Show dan ancee prayer for a wee week it paul dan acter a a soil add C clown 0 A a has baa been stay 1 g with his family in ID arle ancia pa tho the papers the of towns to la ol 01 blab b acla Nat bani la cus circus b baa a a beta performing may fifty le he w IS summarily dl by nathan for far is abigual drunkenness but bul the colonel deities this ho he squire ik sick kick justice whom death was vai hourly expected dropping U upon pon big ba knees koc the lue old clo clodo amill bagdi letus let ual pray and fand he be fech forthwith bic poured out ft a mot moat pathetic invocation ivock on that moved the family bod and friends to and doa cool had prayed at that bedside before him but nova bad the moiling melting tender beas acu and touching pathos of the clown lineup of those who abo heard it and liko children aw him in ID the iha biag hilt bill a few day ago go said tid had uan sears drought brought to their ST eye from act S A 1 v 0 laughter over ovar tho the gib Cs fullow w or oriD nullO it jukl ov ahe 7 he squire square is i rt C d bet better t or sod kod ED out t of dancer done |