Show THE I EDITOR some soma weeks aides the iho editor of the itic san sam argonaut mr life FRAIK rimey rim EY ozrd upon a local in TUB tam or of a lectures aul derod here by chaim as 6 a ground apen upen etli bich ch tj upon ore of the ailon of alib papers ft CUP of that califar birom the Ter has bai include a direct aply tire the scala god savo mr bic ft a brain auy similar tj of ilia quaita ol at the wo we cloree vt I 1 iho ho ei arar it ii it in ia pocho y while it abounds ka in rich WIIL a 6 la in frume it il liec fees gold anio to the ibo tia its the depo depoalis blis are sod so BO mixed wibb lalic bac that it has teen ft a battion tion iu its UI CA loil loithi liss for thirty not oo 00 be ba coronary to clu a down dowa rho ihu works sod and lose 1110 ibal ie at cared again the ibo of tt it alim is like iko the ol of the ite hydraulic conr iho gold extrac tAil dues does not ray ur cr till flit derange lone e by the debris jelich alichia Is Ites koti coid i by the mining bad and which tume apt if aa a world a cubic year braid of ta 3 entry thirteen cents of kiad ol 01 mining bus watt there bica alah abated teil bylaw wano wanoa wo noe a the iho abc TO lo 10 ivo a general gin erfel lia ol 01 abo man though in 10 rome come re epoca a most arlor there tro are ionic simple idam which mr los leg never toia late obo able to masur for instance inai Bacci he be has ban never otoo ocen ablo to lo if adoni tand that the bus loois or a local it porter so simply to stile facto fact alu facts are re ta bo be sidled and when a man er cr place is ie to to given vinan an ideson idol of opinions to ilia bo editorial page again he bo bu bag been acea ablo able to lo thu the of the abo editorial wo we conj M B his journal is fa ly 17 loaded with most ludicrous again tho the idea ol at being fair tu to cue sho air PIXLEY belle belles cs lo 10 loda idea Coral ralY views to lo his own owa has hafi never cronfel cro d lis lii retail to i itis it IB of oae or lis hob biLD to oppose the Cal boic church lo 10 lure fcc no pos possible tible inco ribia l scoy in that any ore oco who would give a talf fall of a 4 aatlo lie lecture must be a s carel como acre heralded with wilb a famo which bu boa bazk for years acara no lie delivered a lectar ebere tax eia ia common with the other journals of this city gave an epitome ul of its it loten dEalto to be for fair thoro there was waa not ono word zi ol 01 editorial comment comm thera was not for several reasons rea sonn koting that the bo learcha gentleman jent leman sat ed visse uj platter I 1 arly the located attacked which wo call flu finally lall tad had be been aberge in ia chain hla his own faith that would have bean vast advance over what ahm WO we oro ara confronted with lora but mr bare croush in ID the local notice 10 bar wrath rath that in ing os blon eignor CAPEL the reporter referred to him biair it of ascom compact built figuro physique in ow am aji 6 air of poil thed 11 over oter a heavy body a jeanine head bead eta do mr BIC PIXLEY declares dc clarca made him but in fit the lame art cie from the iho pen of the mr LimE olf we have bate a description ot of ilo pert prelate lato la in mach wo we fini and that the iho mail maa I 1 bu ban a 6 cultivated sin eq lim keanly naly thoroughbred look 1001 jovial full or of kod iho lung olow buttoner ot 1 the fled flao feature lex tOfi elegant pat grit ADS alcoe fit oc at the ib gentleman were the its argonaut ter on a 6 MJ car all we jim argonaut comdon como com down Con its slope from ft a full flear ito ice four among the lakes lake of the high Eig arreter of it was ay iy peper tor for mr his to thade cribe the iho DIR ral arbritte ot it monig nor CAPER ai ho his looked to la daly light lluu it was absolutely ary lor for him alai at the tame QUO time to an routine to BH an owe awe irl ckon eat world tint thit ibo argonaut bad been on oa ft a fishing flati ing excursion to the ilo high bith sierrie Si irrie but it was waa nauseating to him that tat SALT lane should in ito ha local winnings columna pub lesle the impression as which bleb the ibo stronger had madi grade upon the reporter tod sad far ther to rubur a brut of 0 bla bill lea IK turn luro to make she cue in ro clear we will surpooe that if mr me were to come coina to lo sli salt like oly to 10 deliver it a koturo eta CO tho the subject ol of grape in would rally ff la in tho the fact that mr hod had jn in california OBb fornia notoriety oc it if nil not t A review or of he hu It kolius aliguo by a ibe 0 ilia man at