comp companas anys works slid and as loan to s P isabelo they u will ill ct to blok the tha fact that E r I 1 farry la is and J M rich kich arjarun foremen fo Is ID evidence enough ilist she ibo enod work will go smoothly and aad rapidly ahead A visit to the doly dily property this thia wick for the cuip aae or of findig lendir g out abbt was being ecial ilire wea was next to lo rui ls the loreman our that the day daly weib as a mine mido wo we always had in am idea it 11 4 ao hut but he bu was nee ON not in a position to show us na how bow touch much of a mine it ii WH was at toey are am oro ore at the ho average rate of about favo tore tora a mouth a odd ad irom from whist what won bobo hills the ibo can his bj increased to tann that amount at anytime boy tima the mine to ie working about torchi avo loan fit at present oil rum FUD nihill two shifty wo we hope IN bi to r long loaff to bo be shin to ti make a oa thou proper y that will asto tho the |