Show THE complication thero ibm bui boo been baen DO a material ch fo lu in the a during put little or nothing bu boa been effected through some homo things bare been bean told which up the tb fog foe A good cokl it 16 found gull out ad u might hero bute been expected all along that arabi account of the tha light la Is broadly dill brout from thi oft english though the latar 1 is so DO doubt correct la in the tha main ean if lid stories about tho the egyptian but abo Irom clada ml through ti were wr promptly barbed up dat but arabi found the necessity upon him of out RO an of tb the itale which would chase hi his sew now jowl mad his orl art antall mind did pot fall fail to cupply the dec coo nury ile iio hill bu wastes aou ilc tlona mably bly bed bad some potty welcome ones bloc wh ich am enough to infuse the needful ardor lute into hll his arina 1 bag 10 I 1 egypt at his bl back sod the ip 1 po carlens except Is out hy by the british guns thu the at gumplo hij has re dulleA ru la in 1 I ITS and lid dici t among the lh powers go bo fr far have bac pro that cica a france the ciot CIO t lly land british bad la Is abl this buIu iM I 1 Is bacus ad 4 of pt arsat jay france la is op ap patently afraid that great britain will r to amo direct ill matrol of the suez sue cook and nd this view li Is based on lly on ka of ilia british b 1 irla I that the power dor does the work ork Is entitled to in tb the benefit beu clit this was u our wa view of th the natural cat coattails cattails tails ex tit d sent time ago turkey it breed u iad to datlo declare to arabi a but dont do dolt it us ib clift rr ehg goods him a of 0 tho rho highs older turkey is i limed to to in quell audi the in but the porto borlo instate auto upon tho the withdrawal or the iba british troops I 1 or of tho the powers power seem m tit ato panel to 10 do ought but quarrel object rid ad ond find axce except pt great brit kin and she lio movel mom very try slowly her great trouble wing lull lack of soldiers liv E ery cry dayt days delay adds to arabis power 1 and A do atory y little succeed 06 woo ano 0 to o lit afi prestige I 1 ila ho Is at 1 I p men mm autor r 0 of f the situation whether ho he can retain this after ur the tri vat or ortho the britian loud load troops troop by means 1 of I flood flooding lg tho the country and or of him hl supora or dumber Is 1 the question of the fatur the are ru that lio be cannot for though englana bu ban comparatively few troops to spats ale aboy can cully beat bat tile tho EP tId if they are lad 14 against them and ad their forre force not by delays abat bat tile attitude of other powers will be OR on ur ili british attaining success li Is CD an uncertain for they are about u me they coo be now and od so iq case of failure their Is even cren moro more un on cartain it 1 possible tilo there Is but one reason baia and germany appear anxious to light austria wants me of turkey la in europe Glib Olida lAtono toDO should ally himself with ito mi la rod and austria toko take egypt give coo aam atm to the czar cir and ad lot austria to greece germany Gori Bany and add france would thus bo be twisted for they could not dot unite and neither would be ba strong irons enough singly to atop tho the par that looms loom to Us the practical tl solution BOl atlon of the difficulty to te reached ached after much bloodshed blood thod it Is t artia m b but t to bo be reached kod uio the bloo bloodshed dolle detill will como come anyhow |