ai lim bo I 1 cited on the way latic fi ile my is mr PIXLEY tho the observer as a gentleman with masee ivo brain braa but bat with wih a beatt 10 feat at Q lo 10 to ellway et kop the brain io in julion jc lion as ai ono who biever could laic personal splice into inlo either lecture or cr a newspaper am a mearian cb I 1 upion of tho the poor bod and the iho Pal icell center or of rich sad and aria one who whited I 1 ft 6 novella thought to 0 bia base big opinions kroog ona always coo con areld i cimet rho e ot of thu the opinions of obbera 11 ditc c now noff that thai would nut not prove that porter vine B inird reador or that hoell his ha words nordi as ai anything moro more thou oil ad hand imp but if mr ideas oro eta correct in a cue cats of that kind it would he bo the duty of the rupurt rf purt to go outside of the be taMa appears appear once ance sad and leis hii theme to my may libet libat it is i all very wall for PIXLEY to talk on the subject or of grape rai bog but from the ibo CaliO roIn parara it was espy easy to show ebow that all his br life iid the lecturer bad been 1 a I bitter call vindictive eatery a cold friend to all savo bavo tho the rich so inconsistent path au aoi a mon man berried up with a man caw who while I 1 ilia ibo machine machi ac 1 earned to bo be a bon bois a man who could not bo be fair to do aa opp donl ono ODO la in whom tho the attorney was so BO firmly fixed it was for lim him to over ever fairly as aa some tho the function of it a judge and to weigh honestly tho the equities of it cause or a men mao and one in who he with aff ilia iila wonderful gaiter of language bred cover yd tat bear able to allor a word of ct censure of any man maa after that man had bad acquired thus might fall all bo be true irue but still it would hardly lish that what mr might say ay CD an the boain of grape crape rai aloff liht rot cot bo be to 10 cc the vine tau gave a local ot of Monug Dor CAPELS and aad such personal of the in mad llimet amy le RI is could bo be by ibo by ma caching ching team tho the dreu or of ilia orlin refuse an AD other reporter sought and obtained an int carriew with too 9 mao as Is common when men or 1 women that a giace no was as treat treated cal pre clidy IRS or b usaa B would bare bate bat bal there was nut one word sold cold oil adi tori nIly of the this million the argonaut edior unwell bita rho asmo ld d ibo laws ol 01 without waiting tor for which vi tto man maa might siy to egg attack with Q other call them the iha charge or of a portion of the ibe vicious v ic lone press of or an E eitan I 1 to if c oty ity the protein os as an ai of this cojo try null nod its iti so io and mid and la Is tao ado biagi ot of tuo the Aillo editor tut be r ally b ai ivi i vs vi that LIB bag course has li efu our it ia a eat cor bialt escarole iC sule vat at an ai sailor so 60 gia a at ks ba exl ty I 1 ia ia 12 an baoy ny baia 1 inedia needle a cuirko which pan ICU wel toll fur for him otga t 0 o pity it 11 t to who lassie cut co i seattle to lo make for him then th it he prieto lame if dpn Is a mcinti 14 nay mccorr a 0 ties sad aud scow cioc a cures n a a to OR 0 8 we ERZ ja tto argonaut do we c t ke romo foft oal al except was tani tt at td on c liar of wih wib toast aa log fl low s wo we object to that opi belt bet 11 at b comic it III alie ra 0 art rv nt at to is triage upon a ii poteat iteal ilia ibo li 10 to isac 11 ilia world knows ha ba b a asea t aluta bd I 1 h BJ ralzy or lose army 3 we to it farllow lebit so th I 1 use uio of it il by ito ilo renauf I 1 M i or convict beat ot of a t the ff IB int hit 10 lo editor la is it 11 im ia tile tic hob did I 1 ie a really ruall believe BUY ono coill biltl him m in li hit marked I 1 satirical ol of going diwa en ca his bu morrow boguse a aj ad d the nica into ol of position ori tion arld money to framer him by kicking liui lim ho he in that par kiage lond bid litt light to 10 claim for himself the place piece to ectal infamy la has ool not bom bod for a decarlo decade it ic to ii not a year nace ilce tio the dream ot of holding a 6 emall office guider mr ciliated him to get att down dowa ou on his bis belly and crawl for jim vote vota ol of the ropes irlea a CAU he be has delighted la in abusing fui for yme ator that thai it il in id but fair tle t bel OTO ore that clial wl wi a ea mr rix hoyord or lie be means merely an inferior grab anjo ODI and doss does not DOI imagine for a moment tbt any of bid tested and inherent lah oreal rights ar tre 0 be aboloff if g DAO I 1 a |