Show on Pro grooss 1 now mr bir asked a mp th ot or the iau it ita 1 M the close clean ol of clity year a IT experience pori ence do you think the ibo world rl it hu hose but or worse woree since you came mio into per itt that thai lj Is a large q que aHoo I 1 ll 11 said bir spurgeon 1 1 la omo fee ad wom WOH I 1 be for fire is 11 esloa 40 WIth more ifil cult to make 1 lithun idge rad mod the iho destitution to la in anoro to I 1 think ahta it ofer been bill be oa no the head baad there have brtva been many improvements la in the tha direct direction iou of tempe rao A whole elm clu of men who were very nu no I 1 fant came to a a london don bave become I 1 refer to them goodard rood nd who ever go drunk but w alio 1 a were in 10 the habit of t a any bolota aou a dt abete at leut aleut 1 never I 1 tz do the question of 1 ila aki as fleo A cadd berido Bt rido bod it although digit agra lord sh says eay caru ing the ibo growling of immorality mate upon allow overcrowding may inay la be ply pir loftily true I 1 thick there bu ban LS 10 lo hm como come about na improvement meat la in the iba attitude of people lowarl literature Itera ture our grand grandaunt aint b an am read books which out our dle would bo be ashamed to open and I 1 ia many OL oilier I 1 11 me y la thai be 1 of rope open vice V bod loaded hu has improved people old did linny afo 01 1 taint ellb they ibey would cover dreim does of f a BOW ibea baca IJ 14 at 11 coed gt great rca and I 1 fro in delight ed don to bur you Y U lell mo that lord lad she Y hid it v 4 hard only to lo have ft at AA A A anil ad ft fir una fill faaui ch bad we 0 will of DA dacostra conTra ol of the ibo bow hogue to a man with fib w h am a lio 1 a bu b coo it acting the ell ing in whisper oo do his taking 4 lil is I 1 uati A next tuesday ahall I 1 atilt be beat t he houie in da but bola IS 1 Viii visitor tor r 6 bell III GRACE wili lahill boholt pur p ri got meryl mary bin miry lie be ell hanec in kl at I 1 be wrong tod be labox macd led letting artilo lr tilo in you olt 9 it dy dow bow nd led the taca art jour alone b but I 1 I 1 tn you a L to bay bato the lear to enil ol 01 tho lajb to my boum |