Show 18 ET in the old days day the tha secra thundered from the hills bills of judie that ihm israels should be kings king and la in ilia iho pursuit of 0 that thai creed women were sold old into slavery al arery and men were wars slaughter laughter odana cd aad often little halo childred chil ebil drea by thou mods by br tens lens and aad hundreds of than manda at luti however the aarmon on oil the ibo mount took tangible form and to a listening its to ning world ilia message mine came that ilia ibo great god took no DO pleasure in fit human but that lie he represented in ID chanty and tore love and that those who best served him were thomi who wiped tho the most meet tears team from the eyes of their follow mca man ono one would havo have thought that uch such touching teaching would have monc ucal tho the licanto ot at men mca and filled tho the world s ith ilk joy tint that from heart to heart mud bad from lip to lip the words would have been spoken at last wo we have a clear conception of tho the nature motors ol at tho the everlasting everlu Ung god A especially one would litre have thought thel that those theme who under ibis ibia creed sought to lo oe ae some authority would have done so 10 in oil all humbleness bombIco cUi and that lust lic for power or lust for money would never dover have disturbed tho the deep actually of act llido r loula but bat it is truo true that from that day to tho the present they haro bare been uc do what they call gods edicts on oa itlear and points point jo in bombs ud and eolla cannon hots years year after the beam bad been crucified a 6 man close who culled called bicandi a kroplick pro plit who pretended to have haro como came to complete the work which the MAS ilu ter had begun and acreage to say bay bo be too turned to tho the sword ad hla his chief evangel bod and bowed his path to power through slaughter strangest Stran gelt still eul while ho be accepted the messiah he lived a life which had bad in it moro more of ili the animal than the moral he pictured to hie bi followers tollow cra that tho the heaven which wait reserved for tho the good wu was a place where sensual delights without astlett were perpetual and men heliend him anil and women too though his big bead was wait on the bosom of 6 favorite conc cona 0 no when ho he died during the six tau hundred years yean succeeding the era in so o called religious word wan leq so died by the millions tim the battle cries olt oa both aides aide wre were that the true ruo bellit must be sustained xu stained and ex tended tho the truth wu wait it was vw lust lustford for poor and money that cauich the wholesale cule murders murder ft at lait its a mba man began to bosert himself ilia people grew hot ter intimated the wisest saw law that them could be no DO pasco while ills ibo church assumed to in dictate to the state slate slowly lowly and nd by painful the defines began to emmadi pate themselves frimi ilia ibo priest ly IT t tolla ils abich hid bad I 1 drawn dran around them and just juit a as slowly religion reli gloa win wet forced back to its only daly legitimate the care or of the motifs of the race face after loog long implies of time the tail waa lined from ibo bullan face act bud and i a new world was revealed fa fur r man to to the north 01 ol ibis now world ft a race fees emigrated which was familiar wad anh the oie marrows which bad come to europe through priestly in ia gov gor ern ments and aad they a state slate W where hero there bo be no 00 between beman the civil bud aud tho the dif trent breedl but bat hardly bad aid tb ilia A new car government lasted fifty year berb when a man prade up op a wad who 0 lira bad never been becq lad declared that all wait wrong thai chat ho be was wait tho the una prophet that the old asiatic my afi teca M of ca enslaving slaving men mca aad d debasing and women was waa gods god way and strange an it may wool eem some men hollered believed him stranger still tomo some women be end a thai tac at man in dared to lo say esy that this republic public Hc must an net civo ive way as r to onta tho he dominion domi alon which ws was la 1 come c through him and his followers follow cra still preach the iho CUBB me sinister doctrine though this creed craca Is mocking cocking to toll roll civilization back three thousand years though it lutat a chain upon the necks 0 of f men and brands br anna women with alth ia fur fer fiti ionly onty its if followers cling to it and though it to la ft a steadily welling swelling menace to tile Nal dallons Natio lons aa liberties tho the nation doce doc tot bot seoul to be disturbed it it to grow and spread to preach treason and to defy the laws and this thia to ia after all tue the vast put after the ilia worlds record which shobei thowana as tho the trend are an turned backward MOM inor hAlly than anything else the bloody trail over which religious wars wara bare been fought and thin too lifter after the ibo freedom or of ibis land ha has been anil and continues cautioned to lc be such a boon to mackidd this creed places its llyl dan hand it upon too tho of the republic and it it U it advocates kd voute as the will ot of god something which will if let ilono take the froni from amcie homes and this we too claims that atiat it its work that the will of the be living and mere fg god may MAT bo be done strange Is it not noff I 1 |